Size Matters


Really Experienced
Nov 17, 2018
There has always been arguments about the importance/unimportance of penis size. There are valid points on all sides of the discussion. It all depends on a variety of different factors. I am generally of the opinion that it matters if u make it matter. I have a very small erect penis (a slim 4") and tiny flaccid size of 1.5" My unimpressive erect status has sometimes been a buzz kill for some women but my tiny flaccid size is more damning. Even though most people are aware that flaccid size does not necessarily indicate erect size my soft member is so pathetic it is hard to envision it improving that much. Most times in the public arena be it public showers change rooms urinals where men size themselves up against the competition u gain a rep for being particularly large or small. This can affect your status amongst other males and worse filters out into the female members of work school or social group. Not good if you are in the tiny dick category. I know for certain it has caused more than a few women to have no interest in me sexually. That may seem rather shallow of them but if you line up a group of guys who have equally attractive personalities equally attractive clothed physiques etc etc for the most part The guy who is known to have a tiny cock is probably at a disadvantage.
Well yes size does matter, especially at the extremes. It’s not the only thing or even the most important thing but it isn’t irrelevant.

Ever notice that when asked the question directly most women obfuscate. Instead of just saying no we talk about how other things are more important. And that is true but if it didn’t matter at all we would just say no. For sure I have been with big cocked guys that weren’t very good and smaller cocked guys that were great. But if I can have it all in one package I’ll take 8”-9” as part of that package please.

I suppose some people can say that is shallow. But we all make some superficial judgments don’t we? We talk about what’s inside yet somehow the beautiful people end up with other beautiful people. And virtually all of us are more attracted to some people than others. Personality is part of it to be sure but in most cases it isn’t all of it. Just listen to the next person who judges others for being superficial and see how often they date people below their league or 1-10 rating.
I agree. Cock size doesn't matter as much as men tend to focus on it.
But it's not like it doesn't matter at all. everybody knows it makes a difference.

But also, barring the extremes, you can have a perfectly good and exciting sex life with a small cock. For one thing, there are girls with smaller pussies who like smaller cocks. The other point is that even if your penetration game isn't taking any prises - sex has much more to offer than that. Learn how to be an amazing pussy leaker and a magicial with your fingers - and no girl will ever say you are bad at sex. Even if you don't stretch her out to the limit.
For a longer term relationship, substitute the latter with toys. She wants a full pussy? Buy and make it part of your normal play. Give her the fullness she needs through that - and she will never complain.

Lastly, 4 inches is not the end of the world. I understand how one may want to be bigger, but you have what you have. It's perfectly suitable for penetration and any other type of play. In fact, did you know that female vagina in a relaxed state is ass short as 3 inches? It's very stretchy, so it stretches when your cock penetrates it, but you are actually reaching all the important bits with ease.

Yes, it still does make a difference. But you can compensate.

Also, my cock retracts a lot into my pubis and shrinks a lot. When flaccid, I'm just a bit over 1.5", and in cold weather I sometimes found my cock to be shorter than an inch (basically, just the head sticking out. WHen erect, I'm 6-7" long.
So you should stop caring completely about your flaccid state.

Also, I've been to many gyms and swiming pools, etc. Men in such places don't tent to look closely at each-others' cocks. It's not like someone will put you uder scrutiny.
Women? When you pull your cock out with women, they are much more interested to see you erect, and don't care at all how you are when flaccid.:cattail:
I personally enjoy the subject of size. I'm under 5 inches in length myself. I've neve had complaints about being small, but I do know that some have noticed and other guys have commented as well. Personally, I like the idea of being smaller than other guys at times, but I'm not at all a fan of the SPH or anyone being mean about it. At the same time, someone noticing and pointing out that I'm smaller than another man, especially in my presence or in reference to a sexual situation, is a huge turn-on for me. This wasn't always the case, but it's where I am now. I once had a girl telling me how I compared to a guy she dated who was much bigger than me. She kept apologizing and saying she hoped it didn't hurt my feelings for her to tell me I was smaller than another man she was with. That was also a turn-on.
The one girlfriend I had who I believed was completely honest about this said "Yes, size matters—if all other things are equal."

I have more thoughts on this, but not enough time now. I'll try to come back to it.
Well yes size does matter, especially at the extremes. It’s not the only thing or even the most important thing but it isn’t irrelevant.

Ever notice that when asked the question directly most women obfuscate. Instead of just saying no we talk about how other things are more important. And that is true but if it didn’t matter at all we would just say no. For sure I have been with big cocked guys that weren’t very good and smaller cocked guys that were great. But if I can have it all in one package I’ll take 8”-9” as part of that package please.

I readily admit that a guy with a big cock is more likely to make me come when I am on my back in the missionary position. I've never encountered one so small that I couldn't come while I was on top.
Small boxes like small cockses.

Big boxes like big cockses.
I have never had another woman brag to me about how small a guys cock was ;)

That is such a great line. I want to remember that!

Truth is, if he knows what to do with it, bigger is better.

And I love the truth, too. Never once has a woman who cheated or left me said, "I'm sorry, but his cock is so just much bigger than yours, and trust me, he knows how to use it, too!" If she's got to leave, that's what I'd really like to hear.
Size matters only if it matters to the individual. Personally, I have an average cock. Throughout our marriage our sex life has been full of passion, excitement, and orgasms. The last couple years our marriage has evolved to a hotwife relationship. I know for sure at least two of my wife's three lovers so far have bigger cocks than me. Her first was hung like a fuckin horse! She's told me they are fantastic lovers and they have amazing sex! I'm sure that's due to their endowment, or at least enhanced by it. Which I'm glad for. If my wife's going to have sex with other men, then I want them to be bigger than me. At the very least for a different experience with them.
I personally enjoy the subject of size. I'm under 5 inches in length myself. I've neve had complaints about being small, but I do know that some have noticed and other guys have commented as well. Personally, I like the idea of being smaller than other guys at times, but I'm not at all a fan of the SPH or anyone being mean about it. At the same time, someone noticing and pointing out that I'm smaller than another man, especially in my presence or in reference to a sexual situation, is a huge turn-on for me. This wasn't always the case, but it's where I am now. I once had a girl telling me how I compared to a guy she dated who was much bigger than me. She kept apologizing and saying she hoped it didn't hurt my feelings for her to tell me I was smaller than another man she was with. That was also a turn-on.

After I realised I had an SPH fetish I polled a number of exes including my ex wife about how I compared to other guys they had been with before and since At first all but 2 either were reluctant to say specifically anything negative in regards to my stature in comparison or did not reply. After I made it clear that I would not be offended or hurt by honest responses a few more opened up to me. the original 2 who answered in some detail right away were my ex wife and a long term gf who both were fully aware of my Fetish The others as far as I know are not. The feedback I got was very arousing to me even if a couple of the respondents insisted size wasn't that important (hint: that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to some extent) Anyway the overwhelming findings were that none of my exes had ever been with a guy as small as me . And none had ever seen a flaccid penis as tiny on an adult. My ex wife told me that when we first got together she was actually shocked by how small my cock is and if it wasn't for other factors I might have not gotten a second date. Anyway I was very grateful for their resposes.
I'm on the larger side (No brag, honest) and I would say knowing what to do with it is the most important thing, then size comes into play. Because If you know what you're doing and you're larger then it certainly is a very favorable situation to be in...
After I realised I had an SPH fetish I polled a number of exes including my ex wife about how I compared to other guys they had been with before and since At first all but 2 either were reluctant to say specifically anything negative in regards to my stature in comparison or did not reply. After I made it clear that I would not be offended or hurt by honest responses a few more opened up to me. the original 2 who answered in some detail right away were my ex wife and a long term gf who both were fully aware of my Fetish The others as far as I know are not. The feedback I got was very arousing to me even if a couple of the respondents insisted size wasn't that important (hint: that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to some extent) Anyway the overwhelming findings were that none of my exes had ever been with a guy as small as me . And none had ever seen a flaccid penis as tiny on an adult. My ex wife told me that when we first got together she was actually shocked by how small my cock is and if it wasn't for other factors I might have not gotten a second date. Anyway I was very grateful for their resposes.

You showed her your small cock on your very first date? That's confidence my man!!!
After I realised I had an SPH fetish I polled a number of exes including my ex wife about how I compared to other guys they had been with before and since At first all but 2 either were reluctant to say specifically anything negative in regards to my stature in comparison or did not reply. After I made it clear that I would not be offended or hurt by honest responses a few more opened up to me. the original 2 who answered in some detail right away were my ex wife and a long term gf who both were fully aware of my Fetish The others as far as I know are not. The feedback I got was very arousing to me even if a couple of the respondents insisted size wasn't that important (hint: that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to some extent) Anyway the overwhelming findings were that none of my exes had ever been with a guy as small as me . And none had ever seen a flaccid penis as tiny on an adult. My ex wife told me that when we first got together she was actually shocked by how small my cock is and if it wasn't for other factors I might have not gotten a second date. Anyway I was very grateful for their resposes.

That's pretty interesting. I'm not into SPH, but I do like the comparison and I do like it when I'm the smaller guy.

A while back, I was in a three-way with a friend of mine and his girlfriend. He was definitely a lot longer than me, but it was a huge turn-on because of how much attention his girlfriend gave my dick and, even though no one said anything, it was obvious that he was bigger than me.
I’m about average in size but it’s pretty thick according to most of the women I’ve been with. This seems to be a plus. It is all about how you handle what you have. I know I’m not super endowed but I make up for it in other ways. Polish up on your oral skills and you can keep her happy with an average size
I’m about average in size but it’s pretty thick according to most of the women I’ve been with. This seems to be a plus. It is all about how you handle what you have. I know I’m not super endowed but I make up for it in other ways. Polish up on your oral skills and you can keep her happy with an average size

I have to echo what you said and what most people say - that how you use it is important.

That being said, I have no problem with my girth. I'm actually thicker than I am long. I think my girth ends up making me look shorter than I actually am. I haven't had any complaints, but if I get a compliment in that area, it's going to be about my girth.
When I was in my late teens I dated a guy who had a small dick and sometimes premature ejaculation issues. I taught him to get me off with his mouth and fingers and a did everything he wanted sexually. I also fucked other guys (it wasn’t cheating as we were not exclusive). I fully enjoyed my relationship with him and got to enjoy bigger dicks sometimes.

Stay with me here because this analogy is a bit stretched but to me a small dick is kind of like a tofu burger. Some people are indifferent between the tofu and the beef burger. Some people even prefer the tofu burger. And of course some people prefer the beef burger. A well prepared tofu burger is preferable to a poorly prepared beef burger. And if I am a guest at someone’s house and they serve up a tofu burger I will accept it and enjoy it graciously.

But it is not the same fucking thing at all. That is just a fact. How anybody feels about the difference doesn’t change the fact that there is a difference. And if I want a beef burger there is nothing you can do to a tofu burger that will make it equivalent. If I order a beef burger in a restaurant it isn’t good enough to deliver a tofu burger and tell me how good the chef is with his hands - if I want beef his skills with tofu won’t make up the gap.

See I have no problem enjoying a tofu burger. What I have a problem with is if someone tries to force me to pretend it isn’t different or deny myself the opportunity to ever eat a beef burger again.

And that is kind of how monogamy makes the size thing into an issue. With monogamy it isn’t enough to enjoy each partner for what they are, we are expected to pretend one is the absolute best to the exclusion of all others. It isn’t small dick or big dick, tofu or beef that presents the problem. It is the compulsion to pretend.
When I was in my late teens I dated a guy who had a small dick and sometimes premature ejaculation issues. I taught him to get me off with his mouth and fingers and a did everything he wanted sexually. I also fucked other guys (it wasn’t cheating as we were not exclusive). I fully enjoyed my relationship with him and got to enjoy bigger dicks sometimes.

Stay with me here because this analogy is a bit stretched but to me a small dick is kind of like a tofu burger. Some people are indifferent between the tofu and the beef burger. Some people even prefer the tofu burger. And of course some people prefer the beef burger. A well prepared tofu burger is preferable to a poorly prepared beef burger. And if I am a guest at someone’s house and they serve up a tofu burger I will accept it and enjoy it graciously.

But it is not the same fucking thing at all. That is just a fact. How anybody feels about the difference doesn’t change the fact that there is a difference. And if I want a beef burger there is nothing you can do to a tofu burger that will make it equivalent. If I order a beef burger in a restaurant it isn’t good enough to deliver a tofu burger and tell me how good the chef is with his hands - if I want beef his skills with tofu won’t make up the gap.

See I have no problem enjoying a tofu burger. What I have a problem with is if someone tries to force me to pretend it isn’t different or deny myself the opportunity to ever eat a beef burger again.

And that is kind of how monogamy makes the size thing into an issue. With monogamy it isn’t enough to enjoy each partner for what they are, we are expected to pretend one is the absolute best to the exclusion of all others. It isn’t small dick or big dick, tofu or beef that presents the problem. It is the compulsion to pretend.

I like your analogy of the burgers. I think it's very appropriate.
I can't believe no one in here has gone "too big" but me.

Guys like... there's a limit. There's only so much you can do. Maybe pussies are different because they're meant to stretch but like...

I get the small dick thing, I do. I get that that's a concern and why that's a thing but like there's also situations where you have to stop yourself and be like, "Ok so we're gonna have to work up to this, right? You don't think for a second that you're putting all that inside me, right? Like fucking physics applies in this situation."

I love my boyfriend but dude is a head and shoulders taller than me and pretty broad so I should have known what I was getting into. Like... sometimes things can be too big is all I'm saying. I mean, you can do anything with the will to make it happen, but if your first thought is "WHY THE FUCK!?" then take it slow.

It doesn't look that big until you actually get your hands on it, because it's in proportion.

Look, bullet point is that pendulum swings. Shit can be the size of your forearm sometimes. There's another side to that coin.
I have never had another woman brag to me about how small a guys cock was ;)

Truth is, if he knows what to do with it, bigger is better.

In my experience I have been more than a few women who just feel too big for me. My penis is well below average length at 4" but it is my serious lack of girth that is the real problem. I also know that some women are visually aroused by the sight of a larger size penis and equally unstimulated by the sight of a small cock. I know for certain when some women have seen my very very tiny flaccid penis it was not inspiring.
Thickness more important than length both together bliss. No disrespect, knowing how to use it and doing other things in bed are important but where two guys are evenly matched in other departments size matters a hell of a lot.
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I guess the guys I've been with have all been about average size. At any rate, they all seemed similar in size. Had a female friend who complained that her BF was far too big as in too thick. She said it took two hands to give him a hand job because of the thickness. And she was unable to take him into her mouth.
You showed her your small cock on your very first date? That's confidence my man!!!

It was extraordinary circumstances. My future wife was a friend of a couple who were already friends of mine We crossed paths on numerous occasions at social gatherings . Pubs, house parties etc. We had conversed on occasion but I had no idea she had an interest in me other than socialising. She found out I was going away to the Netherlands for a working holiday. On the night before I left she decided she needed to hook up with me and found out I was going to be at a friends bands gig at a venue pub. She tracked me down and ended up going back to my place for a nightcap The rest is history as She was also at a party being thrown for me upon my return to England.