On A Mission 2 Fuck you mother fuckers up... You're all in for it.

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Mar 26, 2005

I've seen many of you dissregard other peoples creative ideas, on a basis that "someone allready did it first" or that that it's "nothing special"... Cock-blocking, if you ask me.

  • Art Is Subjective
  • Repect All Forms Of Art
-Code of Artists.

One would think writing is an art and that authors are artists...


Brinnie said:

I've seen many of you dissregard other peoples creative ideas, on a basis that "someone allready did it first" or that that it's "nothing special"... Cock-blocking, if you ask me.

  • Art Is Subjective
  • Repect All Forms Of Art
-Code of Artists.

One would think writing is an art and that authors are artists...


We are animals, art is always a progression, and nothing is created ex nihilo, unless ... you have evidence?

What do YOU think?
Brinnie said:

I've seen many of you dissregard other peoples creative ideas, on a basis that "someone allready did it first" or that that it's "nothing special"... Cock-blocking, if you ask me.

  • Art Is Subjective
  • Repect All Forms Of Art
-Code of Artists.

One would think writing is an art and that authors are artists...


Er, i think respect has an 's' in it.
does this make you a missionary, or is that just your position?
scheherazade_79 said:
I clicked the link and I still don't get it :confused:

i dont get either...

lol, does that mean i'm not an artist?
i know i'm not very original... i tend to take ideas from lots of diff places and mesh them together or pull them apart to make a new idea for myself, but i dont think that really makes it original.
occassionally i feel like i have an original idea. course, i'm usually wrong. lol.
scheherazade_79 said:
I clicked the link and I still don't get it :confused:

Me neither. I use to know someone like Brin, once upon time. While I do find her to be very intelligent, I also see she's all too willing to drowned out that intelligence with a ballistic attitude and rebel-without-a-cause demeanor. She could probably be one hell of a contributor to these boards if she would just get a grip and stop taking herself so fuckin' seriously.

Brinnie said:

I think err has two r's in it.

I think Brinnie has at least two idiots living in the same skull. Neither one of them can spell.
Brinnie said:

I think err has two r's in it.

Actually, "Er" used in the previous context, is spelled with one R. "Err" as in to make an error, has two.

How you been, Brinnie? One of these days, you're going to have to really sit down in here and talk to us.

Quiet_Cool said:
Actually, "Er" used in the previous context, is spelled with one R. "Err" as in to make an error, has two.

How you been, Brinnie? One of these days, you're going to have to really sit down in here and talk to us.


She won't. She posts. She abandons her posts. She returns to them, if she returns to them, when she's gathered the strength to face what everyone else has posted in her abscence.

She would have never made it in the military. A military full of Brinnies would be a military plagued by abandoned posts.

Halo_n_horns said:
She won't. She posts. She abandons her posts. She returns to them, if she returns to them, when she's gathered the strength to face what everyone else has posted in her abscence.

She would have never made it in the military. A military full of Brinnies would be a military plagued by abandoned posts.


Don't be so hard on her. She drops a post here and there that is less than polite. It's as much our fault if it bothers us since we have the option of ignoring it and not responding. It's not like she lives down the road and brings her dog to our yards to take a shit.


I've never thought she was so bad, personally. Just too... well, it's been said before.

Quiet_Cool said:
Don't be so hard on her. She drops a post here and there that is less than polite. It's as much our fault if it bothers us since we have the option of ignoring it and not responding. It's not like she lives down the road and brings her dog to our yards to take a shit.


I've never thought she was so bad, personally. Just too... well, it's been said before.


I don't think she's as bad as she acts either. I'm just stating what I see her doing a great deal of. I think the only thing that I'm really questioning about her, when it all boils down to it, is her conversation skills. Does she have any? Inquiring minds want to see proof of it if she does.

Halo_n_horns said:
I don't think she's as bad as she acts either. I'm just stating what I see her doing a great deal of. I think the only thing that I'm really questioning about her, when it all boils down to it, is her conversation skills. Does she have any? Inquiring minds want to see proof of it if she does.


She's got them, but this act gets her more attention, and that seems to make people feel important. Not sure why, exactly, but then, popularity contests were never my thing (in fact, I don't believe i was ever a contestant in one). But, intelligent does generally equal able, so long as said abilities require intelligence.


Like I said, one of these days, she'll have to sit down and talk with us.


p.s. Apologies if I sounded argumentative at all, Halo.
Quiet_Cool said:
She's got them, but this act gets her more attention, and that seems to make people feel important. Not sure why, exactly, but then, popularity contests were never my thing (in fact, I don't believe i was ever a contestant in one). But, intelligent does generally equal able, so long as said abilities require intelligence.


Like I said, one of these days, she'll have to sit down and talk with us.


p.s. Apologies if I sounded argumentative at all, Halo.

You don't seem argumentative. I don't think that's what we're doing here. I don't mean to sound hard on her. I know she's capable of better than she allows herself to be. I don't know who would possibly feel important by putting her down, but I'd feel better to finally see her stand up. It'll be a shame if she doesn't have it in her.

Halo_n_horns said:
You don't seem argumentative. I don't think that's what we're doing here. I don't mean to sound hard on her. I know she's capable of better than she allows herself to be. I don't know who would possibly feel important by putting her down, but I'd feel better to finally see her stand up. It'll be a shame if she doesn't have it in her.


Based on several assumptions, of course, but I think I've been in her shoes. It's easy for me to like her (as much as others may not agree). I went through it in RL even. She'll do just fine. Might take a while though. My own worst enemy and all that...

I doubt I need to explain that, though. I'm not talking to fools here. It's why I like this place so damned much.

Quiet_Cool said:
Based on several assumptions, of course, but I think I've been in her shoes. It's easy for me to like her (as much as others may not agree). I went through it in RL even. She'll do just fine. Might take a while though. My own worst enemy and all that...

I doubt I need to explain that, though. I'm not talking to fools here. It's why I like this place so damned much.


Yeah. I know what you mean. Some of us seem to be more of our own worst enemy than others. It would be nice if we could wisen up a bit quicker to these sorts of things. Some folks just can't hear the train ...

Halo_n_horns said:
Yeah. I know what you mean. Some of us seem to be more of our own worst enemy than others. It would be nice if we could wisen up a bit quicker to these sorts of things. Some folks just can't hear the train ...


I'm a reasonably smart guy, but when the 10:45 came in... Fucker plowed me right over, horns blaring and all.


Lessons learned...

Quiet_Cool said:
I'm a reasonably smart guy, but when the 10:45 came in... Fucker plowed me right over, horns blaring and all.


Lessons learned...


You're obviously not only lucky, but smarter than I am. I was hit a number of times. :rolleyes:

Halo_n_horns said:
the only thing that I'm really questioning about her, when it all boils down to it, is her conversation skills. Does she have any? Inquiring minds want to see proof of it if she does.
Art & Erotica is all the proof you need...

My turn.
Why do you care?
Brinnie said:
Art & Erotica is all the proof you need...

My turn.
Why do you care?

If art and erotica were proof of any kind then you'd be right. But you're not.

Now let's see if this is an actual conversation, or just the Brinnie Act.

Why shouldn't I care?

Brinnie said:
Art & Erotica is all the proof you need...

My turn.
Why do you care?

Art & Erotica are the proof of what, is my question? What or whose art & erotica are you referring to?

As for why do we care? Good question. There's a good mind in there somewhere but the bad attitude hides it or rather masks it.... without the attitude, i think you would be a good addition to any group... with it??? you're just a pain in the ass....
Another false alarm. It would seem the Brinnie Act has struck again. :rolleyes:

I'm outta here for a bit. Take care all.

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