Emm's New Happy Silly Place

Hi Emmy, I just stopped by here because I couldn't PM you.
It seems welcome backs are due to you too! :rose:
I didn't know what happened after I left last time regarding what you wrote on my thread the other day. I can work it out though, and that's very sad news, I know I'm late in hearing it. :kiss:
I know sweetie, was ver my limit :eek:
And yes our sweet George passed away….but I m sure he is smiling.
And loving it that your back with your sweet sexy pictures.
Hey Em! I missed you too! Thanks for stopping by my thread. I look forward to hearing your comments and pleasing you! Please come by lots! Oh and your delectable body hasn't changed a bit! Gorgeous as always!

No worries sexy you k now I :heart: your sexy pictures.
MMM so yummmy,
;ahh;lkjahf;hpiquphnreqjauiyhasuihpuqehqeoijoqhjouhfahafplijafpapjai Whew! Swallowed my tongue there for a moment...wasn't sure I was ever going to be able to speak intelligently again!!!! Wonderful videos sweet Emmy *soft smile*

Yeahhh my sweet one posted again, soooooo happy :nana::nana::nana:
Hope your doing great my sweet sexy friend, happy, smiling and naughty.
hey girlfriend, whad I tell ya about hangin up towels. I will definitely pout :( if you quit lit.

Well, as long as you kept me in the loop another way ;) :kiss: :heart: I might be OK :eek:

I hope youre having a good day sweetie. Mine has been NUTS!!!

Ohhh my sweet sexy one, I won't I love LIT to much, and YOU.
Dear one, I think of you each day and chastise myself for praising your silliness
and sexiness too seldomly. You often have shown me joy, darlin'!!

Ohhh thanks sweet and sexy one. YOU are missed.
But always so happy when I find a post from YOU.
Hope your doing great, happy, smiling and naughty.

What I see as I leap across the room to you... :devil::kiss:
Well tell RL to get out of the way!! We all love our Emmy pics too much to go without!!!

Yea!!!! Glad you're back!! And I love that outfit! Can I borrow it? Don't worry...I'll take it off myself 😈😈😄😄

Ohh thanks sweet and sexy one.
You can borrow anything form me :D:devil:
LOL your fun.