Daddy fetish (New)

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MMMmmm ... that New Thread Smell :-D

Serene ... I hope surgery goes well and the removal of the tube is just the beginning of brighter things to come for your girl

Mutato ... as long as you have each other, the other stressors are just background noise

Peaches ... is the move going well?? New Job??

Hugs and well wishes to all!
Glad to see a new thread.
Fresh beginnings!

My daughter is having surgery on Friday.
She is getting her feeding tube out. :)

Hi serene,
The news regarding your daughter just keeps getting better, here is hoping that all goes well on Friday and that her wondrous recovery continues. You know that she will be in my prayers and those of many others.:rose:
New beginning!

Hi to all the littles and their daddies! I see this thread has had a new start, that's great! Wish you a wonderful weekend ((((hugs))))
This is a great thread.....

Thanks for being here. Feels better with people who can relate. I LOVE to be a Daddy, and have to both men and women. Im a firm but not violent Daddy and would never want anyone young to endure (in reality) what my fantasy suggests. If anyone needs a Daddy, I can be available. Meantime, I love to read the thread.:)
Glad to see a new thread.
Fresh beginnings!

My daughter is having surgery on Friday.
She is getting her feeding tube out. :)

"That's WONDERFUL news Serene! I am so glad. You both continue in my prayers and may this be the start of even more glad tidings!"
Good evening to all the lovely littles and the Daddies that love them. :)

Thank you so much for re-starting the thread, dear INL. :heart: Hopefully this gives the thread a fresh start.

Sorry I've been gone so long, I've just been so busy that I haven't had much time to visit and to be honest, I really haven't had much motivation. Things have been stressful at home, mainly financial. Angel and I are still going very strong and so happy together.

I hope everyone is doing well. :)

"Good to see you again Daddy M and very glad to hear that you and Angel are still doing well together. I understand about the financial stress, and I know many others here do as well - you're always in good company here, regardless of circumstances. (((Hugs))) to you both!"
MMMmmm ... that New Thread Smell :-D

Serene ... I hope surgery goes well and the removal of the tube is just the beginning of brighter things to come for your girl

Mutato ... as long as you have each other, the other stressors are just background noise

Peaches ... is the move going well?? New Job??

Hugs and well wishes to all!

"DD!!!! So happy to see you again as well. I'm fine - still have some things here and most things there but the SO has already been 'HOME' several nights and THAT is the best feeling of all. New job is going well as I start to learn/re-learn different skills than I've been using (not to mention different muscles too:rolleyes:). How are YOU my sister? Your new job and all?"
"DD!!!! So happy to see you again as well. I'm fine - still have some things here and most things there but the SO has already been 'HOME' several nights and THAT is the best feeling of all. New job is going well as I start to learn/re-learn different skills than I've been using (not to mention different muscles too:rolleyes:). How are YOU my sister? Your new job and all?"

Darling Peaches ... having Him 'HOME' must be the bestest feeling in the world!!!

My new job is going well! I just got over a nasty virus-bug that settled in my throat and needed two courses of antibiotics ($$) to flush it out. On the mend now and loaded for bear, as it were!

Huggles, sweet sister ... we need to toss off a party to break in this new thread, don't you think?? Popcorn and movies?
Darling Peaches ... having Him 'HOME' must be the bestest feeling in the world!!!

My new job is going well! I just got over a nasty virus-bug that settled in my throat and needed two courses of antibiotics ($$) to flush it out. On the mend now and loaded for bear, as it were!

Huggles, sweet sister ... we need to toss off a party to break in this new thread, don't you think?? Popcorn and movies?

"Oh yeah! Bestest indeed!:D Down myself with some 'bug' - sore throat, fever, etc, Glad you're feeling better. Super idea! Maybe start dragging out holiday decorations and movies - add some pizzas, beer, cider...."
Mutato Glad you and Angel are going great. Sorry about the other stresses.

INL I'm glad you are on the mend.

Peaches sorry you are coming down with something but so happy you get to see SO more often.

Serene so glad she's getting the tube out. Will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Hello to anyone I missed.
I agree, it's nice to see I'm not alone with my daddy fetish. Love being called someone's little girl.
Hello all,
Just got in and saw the new thread almost by chance. Lets make sure we keep the interest high and democratic, as the old thread did sometimes seem to have tapered off into just a few folks, almost talking to themselves.
Lets give our special interest community a good re-bore and oil change.;)
"So glad you're finally feeling a little better - my turn to be down with some kind of 'crud' now!" :rolleyes: (((Hugs)))

Oh yuck. I'm sorry to hear that you are getting ill sweetie. Vitamins and rest. Hugs!!

Can I join this thread? Pretty please...


Glad to see a new thread.
Fresh beginnings!

My daughter is having surgery on Friday.
She is getting her feeding tube out. :)

Oh sweet Serene, that is wonderful news! You must be floating on air. I continue to keep her in my prayers. :rose:

Good to see the thread re-started! :):rose::heart:

Hi darlin'! Of course we need our daddy fix. LOL. :D Glad you found us.

I am such a little girl, I'd follow my daddy anywhere ,I think I like that attention

Daddy's attention is all encompassing.

I am glad the thread is off to such a good start. To the newbies, the ladies are very accepting and a valuable resource for you. I encourage you to ask them questions and simply post here often. The "sister" relationships formed here seem as important as the daddy-baby girl relationships in many ways.

Good luck to all the babies and their daddies.



Hi daddy ESM! I'd have to say the daddies are wonderful resources too. You are a special guy. :kiss:

MMMmmm ... that New Thread Smell :-D

Hugs and well wishes to all!

Hi DD. Good to see you. :)
Hi to all the littles and their daddies! I see this thread has had a new start, that's great! Wish you a wonderful weekend ((((hugs))))

You have a great weekend too. Welcome!

Hello Everyone, Happy to see a new thread and hope it goes great.
Have a great weekend to all!

Hi there! Keep coming back and it will be great.

Thanks for being here. Feels better with people who can relate. I LOVE to be a Daddy, and have to both men and women. Im a firm but not violent Daddy and would never want anyone young to endure (in reality) what my fantasy suggests. If anyone needs a Daddy, I can be available. Meantime, I love to read the thread.:)

Welcome to the thread. We hope you enjoy.

Huggss Peaches :rose::kiss:

Hi Rj!

INL I'm glad you are on the mend.

Hello to anyone I missed.

((((((((((((Hayley)))))))))) Thank you. And there have been lots of new faces here. It's off to a good start!

I agree, it's nice to see I'm not alone with my daddy fetish. Love being called someone's little girl.


Hello all,
Just got in and saw the new thread almost by chance. Lets make sure we keep the interest high and democratic, as the old thread did sometimes seem to have tapered off into just a few folks, almost talking to themselves.
Lets give our special interest community a good re-bore and oil change.;)

Hello. And umm, re-bore?? :confused:
Um quiet, but at least a starting point for a coffee and perhaps a bun?
The "sister" relationships formed here seem as important as the daddy-baby girl relationships in many ways.

Thanks for that! I'm still very much a newbie to the site (just look at that tiny post count), and am looking to make some friends.
Thanks for that! I'm still very much a newbie to the site (just look at that tiny post count), and am looking to make some friends.

Hello there squire, yes ISM makes some good points. On the whole this is a pretty friendly and safe place, jump in and enjoy!;)
Greetings and Good Morning :)
Enjoying a lovely brisk morning in Green Country.
Hoping all are enjoying a productive and enjoyable weekend!!
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