What is crossing your mind right now?

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I am constantly amazed at how much I have in common with so many people here, another hit at that terminally unique desire. The generous, kind, caring and oh so kinky friends I have made here(yeah you know who you are, don't be hidin'). Most people I meet here have been so helpful and sharing, never would have thought that when I first came to lit to read stories. You make me cry, care & worry about people I have never met, and feel better about myself, besides you guys make me laugh til I think I will pee my pants.

I agree with you ms heartlessbytch, there's a lot of nice ,friendly ,helpful and caring people around here.....there's been a few assholes pass through....I've learned to ignore them and focus on the fun ones....I've been posting here since 2003, and just got my very first. " hate pm"..... LOL...that's a pretty good record
I agree with you ms heartlessbytch, there's a lot of nice ,friendly ,helpful and caring people around here.....there's been a few assholes pass through....I've learned to ignore them and focus on the fun ones....I've been posting here since 2003, and just got my very first. " hate pm"..... LOL...that's a pretty good record

Who could *possibly* hate you sexy ride?!
I agree with you ms heartlessbytch, there's a lot of nice ,friendly ,helpful and caring people around here.....there's been a few assholes pass through....I've learned to ignore them and focus on the fun ones....I've been posting here since 2003, and just got my very first. " hate pm"..... LOL...that's a pretty good record

You got a hate pm? Awwww. mean people suck.
I agree with you ms heartlessbytch, there's a lot of nice ,friendly ,helpful and caring people around here.....there's been a few assholes pass through....I've learned to ignore them and focus on the fun ones....I've been posting here since 2003, and just got my very first. " hate pm"..... LOL...that's a pretty good record

Seriously.. a hate PM to you? They have to be crazy!
That the diagnosis wasn't the worst of it. The treatment is going to take her apart and we will have to try to do damage control. And we will. Because we love her. And all of this to give her hope. It sucks what we will do for those we love.
I agree with you ms heartlessbytch, there's a lot of nice ,friendly ,helpful and caring people around here.....there's been a few assholes pass through....I've learned to ignore them and focus on the fun ones....I've been posting here since 2003, and just got my very first. " hate pm"..... LOL...that's a pretty good record

Don't you let it get you down, sweet thang, no one could hate you! :):rose:
What's crossing my mind now?

I haven't been sick in forever, but now that I have MAJOR plans on Thursday, I'm sick as a dog. :(
Lol....somebody that don't like men....

I deserved it...I was joking and sent a pm ...without asking permission.

And I guess there's some that don't like pms...I mean Pm's
I have been around here a while, and you have never deserved anything close to a hate pm.....:):)
I thought maybe because I was drinking, my body temp rose, and that was why I was sitting here sweating. Nope. It's because someone...ie...dumbbutt...turned the A/C off. It was 79 in the house. I turned it back on.

When he was going to comment on it, my son spoke up and said..."The A/C wasn't on? No wonder it was so hot in here!" Bless his little heart.
About how difficult it is to resist the urge to tear your clothes open from your neck to your ass and give you what I know you want.
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