The Best of the worst of anymouse.


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
Ah, yes anymouse.

Now anymouse is not to be confused with anonymous. Anonymous can leave glowing comments as well as constructive ones, they just for some reason don;t want you to know who they are.

That is also the case with anymouse, but for the very simple reason that they never have anything nice to say about your work. They have the rudest, nastiest and in their minds the most accurate opinions about your stories.

Accurate? Yes, accurate. because if anymouse says it, well, hell, it HAS to be true.

Now a lot of people get pissed at anymouse, they start threads bitching about him/her, they ask if they should delete their comments and many do.

But not this thread!

Oh, no people this thread is in homage to anymouse!

A celebration of anonymous asshattery!

So step right up and post your favorite nasty any-mouse comment. If you'd like name the story or post the link in case anyone wants to check out your "horrible" writing

Let's show Mr./Mrs Mouse how much they "get" to us.
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So here's my first.

From "The Summer I became Mom's Lover" my story with the highest vote total and a very good score, but which also garnered more than its share of nastiness.

by Anonymous08/31/12
low life piece of crap.

You just broke me of reading these stories. I thought I would never say that. I feel so sick inside. Don't write anymore stories.
From my only foray into Loving Wives. "How do we look Baby"

by Anonymous11/02/12
New Low

Lovecraft has hit rock bottom with this story. It REALLY sucks!
At first I thought you'd found a troll who couldn't spell.
Ha! I ventured into LW territory. It was pretty fun. No red H's, but the feedback was crazy!
At first I thought you'd found a troll who couldn't spell.

Many of them can't. This one is a great example, calling me out for needing a better editor and he can;t spell the word.

This was editied?
10/27/12 By: Anonymous
Several errors; punctuation, dropped letters, wrong words, grammar. Other than that a fun read.
Another thread attacking some of the few readers who make comments!

Remember lovergirl there's a little bit of truth in every comment. Just because 8 out of 10 comments are positive doesn't mean you've written a best seller. I've found that its wiser to listen to the critics...

And here's a funny email I received on my latest - I've been given 3 years to write the continuation (a new term for db to use?) which he/she probably won't read...:D

This message contains feedback for: scouries
About the submission: Just One Night
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous




Make it a series, and eventually get little sis! I prob won’t read it, as I rarely read continuances, but think it is good enough! & yes it may take 3 yrs to do so you will want to procure the ages!
Oh? You know, Jim, when you're right, you're right!

So lets get to the truth in your latest story!

by Anonymous12/10/12
You need to stop pretending you're not British

"She touched your bum?"
"Little bloody problem?"

No one says "bum" or "bloody" in America. Both British expressions. Stop pretending you're an American from Miami, your IP address and your use of British phrases give you away.


No one here calls their ass a "bum".

and these gems

by Anonymous12/09/12

Get an editor because your grammar is terrible. It makes an already stupid story even worse. Nooooooooobodyyyyyyyy talks LIKE THIS! This reads like a seventies porn script written by a teenager who's never had sex. Terrible in every possible way.

by Anonymous12/09/12

The flagrant homophobia was really a turn off, unnecessary and really takes the reader out of it.

by Anonymous12/09/12

Total load of rubbish1/1000

by Anonymous12/09/12

Any homophobia is unnecessary, this story had TONS.

Man, and this was on a story it took you 300 days to write, imagine how bad the ones you wrote quickly are!
I would add some pretty funny comments from anymouse, especially some where he or she chides me for mechanical errors and displays a total lack of knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar. However, I would have to wade through too many stories to find them. :eek:
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Surely our little lovergirl isn't quoting selectively! Trying to misrepresent the opinions of our readers? lovergirl?

I must say I love the two "bum" ones :rolleyes:. My guess is that even you might be able to identify the authors of those two.

And the "homophobia" ones? I think all AHers know which of our harridans posted those two.

And the "crap" one? We need look no farther than AHlands expert on fecal humor.

I leave all comments up. In this case it didn't take long for real independant readers to answer these jealous AHlanders. Strange you weren't honest enough to post those.​
But you know all those, because you posted more than half of them yourself

just like half your votes are you

and half your favs are you

and so on and so on and......

now get back to writing Jim you have 295 more days to get another story out there.
One that I got on a story of mine that really brings it to a new level for me was this.

05/29/12 By: Anonymous
i stopped half way down the first page why continue after the writer kills off the parents, sister and girlfriend. you just wasted your time our time and the sites space this belongs in the NONEROTIC area. if i wanted to get depressed i would watch the news, read the paper or watch a reality show.]

He stopped reading but left a comment. He didn't get to the part in the story where the sex is and thinks it should be in the nonerotic area and that I wasted his time.

He read a half a lit page and I wasted his time? He had to spend as much time leaving this comment as he spent reading.


I read a writing tip on writing short stores. It said to be brutal. As much as you may love your characters do horrible things to them. It gets the reader to sympathize with the character in the shortest amount of time.

That's what I did here. I just went....extreme.


But you know all those, because you posted more than half of them yourself

just like half your votes are you

and half your favs are you

and so on and so on and......

now get back to writing Jim you have 295 more days to get another story out there.

Probably a lot more than half.

Surely our little lovergirl isn't quoting selectively! Trying to misrepresent the opinions of our readers? lovergirl?

I must say I love the two "bum" ones :rolleyes:. My guess is that even you might be able to identify the authors of those two.

And the "homophobia" ones? I think all AHers know which of our harridans posted those two.

And the "crap" one? We need look no farther than AHlands expert on fecal humor.

I leave all comments up. In this case it didn't take long for real independant readers to answer these jealous AHlanders. Strange you weren't honest enough to post those.​

You come over as a narcissist in need of a mirror.

Have a :nana:

Youre playing a game we call AINT IT AWFUL. Blabbering about feedback 24/7 aint gonna change a thing.

If your hairs on fire, your hairs on fire; if it isnt dismiss the alarmist and move on.

On Amazon one time a customer bought my wares then posted that I stole her creditcard and used it. That claim cant be true cuz vendors have no access to creditcard info. Amazon refused to remove the feedback until I made Jeff Bezos aware that he was now a party to defamation as he knew the claim couldnt be true. The feedback vanished.
One that I got on a story of mine that really brings it to a new level for me was this.

05/29/12 By: Anonymous
i stopped half way down the first page why continue after the writer kills off the parents, sister and girlfriend. you just wasted your time our time and the sites space this belongs in the NONEROTIC area. if i wanted to get depressed i would watch the news, read the paper or watch a reality show.]

He stopped reading but left a comment. He didn't get to the part in the story where the sex is and thinks it should be in the nonerotic area and that I wasted his time.

He read a half a lit page and I wasted his time? He had to spend as much time leaving this comment as he spent reading.


I read a writing tip on writing short stores. It said to be brutal. As much as you may love your characters do horrible things to them. It gets the reader to sympathize with the character in the shortest amount of time.

That's what I did here. I just went....extreme.



Were the slayings an event or one by one? :eek:

Totally get the don't be afraid to have bad things happen to your characters but I think it was more in the spirt of "less coddling" not "more crucifixion!" ;)

Youre playing a game we call AINT IT AWFUL. Blabbering about feedback 24/7 aint gonna change a thing.

If your hairs on fire, your hairs on fire; if it isnt dismiss the alarmist and move on.

On Amazon one time a customer bought my wares then posted that I stole her creditcard and used it. That claim cant be true cuz vendors have no access to creditcard info. Amazon refused to remove the feedback until I made Jeff Bezos aware that he was now a party to defamation as he knew the claim couldnt be true. The feedback vanished.

James. pay attention to the original post.

This is a joke, I'm laughing at these idiots, I leave all my bad comments up and take them with a grain of salt

For the record, I also take all my "you're the best writer ever" remarks the same way.

Occasionally I get one in between that has some useful information that I take seriously, but those are few and far between.

as for amazon I've had no issues so far, but have had to battle the crazy buyers many times on E-bay which is so buyer friendly they pretty much let them get away with anything
From Siblings with Benefits Chapter 31

Such arrogance!
06/12/11 By: Anonymous
What appalling penmanship! I can only wonder what sort of deluded egotist believes people really want to wade through all that hyperbole, and then struggle through ten pages of stultifyingly pedestrian semi-literacy!

Perhaps most incredible of all... the chapters just go on and on - and on - and on.

Much like an over-flowing drain...

Now see this anymouse took this seriously enough to grab themselves a thesaurus and use some big words.

I also asked Laurel to remove my hand written copy and replace it with regular text so my "penmanship" wouldn't offend anyone else:rolleyes:

However, this was a reply from another anonymous poster that I thought was just as funny

Dear any mouse
06/12/11 By: PTBzzzz
Put your dictionary away and stop being pretentious if you don't like the story just type "I don't like this story" Not difficult to do at all
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Here's one I got a while ago:

10/07/07 By: Anonymous in USA
I keep reading this horrible story hoping to find out it was a man and wife role playing (even then it would be gross though). You are a sick pervert and I hope you stay far away from children!

So what did you expect, Anymouse? It's an incest story about a female and her Daddy. :confused:
Here's one I got a while ago:

10/07/07 By: Anonymous in USA
I keep reading this horrible story hoping to find out it was a man and wife role playing (even then it would be gross though). You are a sick pervert and I hope you stay far away from children!

So what did you expect, Anymouse? It's an incest story about a female and her Daddy. :confused:

The key thing there is they say "keep reading" why read it if they don;t like it?

That strikes me as being one of those people who enjoy a certain kink then get upset that they do so lash out once they're done.
I got this on one of my more popular stories. Of course, it IS in the LW category. :rolleyes:

Total mindless garbage !!!!!

Bad this. "1*"
Here is another comment on a LW story:

03/27/10 By: Anonymous
Put your fucked up bullshit in interracial, nothing loving or erotic unless you went gay when you got old.

I actually like to get comments like this, because it tells me I hit a nerve. :D