When the future intervenes (IC)


Broken Panda
Mar 6, 2015
11 July 2012

It became clear by now that the huge ship which had suddenly appeared through the Black Hole wasn't moving. There was no activity around this ship, nor any activity directed at the people of Earth. Everywhere there were an increase in Police and Army presence, these actions were questioned, but no real answer were given. There were meetings held all over the planet behind closed doors, the results of these meetings highly classified.

It was during the day on side of the planet and of course during the night on the other side, that all signals suddenly went dead, the only signals left operating was those used by airplanes and boats to navigate, GPS signals remained, but all other signals were gone. Hard wire signals were gone as well. All electronic equipment which held a monitor went dead, again only the necessary screens which would not cause deaths were left to operate. This immediately caused panic, but then an emblem appeared on these screens. It was a white on blue image of the Earth and underneath it a laurel wreath in gold. Then the signal cut out and everything returned to normal.

All over the world people started to make this off as a prank, a publicity stunt.

13 July 2012

All signals suddenly went dead, the only signals left operating was those used by airplanes and boats to navigate, GPS signals remained, but all other signals were gone. Hard wire signals were gone as well. All electronic equipment which held a monitor went dead, again only the necessary screens which would not cause deaths were left to operate. Again this immediately caused panic, but then an emblem appeared on these screens. It was a white on blue image of the Earth and underneath it a laurel wreath in gold. A man stepped in front of this picture and cleared his throat, when he started to speak, all the nations all over the world heard his message in the main language of their country. This message came from any device able to pick up a signal.

"Greetings people of Earth. My name is Prime Schwartz and we come to you as the bearers of dire news. Your planet will not survive the next five hundred years. We are not extraterrestrials despite the fact that we appeared to you from beyond your atmosphere, we are humans who have traveled from the future to come and warn you. We have come here for one reason only, to alter the path of our past and your future. The hole in the ozone layer is a fact, global warming is a fact and the Greenhouse effect is a fact. These are just three of the biggest criseses that this planet faces, the constant use of fossil fuels to power your homes, your vehicles and your weapons are depleting the planet and also killing it. The constant removal of trees, the lack of population control, the constant pollution of the ocean and the air, all of these are things that will kill you in the future."

He took a deep breath,

"As of now, we are initiating Operation Preservation. All of your armies whom are on foreign soil, will be withdrawn immediately. This is the first step and you will have exactly 36 hours to comply. If by this time your units are still on the ground in foreign soil, they will be exterminated. All military equipment which can not be moved within this time period will be left behind. All your satellites with strike capabilities will be destroyed within the next thirty minutes. All your marine activities will be withdrawn to your own waters, you have forty eight hours to comply. And if you think that your marine vehicles are hidden from us..."

The screen changed to a green on black 3D image of the Earth, suddenly lights flared to life, all of them red, then the screen switched back to Prime Schwartz, "As you can see, it isn't. All hostilities will be ceased immediately, any infraction of this cease fire will be met with harshly. All special operation and dark operation soldiers will be withdrawn immediately. If they attract any fire, the assailants will be dealt with immediately."

He continued,

"United Peacekeeper soldiers will also be withdrawn and sent back to their own countries, you have thirty six hours to comply."

He looked deeply troubled after his declaration, seemingly very reluctant to give these ultimatums.

"I am sorry, but this is the first and most important phase. At least soldiers will be able to return to their loved ones. The countdown to these requests starts now. Our ships will enter your atmosphere, please do not fire on them, this will be seen as an act of aggression and we will retaliate. These ships will have one mission only, to assure that all soldiers are withdrawn and that the cease fire will not be breached, let this also be a warning to any freedom fighters and terrorists, we will not allow you to continue your operations. We will be in touch again. This is Prime Schwartz signing off."
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Prime Schwartz

He turned away from the view screen to face ALSA and General Turc. "You are certain there is no way that they will just comply peacefully?"

Turc shook his head, when he spoke, his voice was a deep, gruff rumble, "No sir. Throughout history it has always been this way. The only way to bring order is to wield the biggest stick."

Stephen heaves a slight sigh and nod slightly, "See to it then."

He turned back to the view screen to look at Earth, it looked so different, so green, so blue, so white, so...vibrant. He knew that all the view ports throughout the station would house faces who stared out passed the moon at the magnified Earth. He wondered if they also marveled at how beautiful it looked in this day and age, even with the amount of damage being done to it already. He sighed again and looked over his shoulder at ALSA, "ALSA allow control's radio traffic, I want to hear what is going on out there."
13 July 2012

A shocked silence ruled the room, the Joint Chiefs were busy discussing the disruption of signal two days before when the message came through. They had been given an ultimatum, but was this a very elaborate prank or not?

General Turrin picked up the telephone at his elbow, "Get me NORAD."

The telephone at General Edwards' elbow rang and he answered it, he blanched slightly, then pressed a button to activate the speaker phone, which linked with the whole room, "Repeat that Collins."

"Sir, we have activity from outside the uhm craft. Smaller craft, but our tracking can't keep up with them. They are extremely fast. They are heading to positions outside our atmosphere."

"Collins, are they nearing our Payload sats?"

A brief silence, "Yes sir."

"Download all data immediately, do not waste any time."

"Yes sir, right away."

The connection went dead and the general looked around the table, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems that answer the legitimacy of that message."

The president leaned forward, "Do we have any retaliation capabilities?"

The general nodded, "Yes sir, but I am not up to date with that, the person who can answer you will have to do be called." He motioned his aide closer, "Get me Margareta Printers on the line as fast as you can."

"Sir do you really think it is wise to think about retaliation?"

The president spread his hands helplessly, "We need to keep our options open."

Turrin replaced the telephone, "Sir, NORAD just picked up ships entering our atmosphere. In total there is about three thousand. An AWACS has one of these planes in view, their feed is being patched through."

The tactical screen blanked out and then a craft appeared on the screen, the president took one look at the image and motioned his own aide closer, "Get me Professor Noltz, now." The aide hurried away to answer the request.

"This craft is currently in Russian air space, as far as we can tell the Russians are warning it to leave, but so far they have received no answer."

Suddenly missile strikes can be seen hitting the craft, but there is no damage at all. The assembled generals look on in dismay as cannon fire and missile strikes from six Mig-31's rake the craft, but still it seems to take no damage.

"Sir there has been an all frequency broadcast in Russian, it came from the craft, warning the airplanes that their attacks will be met with extreme force if they do not desist in their attacks."

On screen, six pulses of pure, white light shoots out from the nose of the craft and before their very eyes, the airplanes disintegrate, leaving no trace behind that there were ever any airplanes.

"Sir they have just issued a warning to our AWACS."

The president blanched, "Get them out of there!"

The general had his phone in his hand already, "Flight Zero Tango Niner, abort, return to base."

On screen the image banked and the craft slid out of view as the surveillance aircraft rushed to follow orders.

"Sir? Six of the craft have just appeared in our air space."

The president ran a hand through his hair, "Return all aircraft to bases. Withdraw our foreign based troops and may God have mercy if we are under attack."
Margaretha "Mark"

Since the 11th. I had had barely time to collect my thoughts and I hadn't even thought about getting some sleep. Coffee -which I hated- and some other slightly less legal products kept me on my feet (most of the time on my seat actually).

Phone call after phone call, meeting after meeting, with my team, with some NASA geeks, with people who hadn't really bothered to talk seriously with me before and with some people of whom I thought I would never speak to. They all wanted my expertise.

What expertise? What did they think we knew more about the ship than they did? The only thing I kept telling them was: Take it serious! They made it here, they hacked each and every thing operating by 0s and 1s. Most to stop doing what the should do and some to keep doing what hey should do! No, I (sometimes I said "we") don't know where they came from. Why I keep saying "they"? Because such a ship logically is not operated by one person whatever he/she/it is, comes from, is made of or designed for."

And then the message came. Finally someone had found me a sammich and I just had taken the first bite when the phone rang. Again!

"Pass me Commander Printers ASAP!" someone ordered.

"On the phone!" I said somewhat inarticulate because I had my mouth full.

"On the phone?" he repeated. I nodded. Squeezed out a "yes" and took another bite.

"I am the CO of four. There are five people in this division. We answer our own phones. BTW I am eating my first sammich in twelve hours, so I might be a bit difficult to understand."

It was silent for a moment on the other side which gave me time to swallow and take the next bite.

"The Joint Chiefs want to know what retaliation capabilities we have."

"Until we know more about them I advise to take no retaliation. I repeat: No retaliation! Don't try it even. If we hurt them they'll have learned a lot. If we don't hurt them they'll have learned a lot more."
Walker grumbles. Friday the 13th...Seriously?

Walker awoke with a very familiar nude honey blondes arm draped across his chest softly snoring. The sheet lay low across her shapely hips as he gently lifts the arm to slide out from under the sleeping form without waking the girl. Walking away only to be jerked right back, looks back to find the tail of his robe snared about the leg of headboard. With a very incoherent grumble its tugged free, shuffling to the bathroom he jumps seeing himself in the mirror. The reason being is his hair looks as if a tornado hit as its sticking every which way. Choosing to do nothing about it he uses the facilities and washes his hands, splashes his face with cold water. Drying his face and hands before he stumbles off into the kitchen to his daily battle with the coffee maker.

He was actually able to do it right, once in awhile he mused. Waiting for it to make turns to taking a pizza box from the fridge, to eat a slice and turns a little TV on. The news had obviously been leaked of a possible planetary invasion, "I knew it's only a matter of time. Throwing a pizza crust at the TV because it didn't work that awful white noise on every channel "Damn TV!" The coffee maker was ready so he pours a mug, adds a little cream and four spoons of sugar. Taking the last two slices the pizza box goes into a home built shredder. Obviously a function over form composter bits of cardboard drop on a conveyor belt, only to end up as food for his babies out in the greenhouse hybrid Marijuana that is. Walking into the living room turning the TV was working on. "It's not a hoax sources say the White House, Congress, Senate and Pentagon surrounded by mobile ballistic missile launchers."

All branches of the military are on highest alert, and all Military Servicemen overseas have been recalled to the US mainland. All calls to the Whitehouse have gone unanswered thus far, which is unusual to say the least. David Gregory repor..." The screen goes fuzzy then replaced by this weird emblem. "SERIOSLY?!...WHAT KIND OF CRAZY BULLSHIT IS THIS!" Throwing the remote at the TV it's a bulllseye, but it ricochets off the cat it screeched and ran off. Startling Sam she sat up instantly those big blue grey eyes were wide open with fear. As she had up so quickly the sheet an afterthought to barely cover a shapely naked body.

"Walker, What Are You Shouting About This Time?!" Cringing at the racket he'd just made slowly looking over his shoulder. "Sooory...come see for yourself Sammy." Gathering up the sheet, to stand up in the middle of the bed. Walking across the bed, steps on the seat to the floor and over to Walker on the couch. "Ooook...but don't yell like that...you scared me." Flouncing down beside him with a pout, putting her arms around him cuddling close. Picking up the remote that ricocheted back to the couch, hopefully it isn't broken and still works. Selecting the recording of the NBC news, playing it for her what he had watched.

As the recorded newscast played Sammy trembles at what David Gregory said. Turning to Walker wide eyed trembling with tears run down her cheeks. "What Does It Mean Walker, It's Really Frightening Me!" Wrapping their arms around his neck face buried into his neck. Wrapping his arms around her, see's he's holding a pizza crust flips it to his Jack Russell that leaps up catches it. "I'm not going to lie to you Honey, I have no way to know love." Giving hopefully a comforting hug." What happened next is something Walker is somewhat prepared for. Sam on the other hand wasn't prepared whatsoever and it showed. She had clung to him before, never as tightly as possible looking at the TV, a terrified expression as tears stream down their cheeks. Taking the sleeve of his robe drying her eyes softly.

"Greetings people of Earth. My name is Prime Schwartz and we come to you as bearers of dire news. Your planet will not survive the next five hundred years. We're not extraterrestrials despite the fact that we appeared to you from outside your atmosphere, we are humans who have traveled from the future to come and warn you. We have come here for one reason only, to alter the path of our past and your future. The hole in the ozone layer is a fact, global warming is a fact and the Greenhouse effect is a fact. These are just three of the biggest crises that this planet faces, the constant use of fossil fuels to power your homes, your vehicles and your weapons are depleting the planet and also killing it. The constant removal of trees, the lack of population control, the constant pollution of the ocean and the air, all of these are things that will kill you in the future."

"As of now, we are initiating Operation Preservation. All of your armies whom are on foreign soil, will be withdrawn immediately. This is the first step and you will have exactly 36 hours to comply. If by this time your units are still on the ground in foreign soil, they will be exterminated. All military equipment which can not be moved within this time period will be left behind. All your satellites with strike capabilities will be destroyed within the next thirty minutes. All your marine activities will be withdrawn to your own waters, you have forty eight hours to comply. And if you think that your marine vehicles are hidden from us..."

The screen changed to a green on black 3D image of the Earth, suddenly lights flared to life, all of them red, then the screen switched back to Prime Schwartz, "As you can see, it isn't. All hostilities will be ceased immediately, any infraction of this cease fire will be met with harshly.

All special operation and black operation soldiers will be withdrawn immediately. If they attract any fire, the assailants will be dealt with immediately." United Peacekeeper soldiers will also be withdrawn and sent back to their own countries, you have thirty six hours to comply."

He looked deeply troubled after his declaration, seemingly very reluctant to give these ultimatums. "I am sorry, but this is the first and most important phase. At least soldiers will be able to return to their loved ones. The countdown to these requests starts now. Our ships will enter your atmosphere, please do not fire on them, this will be seen as an act of aggression and we will retaliate. These ships will have one mission only, to assure that all soldiers are withdrawn and that the cease fire will not be breached, let this also be a warning to any freedom fighters and terrorists, we will not allow you to continue your operations. We will be in touch again. This is Prime Schwartz signing off."

Sammy ... Sammy! She didn't respond as Walker raised his voice, unwrapping her arms around his neck. Getting in front of her to hold her face in his hands to look her in the eyes. Patting her cheeks firmly while calling Sammy repeatedly, until he yelled with a firm slap she blinks slowly. Gradually coming around she realizes what's happening, she'd grab sobbing until there were no more tears. Stroking her back comfortingly he whispers loving comforting words to her.

''Shhhh ... it's alright my girl, I won't let anyone hurt you. So stop worrying about futurists. The Russians will do something extremely stupid, like fire on those ships after told not too. Remember me saying yesterday a show of force is what it takes to get the establishments attention?" She nods against his neck saying "Mhm" Reaching up to run his fingers through her silken tresses. "That's right Babe. It's proof they're just like us and really know their, well our common history. If they were aliens they wouldn't stop attaching but they aren't doing that. So please don't be scared .. OK my girl, for me? Pulling back Sam kisses him on the lips firmly then looks deeply into Walkers eyes smiling. "OK .. For you I will" Walker grins. "That's my girl. I'll go heat you some soup? Sam nods. "After last night, I am very hungry."
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Max Goldwin

It was fair to say that Max Godwin had not been himself of late. For one thing, his mood reflected the weather, which was stormy. At that moment his troubled face stared at the green light he could not go through because some many people had run the red light on the crossing street.

“Assholes!” He said to himself as he waited for the road to clear. Another gust of air pushed on his car. It was going to rain … he knew it. Finally, the intersection cleared and it was his turn. He just made it through before the light turned yellow.

Max pulled into the local Starbucks near Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska. The base was the home of U.S. Strategic Command, where Max worked. The engine of his old/classic Ford Mustang coughed a few times. The car rattled, almost stalled but kept running. He sighed, unrolled his window. He ordered one vanilla latte. The barista stared back at him unsmiling like he was some kind of monster. “FUCK OFF CUNT … and make my coffee!!” He said to her. The young lady went to make his coffee, probably spit in it too ... he did not care.

Max made people feeling uncomfortable. They sensed somehow he was an asshole. Maybe it was his body language or how he looked, but they all seemed to figure it out pretty quickly. This however bugged him. It just made him more of an asshole because they were treating him differently.

He knew he could be nice. But it had been so long since he had been nice, it would require effort. Today however, he was not even trying to be tolerant. He was in a bad mood …and he had a very good reason for his disposition.

He had received the news from the Navy doctors that he had stage 4 cancer and would be dead in 6 months. He thought that even “nice” people could be assholes after they heard news like that.

The coffee was ready and he placed it in the car’s cup holder. “Pull yourself together your boss has something important for you to work on” he told himself. He swept his hand through his curling red hair, which fell naturally to the left. He had a serious, but gloomy face with a red beard. He was forty five years old but he had a youthful complexion that made him look closer to thirty five. He had bright green eyes. He was in a suit and tie today for the important meeting.

He drove his car the three blocks to the entrance of Offutt Air Force Base and then on to U.S. Strategic Command building. As he parked his car, the rain started to come down.

“FUCK MY LIFE” he said as he got out and went into the building.

Advanced Life Simulation and Aide (ALSA)

ALSA patched the control's radio traffic through, filtering the millions of signals down to the few that Prime Schwartz would most likely want to hear.

“They are only using 148 bit encryption techniques, so we can listen in on all their classified channels as well.” She informed Schwartz. ALSA was the most advanced android built by the humans of the future. Her job was to assist Prime Stephen Schwartz. She could interface directly with the main ship and control various ship functions. She was also programmed as a doctor, a psychiatrist, body guard, and ship’s communication officer.

ALSA could tell Stephen needed her reassurance. ALSA was dressed in an all-white outfit, as if she was pure, innocent, and a virgin. The outfit also made her look like she was an angel. The symbolism would be useful if the present day earthling ever saw her. But Stephen knew she was no virgin. She was as passionate as any woman, maybe more so. The white outfit contrasted with her long, lush, brunette hair and her big, bright, blue eyes. The fact that she had a large chest and an amazing figure also dispelled any thoughts of her innocence. She was mesmerizing; a sexy sight to see, that hypnotized those that looked at her with her beauty.

ALSA walked over to Stephen as her big chest shifted in her white outfit. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

“There is an old saying … you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.” She told Stephen. “You gave them a warning… now let things play out naturally.” She reassured Stephen.
11 July 2012,

“What the fuck do you mean find out if their hostile or not!” Alysa screams into the tact as she dives behind a small section of stone wall that was being turned into Swiss cheese by heavy machine gun fire. She rolls to a prone position, sticking her hard out stopping her unit from moving across the kill zone they have set up. “Holy fuck!” She stammers while pushing her face down into the ground as portions of the wall was showering over her. “I really don’t think they are friendly!” She shouts back into the tact as the voice on the other end continues to tell her that she needs to confirm that the occupants of the building are hostile.

“What the fuck!” Alysa tapped her headset as it fell silent. She shot a glare across the zone to her second, which was mimicking her actions of tapping on his tact. His head rose up and gave her the sign of communications down. She nodded her understanding before giving him the signal to flank the nest on his far side. He nodded and moved the squad back to flank the nest from its right side. She rolled to her right using the base of the wall for some coverage as she was going to try to flank from the left.

She nearly jumped off the ground when the tact squelched back on as fast as it was cut out. She requested a radio check, in which she was once again greeted by the asshole coordinator that was yelling for her squad to confirm that she received the order to confirm hostilities. She just shook her head as she keyed the man and reestablished communications with her unit. She smiled as the machine guns fell silent, and the all clear came over the tact from her second.

She pushed herself up from the ground and low walked to the side of the building. Peering around the corner her gaze fell upon the three-man nest, which showed evidence of a well place grenade, ended the crisis at hand. “Keep moving we have to find the cargo before it gets moved.” She ordered while moving inside the building. Her mission was labeled ‘At all Cost!” which meant that everyone was expendable unless the cargo was retrieved before that happened.

She linked back up with her squad as the pushed forward. The resistance was minimal which made her uncomfortable, she began to question the intelligence that they got as they pushed deeper into the complex. There were only a few pockets of resistance, which seemed to her that they were more focused on trying to slow them down, than engaging them. She gave the signal for a faster breach for she just had that gut feeling that the cargo was being moved.

The fighting went from slowing down to engagement as the resistance realized the faster breach was occurring. The pockets became more numbers and tighter tactics, but Alysa was already sick of hearing the asshole from command wanting location reports and status report. “I will fucking tell you when we reach our target zone!” She stammered, “Dig, on my authorization switch to secondary unit frequency.” She knew that would be her ass but the command dick was driving her nuts.

Half-hour and twenty merc terrorists later Alysa and squad reached the target zone and to her fear the cargo was gone. “She lowered her head and looked over to her second.” His face mimicked hers. She switched over to the command frequency … “We have reached target zone. Cargo is gone,” I repeat, “Cargo is gone.” Her anger riddled her tone as she ordered her team to comb the place for any information where or how the cargo was being transported or taken too.

“Commander!” She gave the halt order to her squad. “Yes Sir,” the voice was of the Colonel’s instead of the dick mission coordinator. “You are to return to base immediately…” His tone was cold, confusing, “Sir the Ca … “… “Now! Commander.” the tact went dead. Reluctantly she gave the fall back order and returned to base.

Angrily she made a beeline for the Colonel’s office but was cut off by a female’s voice that was calling her name. She spun around and was looking eye to eye to the General’s aide. “You are wanted in the General’s office immediately.” Alysa nodded and followed the woman to the General’s office fearing that maybe her failure in retrieving the cargo was the failure that was going to end her career.

It was only a few seconds in the office that she slid down into her chair with eyes wide and mouth gapped open. The news of a ship coming out of a black hole was shocking and very much overwhelming. “Yes, Sir… I understand. We are to assist with keeping this information detained and out of the public knowledge.” She and her unit were being sent to Germany for the European conference.

13 July 2012,

Alysa was just as stunned as the world was when the broadcast came over everything. She was immediately called into the General’s office once more and was giving new orders that she and her team were to respond to non-complying special forces or black op units that didn’t comply with the Visitors demands. She nodded her understanding but didn’t like these orders for there were some units out there that made her team look like a Monday night bridge team. “Yes Sir,” She responded before being dismissed to prepare her team and wait to see if any forces refused to comply with the visitors requests…
"Until we know more about them I advise to take no retaliation. I repeat: No retaliation! Don't try it even. If we hurt them they'll have learned a lot. If we don't hurt them they'll have learned a lot more."

At this the president entered the conversation, "I appreciate your concern and I understand that it will be foolish to fire unless fired upon. But I want to know if we can defend ourselves if need be."

He turned towards a technician, "Send her the video from the AWACS. Commander we are sending you material shot earlier over Russia. These craft seem to be impervious to our normal weaponry, that is why I want to know if there is anything in your line of work that might help."

The door opened and an elderly man in a sharp business suit stepped inside, the president waved him over and rose enough to shake the man's hand, before sitting down again. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce Professor Noltz. Please professor have a seat. Run all the footage we have on the craft in our atmosphere."

The man sat down and the screen came to live, showing the craft from different angles, some with sound and others not. The professor watched with rapt attention, obviously mesmerized by the craft, then suddenly he shook his head, "Impossible. With that design, there is just no way that they should be able to move so slowly, there is just not any propulsion that we have that can match that."

"And theoretically?"

"That is another story mister president, there have been work done on alternative energy and using it as propulsion since the early seventies, but with the funding and secrecy surrounding it, we are far from creating anything close to what that craft is displaying. If I am not mistaken, one or two of these engine ideas have been forwarded to the SF project to see if we can actually get this to work. I am not privy to what happens inside the SF so I can't really say if we have anything to only produce that lift and movement. As for the weapon, it seems like a LASER, but I can't say for sure. In light of what they did to those planes, our own tests looks like child's playing with building blocks."

The professor sat back and frowned, "Though there might be somebody who could have an idea on the propulsion used by these craft. Walker Arthur Fredrickson the third. He is a bit unstable and quite eccentric, but his mind works in a totally different way sir. He have been working on an alternative energy engine for years and even now, we have not come close to the technology he is thinking up and making work."

The president nodded, "Get him here...no wait, let's move this meeting to the Situation Room, bring Mister... Fredrickson was it? Bring him there as soon as you can find him. Also get us a video link with Commander Printers, she might be able to give us more information"

With that the meeting was finished and everybody rushed to get to the Situation Room as soon as possible.
ALSA walked over to Stephen as her big chest shifted in her white outfit. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

“There is an old saying … you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.” She told Stephen. “You gave them a warning… now let things play out naturally.” She reassured Stephen.

Stephen patted ALSAs hand on his shoulder and listened to the commands issued from various countries, the ship's system translating the broadcasts immediately, so he heard a stream of voices in English. Already several countries complied with the request, North America, most of South America, European countries. The Russians, Chinese and North Korean armies had decided to flex muscles and already attack jet planes have been destroyed by their craft.

"Sir? We may have a problem. There is a huge Chinese force in Afghanistan, they are readying to attack our ship. Already they have fired upon the ship, no damage."

"ALSA patch me through."

There was a click in his ear and the voice of General Turc chimed into his ear, "We seem to have a little snag here Prime. These soldiers refuses to move out."

"What are you doing down there General?"

He could actually see the soldier grin as he replied, "I am a soldier sir, I belong in the field."

He suppressed a sigh, "Alright, put me on loud."

Another click and a different voice said, "You're hot sir. Just tap when you are done."

When Stephen spoke, his words were automatically translated into Chinese and broadcasted to a PA system mounted on the undercarriage.

"Soldiers of the People's Republic of China, please be reasonable. We only want to save this world, staying here will cause your own harm and bring immeasurable pain to your loved ones to whom you will not be returning. I urge you to rethink this action you are making."

"RPG round just hit us. Negative on damage, positive on the message they are sending."

"I am sorry to say this, but this is your last warning. Further hostile actions will be seen as an unprovoked attack since you are not defending your home country."

He tapped the comm unit and a click sounded in his ear, General Turc reported, "Well your words had some effect Prime, but I doubt you would like the bullets and missiles hitting us now. Still negative on damage."

Stephen sighed, "Are there any foreign eyes on you?"

"Yes sir, three that we know of, which means it is just them."

"Then engage the hostile force general."

"Yes sir."

"ALSA show me the attack."
US Stratcom HQ

Everyone leaving the meeting had white faces and looks of disbelief, everyone except Max Goldwin. Max’s face had a puzzled look about it. He was trying to figure something out. He was not scare of the aliens or future humans or whatever they were. He was going to die in 6 month anyhow, so he was not scared. In fact, if the human race was going to get wiped out in the next few days he welcomed it. It would relieve him of 5 months of pain and suffering.

So Max was not scared. Max was a man trying to figure out an angle, an angle that would work best for him. The angle presented itself two hours later that day.

Commander (CDR) Jan Zelhorst was a Dutch exchange officer working at US Stratcom. This might seem strange to some people, that the US would allow a foreign exchange officer to be involved with the country’s nuclear weapons, but if nuclear deterrence was going to work your allies and your enemies needed to believe the weapons worked. CDR Zelhorst was an expert in the US nuclear weapon targeting program.

CDR Zelhorst had short cut, very blonde, well-groomed hair that neatly framed his long face. His blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and were meticulously watching everything around him. There was glee and mirth in his face, even if his eyes seemed to be watching everything. He was one of the tallest people at the command standing at 6’8” tall but he had a light frame.

Two hours after the meeting with Admiral Bull, everyone was huddled around Jan’s desk including the Admiral. The Dutch Commander was pointing at his screen and explained what he had discovered.

“I overlaid the image provided by the aliens with the known location of our ballistic missile submarines. You will note that the aliens have got the location wrong for two of your submarines.” CDR Jan Zelhorst explained in good English but with a Dutch accent.

“FUCK …They are not off by much” Max pointed out.

“I agree … but why is there any error at all? All the other submarines are located exactly” The Commander said “You will note USS New Mexico SSN-779 is under the ice of the North Pole. I believe that is affecting their locating ability.”

“But that does not explain the error on USS Henry M. Jackson (SSBN-730); she is in the middle of the pacific.” Someone pointed out.

“I think I know the answer to that.” The Dutch Commander “USS Henry M. Jackson just came out of the shipyard and they made an error with her degaussing system. That error was known but they decided to send her to sea anyhow. The plan was to fix the system later during her deployment.”

“So what!! Her degaussing system is fucked … big deal” Max said rudely.

CDR Jan looked at him “Alien or advanced humans … physics is physics. They cannot break the laws of physics. Physics remains the same. The bad guys in space are using the earth’s magnetic field lines to find the submarines. Submarines, because of all the metal will cause the lines to bend slightly. It turned out that ice and degaussing systems change magnetic field lines too. I think we have a way fooling the aliens about the location of our subs.” Commander Jan Zelhorst concluded.

“Yes … every sub has a degaussing system!! Good job Dutchie!!” Admiral Bull said slapping the tall man on the back. “Now how do we tell our own guys and the russkies about this?” He said

Everyone was looking at the Admiral wondering what he was talking about. He shrugged his shoulders “NSA has concluded they have broken all our digital comms … only face to face communications are secure” He explained to the group.

Max smiled to himself … he had his angle!!

The programming of artificial intelligence (AI) systems had made great leaps forward once it was discovered that these systems needed BDI. The addition of belief–desire–intention software (usually referred to simply, but ambiguously, as BDI) installed into the AI beliefs, desires and intentions. In turn the AI actually used these concepts to solve particular problems in the outside world as well as problems in the AI’s own programming.

ALSA desire was not to harm humans and in particular she did not want to harm Stephen. His request to watch the attack would harm him. She was fully aware how much he disliked violence and how badly it would influence him if his saw what was about to happen. So her programming kicked in.

“Stephen … let’s shift the view screen to a more interest development. It seems a growing number of people on the planet think this is all a conspiracy theory. Like the Holocaust denial, or the fake moon landings. Everything that is happening is something invented in Hollywood or written about on literotica. It’s not really happening” ALSA suggested to Stephen

“ALSA … I see what you are trying to do … stop it. I need to see this. Put the battle on the screen.” Stephen said firmly.

“Stephen … this will affect you. You don’t have to watch.” ALSA pleaded with him

“Put it on” Stephen said one last time.

The screen showed the battlefield with the Soldiers of the People's Republic of China.

ALSA turned away; she did not want to watch.
Prime Schwartz

ALSA was right though, he didn't want to watch, in fact there was no real need to actually watch. But he steeled himself and crossed his left arm over his stomach, holding his right elbow, resting his chin on his right fist as he watched their craft move forward.

The first target, a Type-99 tank.

A solid ball of blue light flashed from a turrent on the undercarriage of the craft. This ball contained nano bots, programmed at the moment that target acquisition was made. Once they hit the target, they activate and start to devour the target and in this make duplicates of themselves carrying the same programming. The rate at which these bots work creates a massive amount of energy, this energy can be witnessed as heat. Once the target is eliminated, the nanites self destruct, leaving just a scorched area where their target first stood.

First the turrent of the tank seemed to fold in on itself, then heat waves started to emanate from it. Then smoke. No explosion came though, the whole tank seemed to melt away, leaving a circle of scorched earth behind. The screams of the soldiers inside the tank came clearly over their radios and from the outside sensors of the craft.

Stephen had to clench on his teeth, feeling a tear welling up in each eye as more flashes from the craft lashed out at the vehicles, more screams following. White strobes of light flashed out as well, vaporizing soldiers. Finally the commander could hold his troops at bay no longer and they broke and fled. They were allowed to leave, but those who remained and kept firing their weapons soon died along with their commander.

"All clear."

The general's voice was calm, like a man who had not just taken part in the massive destruction of an armed unit. When Stephen spoke there was a slight catch in his voice, "Affirmative, continue with mission."

He cleared his throat and turned away from the screen, his hands wringing together, "ALSA, switch off the view. I think the world has gotten our message."
Mark, still at the phone

At this the president entered the conversation, "I appreciate your concern and I understand that it will be foolish to fire unless fired upon. But I want to know if we can defend ourselves if need be."

He turned towards a technician, "Send her the video from the AWACS. Commander we are sending you material shot earlier over Russia. These craft seem to be impervious to our normal weaponry, that is why I want to know if there is anything in your line of work that might help."

I shouted out to my fellows, thanked the president and put the phone down. Moments later when the images came all four were hanging over my shoulders to get the best view on my laptop screen.

"I …"
"What the heck?"
"This can't be true!"
"They remembered!"

This all was shouted into my ears. My mouth had dropped open.

The cacophony continued, now with my voice in it too.

"A Bird of Prey!"
"They did it! marvelous!"
"Never thought I would see one in RL!" (I)
"Are we sure they aren't Klingons?"
"I have a dictionary somewhere, it has been a while since I was fluent."
"It flies beautifully." (Me again)
"Must be a good pilot!"
"NuqneH. Blplv'a, qaleghqa'mo' jIQuch. Qapla'!"
"Not very imaginative of them though."
"It could be a commemorate thingy?"
"Mev! TammoH!" That was me again. They stopped. I got the silence I asked for, but only for a second. Then they started to compliment me on my wonderful commanding accent.

After a while our brainstorming became a bit more serious and soon we came to the following conclusions:

1) They choose the Bird of Prey because nearly everyone would have seen one sometime and even if they wouldn't be conscious of where and when it would be a familiar sight.
2) A Bird of Prey is made to intimidate.
3) They want to intimidate us to stop us from retaliation.
4) Thus they must be basically friendly and not wanting to destroy us, if we complied.
5) If we wouldn't comply, they were ready to destroy us and had the means to do so.
6) They still watched "Star Trek".
7) Just knowing the "Star Trek" Birds of Preys' lay-outs did not tell us anything about these BoPs.
8) They really came from the future, had developed the means to make a toy fly for real and had developed the corresponding weaponry.
9) They were darn good engineers. And very imaginative ones.
10) Just for good measure we would seek out some of the 'crazy' ideas we had been working on and try to find out which ones might be possible sources for the BoPs weaponry and propulsion.

I leaned back in my chair, my fellows were comfortable around, on and half under my desk.

"So this is what I am going to tell the president?" Nods and yeahs and yeps confirmed me.

Thus I picked up the phone again and asked for the president. I wasn't really surprised when he came on the phone after only two aids.

"BoPs, Mr, President. Birds of Prey. That is what their vessels are based on. Klingon Birds of Prey." I then read him the list we had made and emphasized number ten.
The US Stratcom memo

The memo was handwritten just in case the alien/humans could access Stratcom computers. Adm Bull personal flew it to Washington and delivered it to the national security staff. He stayed in the area in case the president or his advisers needed any additional information.

The memo stated:

Classification: TOP SECRET
Mr. President,
1) All US submarines are withdrawing to US waters as ordered.
2) My staff has discovered an apparent error in the alien location sensors for submarines under ice or with defective magnet masking systems. I have ordered all submarines to adjust their masking systems to enhance their ability to hide. This will increase options available to the national security staff in case they are needed in the future. Adjusting masking systems will take ten days to complete as communications have been slowed due to security concerns.
3) Due to time and security concerns I used my authority to harvest 10 nuclear warheads from the USS New Mexico SSN-779 and USS Henry M. Jackson SSBN-730. These are being transported to a secure location for future use, as directed by the command authority.
4) Immediate Recommendations:
a) Inform allies via secure means with submarines of this discovery.
b) Inform non-allies like the Russians and Chinese if they can be trusted.​
5) Recommendation for defense:
a) Plan A. EMP attack. This plan involves placing one of the nuclear weapon with our next schedule GPS satellite launch or any other launch vehicle. Inform the aliens of the peaceful launch ... when it reaches orbit … detonate. EMP pulse will destroy all non-harden electronics and possibly the alien systems. Risk high, success chances low.
b) Plan B. Poison pill. Place nuclear weapons in the MOST environmentally destructive areas on the planet. Place them on a hair trigger. Inform aliens that the world will commit suicide before we will allow them to take over. Risk med, short term success high. Long term success low​
6) As you are aware, for any of these options to work, they must be kept secret. I stand ready to answer any of your questions
Signed Admiral Bull
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Situation Room

"Sir, you need to see this."

The president nodded and the screen which showed real-time withdrawal of their forces, switched over to a view of a craft hovering above an armed unit. The Red Stars proving it to be Chinese.

The Chinese fired upon the craft which at first just held position and then suddenly moved forward. In shock they watched as the craft obliterated the Chinese soldiers and vehicles, allowing those who fled, to leave.

"My God..."

"How can we stand against that?"

"We should prepare ourselves."

The president shook his head, still at a loss for words. "Send that feed to Commanders Printer and get us linked."

An aide handed him an official paper, "Admiral Bull sir."

He unfolded the paper and read through it carefully, then refolded it and pushed it under the folder laid open before him. So far all they had was maybes and could bes. He needed concrete answers.
A single black unmarked SUV pulled to the curb, two burly men got out and made their way up the path. They both looked like they belonged somewhere in the attack line up of a NFL team, the expensive suits looked crooked on them and the aviator shades reflected everything in front of them. The shorter of the two, knocked on the front door. From the racket inside, it was clear that the knock went unnoticed, the bigger of the two men banged loudly on the door, "Walker Fredricson! Open up."

We had changed our working habits. Normally each of us sat brooding in his or hers own cubicle, now we all were in my office. A table had been dragged in, which meant our meeting room now was table-less. My desk had been shoved against the wall and we all sat around the table, cables running criss cross over and under it to the three wall sockets. That was why we had congregated here, the meeting room had no socket at all. After all it had been a large storage room before we got here.

Each of us sat in some way in his or hers favorite chair. Not one of them was AF standard. We still wore our uniforms, sort of. Not one of us would pass an inspection just now though.

Only a short while we had been able to work on the number ten possibilities when a call came through. I pushed with my feet, ended up short of my desk and had to pull myself forward with my feet in a most in dignified manner. Someone chuckled.

"TammoH," I snarled. This language was wonderful!

"Feed coming through and we'll be on a link with the president. Remember to speak with two words when you address him!" was all what I said to the others after I put the phone down again.

"I'm not going to get a fresh shirt," was mumbled while someone else at least started to close a button.

On all our -again not AF standard laptops- screens two new windows were opened. In silence we studied the feed. And again, some enlarging sequences some slowing some down, some speeding some up.

"Tis not a laser …"
"Light and heat yes, but not a laser, no."
"Heat comes long after the hit."
"No explosion."

I glanced at the two faces filling the last window I opened on my screen. The president was one, the other I didn't recognize, a glimpse of some stars on his collar showed he was an Army General.

"No, the melting starts too long after the hit, heat is a byproduct."
"An air-blast?"
"To transport the whatever to the targets?"
"Would work in an atmosphere."
"And outside?"
"Nope, an air blast can't be directed that pinpointed, it would spread, in an atmosphere too," I said.
"Is it lead my a magnetic beam?"
"A transport beam?"
"A few milliard ready to beam down, Scotty."
"Heat is a byproduct."
"You said that already!"
"I know! But …"
"Of what is it a byproduct?"
"A few milliard of what?"

We looked at each other.

"Nanobots!" We almost simultaneously shouted.
"That is a "Doctor Who" gimmick, Captain Jack uses them. In the "Are you my Mummy" episodes." Peter said indignantly.
Federal Apes.

Walter got Sammy calmed down enough to lean back on the recliner built into the couch. "Stay right here and relax OK? I will bring you some Chicken Noodle, Ginger Ale, Tylenol and some Pepto." Finding a brush stuck between two couch cushions, Walker sighs brushing his hair out pulling it into a ponytail to go cook. If you call heating a cup of microwave Chicken Noodle cooking. It dings after a minute Walker takes it out, pours the piping hot soup from the microwave cup into a bowl.

Bringing it to Sam with a glass of ice, sitting the tray over her lap the knocking is heard. Stroking Sam's golden locks he calls out. "It's open!" Obviously they didn't hear as they started banging. Walker covers Sam's ears to yell. "IT'S OPEN YOU DUMB SONOFABITCH!" Standing up by Sam he jerks his robe closed tying the belt. "Sorry for being so loud Honey." Holding Sam's hand he pats it gently as the Feds enter his home. "What the hell do you apes want?"
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UN President and the German chancellor

Irma Günzburg sat in her UN office and slammed the phone down. She slammed it down so hard the receiver developed a crack. She continued to stare at the phone, the fury written on her face. She stood up, grabbed the phone, and ripped it off her desk. Then she threw it against the door that lead into her office. This was too much for the phone, it shatter in multiple pieces and scattered across the floor.

Irma Günzburg, was tough, very tough. Her brown, shoulder-length hair was pulled back and braided. Her face was hard and unforgiving. Her gray eyes were filled with intelligence, but also determination. She was not tall, but she had an athletic frame. She had risen in German politics by being tough. Her nickname was “Guns” from her last name, but also from the way she shot down her opponents. Her success resulted in her also being elected as the UN president.

Her primary aide, Hans Schildhauer, opened the door to her office with caution and poked his head in.

“Mein President und Chancellor … alles is well?” The man asked in a combination of English and German.

“Yes … I have just ordered the retreat of all UN peace-keeping forces. I HATE RETREATING!!” She shouted.

“Sometimes you need to retreat to advance.” Hans suggested.

Irma frowned at him “Get me a new phone” She ordered.

“Ja, Frau President” Hans said and closed the door.

Max Goldwin

Max had what he needed … leverage. Now he needed to communicate with the futurists. Which under normal circumstances would have been very difficult, but because the NSA stated that the invaders had the ability to listen in on all communications channels Max felt confident that he could communicate with them.

He headed over to Stratcom’s main communication building. Max had worked on a special project a year ago regarding emergency maintenance communication (EMC) with the submarine fleet. He still had access to the communication building due to that project. The guards at the main entrance of the building, knew him and just waved him through.

He still showed them his badge granting access and opened his briefcase. They smiled and told him to stop wasting time and get to work. They did not exam the brief case carefully. Once past the guards he headed back to the main transmitter room. It was noisy in there, with large air-conditioning units running. He went to a back corner of the room that was filled with electronics. He reopened his brief case and pulled out an IPAD hidden in a concealed pouch. He placed the IPAD under a large electronics box that ran from the floor to the ceiling. He plugged the IPAD into the wall. There were two cables that came out of the electronic box that ran along the back wall. He attached two thin wires to the IPAD and wrapped those same wires around the cables. He secured them with duct tape.

He closed his briefcase and left the room. He walked over to the main communication control room. The Network Operation Center (or NOC, in slang) was filled with people monitoring communications across the strategic forces of the US. Max walked over to the emergency submarine maintenance monitor.

“Hey Bob can you bring up the EMC, just want to see it is still operating correctly.” Max explained.

“Max … I’m kind of busy right now. You know the US stratcom is on high alert!” Bob explained. Bob never liked Max, thought the guy was a complete asshole.

“Come on … it will only take a second” Max insisted.

Bob looked at his monitors to ensure everything was running in the normal range. Then he said “ok” and switched to the EMC channel. The signal came on the screen and looked stable.

Max stared at it for a moment and nodded “It looks good … thanks” he said.

Bob frowned “First time you have ever thanked me … Max” he said in scorn.

Max looked at him, not realizing he had never thanked the man. “Oh … well in the past you were doing your job. That is what you get paid for. So why should I thank you? But this time, you just saved my life” Max answered and he walked out of the room.
They entered the building and after a brief glance around, they both pulled out their IDs and flipped them open to reveal their NSA credentials, "Sir we need you to get dressed and to come with us."

A slight pause, "The lady must stay, we are under strict orders to bring you alone."

They both pushed their IDs back into pockets, "As quickly as you can sir."
The Ape's ain't so bad.

Seeing the NSA credentials Walker crosses his arms with a frown. "On who's authority? I've dealt with the government before, only to have my theories ridiculed as Quackery! Why should I even lift a finger to help now? Neither one you trained Apes can even think of a good reason that I should!"

Grumbling he turns to Sam who's gazing up wide eyed at him. "Sam Honey, I'm going to have to go with these Clowns. Leaning down to kiss her cheek, arms wrapped around his neck tightly. "You know where everything is, cars charged up, Socrates to cuddle and call Vern at the Cabaret if you need anything, OK?" Turning Walker loose with a very worried expression. "Don't worry I'll be fine, probably think my work can be used as a weapon."

Kissing her cheek she squeezes tightly whimpering before letting go. Walker gave the NSA man a glare as he walked into his bedroom. Undressing then dressing in a Hawaiian shirt, acid washed jeans a hole in one knee and new hemp sneakers. Grabbing his getaway bag, Chicago Cubs cap putting it on, briefcase, shaving kit and his Wayfarer shades on before walking back out. "Before you say anything, yeah I'm wearing this. Don't like it, well too fucking bad."

After that he left the house getting into the back of the black SUV with the NSA. He leans up between the seats to say something. "Can we stop at Steak 'N' Shake? That is if you want my compliance and a rant free trip?" Walker puts a Bob Marley CD into the player then he sat on back in the seat rolling a joint lighting it. Toking slowly letting the blue haze of smoke roll out the window as Three Little Birds begins to play.
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The two agents looked at each other, then one increased the volume of the CD, the other reported on his radio and lowered the other window to allow the wind to carry the smoke outside. The only stop on their rather fast drive was at the Steak 'n Shake to fill Walker's order. Then they drove straight to their destination, playing Bob Marley at close to full blast and not saying a word to Walker any further.

They practically raced into the parking garage and the radio died down along with the engine and the two agents bailed out. "Right this way sir, the president is waiting."

Professor Noltz appears in the doorway, "Did you find him?"

"Yes sir. He was not as bad as you said he would be."

"Maybe age have mellowed him."
Max Goldwin

Max had a little secret, only he knew. While he had been working on the emergency maintenance communication (EMC) system project. He had developed a “backdoor” for quick access during the testing phase of the project. He had forgotten to remove that software code prior to the system going through fielding. When he remembered, he tried to use it, just to see if it still worked. It worked, and suddenly he was as powerful as the president of the United States.

The “backdoor” allowed him to communicate with the submarine’s comms system from the EMC maintenance subroutine. He could generate orders as if they came from Stratcom HQ or even the national command authority. It was pretty slick. With his IPAD in place, he could access communication capability of Stratcom HQ while sitting at his desk.

His first communication however was not to the submarine fleet, but to the listening ear above Earth. He hoped they read his message.


ALSA had been scanning through the millions of communication signals when she crossed one that grabbed her attention. She recorded the signal and walked over to Stephen.

“Stephen … here is a signal you might want to review.” ALSA told him.

He nodded his head as the view screen shifted and wrote out the message.

“Hello People from the future.

Your plan for Earth is doomed. Even while you are reading this message, defensive plans are in motion to stop you.

I can help you. I can help you save this planet, our planet, and our species, but we need to talk first.

Your friend MG.”

ALSA looked over to Stephen “What message would you like me to send back?” She asked him.
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The President is waiting.

Walker leans back with his hands behind his head against the passenger side door, swings his legs around to put them up on the seat crossing them at the ankle. Shaking his head with a grin as Agent 1. turns Marley up, Agent 2. lowers the window. Obviously they didn't want to get a contact high as it would endanger their precious cargo. Quickly pulling into Steak 'n' Shake Walker spoke up "Double bacon cheeseburger, large fries, large chocolate vanilla swirl shake!" His order is handed to Agent 1. and passed between the front seats by Agent 2. Agent 1. Drives out of the drive thru and accelerates to a high rate of speed. Walker opens the bag to take each item out, unwrapping the burger taking a very big bite, eating fries three at a time and washing it down with the ice cold shake.

Grabbing the back of the seat and jams his foot against the door, the SUV turns sharply into what looks to be a huge parking garage braking hard. Suddenly Agent 1. turns the stereo and the ignition off, Agent 2. says something into his radio as they got out quickly to open his the door. Stepping out off the SUV Noltz appears in the doorway asking "Did you find him?" Agent 1. and Agent 2. stoically reply "Yes sir. Walker gets out "Where the fuck did you guys take me in such a God damned hurry?! It's only Humans from the future just trying to save ours and their bacon.?" The Agent's heads snap around his direction looking at him like he's crazy. "Peace and love conquers all man, what the Hippies think is true."

"Nolz!" As the Professor walks up to Walker to shake his hand, instead of shaking his hand Walker punches Nolz in the nose. it puts him on his ass. The Tall Agent said "I don't think he's mellowed with time Sir." They don't intervene obviously they didn't like him either. "I should have done that to you thirty years ago, asshole!" Nolz staggers backwards before regaining his balance, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket holding it to his aching nose. "How'd you get that classified information Fredrickson? The Agent's step and the short one repeats himself "Right this way sir, the president is waiting." Walker grins evilly "From the Intern that could charge you with sexual harassment, that's how Nolz." Putting his arms around the Agents shoulders "I like you guy's you're cool, maybe you'll be assigned to keep me away from Nolz." Their stoic demeanor almost breaks, covering their mouths to speak quietly "We'll try Sir."
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Ever since the ship's had been dispatched into the atmosphere, Erik had been studying the data that had been flooding back into the lab from the myriad of sensors in their hulls. He could not believe the readings. He had of course heard the stories and examined the history reports, but who would have believed that the UV ratings would be so low, or that the amount of carbon monoxides and other pollutants in the air would be so low. If any of the crew was to actually try to breathe the air it might actually send them giddy it was so pure to their lungs.

Of course some places were better than others and he found areas where they would almost feel at home. They had their work cut out for them but it would be a hell of a lot easier to fix this time periods problems than his own. Of course it would take a lot of cooperation from a lot of governments and corporations and he knew from his history lessons that was not going to happen. They were going to have to make examples of a few people he was sure but he hoped not too many. Sure they had proved that that silly theory of time travelers mucking up the time stream was bogus, and that what they did here would not cause them to disappear or anything until they tried to go back to their own future. Still they did not want to kill too many people in the past, but he would kill as many as was needed to ensure the future he came from did not happen.

Sighing he got back to studying the data and making notes. He would be ready with a preliminary report when the captain called upon him.