The Naked Party Thread

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Morning all.

Molly - boar piss? Really?? Thanks for the coffee spew. :D

shea - not just in Ireland. My mum was advised to drink it too. It has a high iron content, which quacks thought (erroneously, as it happens) would help with post-natal anaemia.

Interesting. Whatever happens post-natal, It is now seriously delicious. But from a bottle? Meh.
Yes, exactly! A very new Lit name with one post in their history. And they regale me with something like, "Hi. How are you?"


Oooh, Naoko, I would love some pancakes, but I'm committed to May fitness month. For dinner I made salmon and asparagus on the grill over greens. Yum.

I saved my child's life (sort of) by noticing that the tips of his fingers were red and peeling. I immediately called the dr. and went right from school to the office. Where he tested positive for strep. No sore throat, no temperature, no symptoms whatsoever. Just the red peeling fingertips. He's had strep before with absolutely no symptoms. It happened once before, a few years ago, so I'm alert to it. The girl child at least has the decency to get a proper fever to alert me to the strep. Why must my children fall ill in such creative ways? Strep is dangerous if left untreated! He's probably had it for a week. Sorry school mates and cousins we played with all weekend! If I hadn't been noticing how dirty his hands were from digging for fossils at recess, I may not have noticed. The doctor was showing him around the office to the other doctors, ooohing and aaahing. "Yes! He tested posiitve! No! No other symptoms!"

Maybe I will have that third drink.

*Pours drink for sheablue* On me, for being a very alert mother. :rose:
*Pours drink for sheablue* On me, for being a very alert mother. :rose:

Ahhh .... thank you. I needed that. The temperature that was so lovely earlier is dropping and I'm going to go back to warming up with tales of sex dreams, drink firmly in hand.
Yes, exactly! A very new Lit name with one post in their history. And they regale me with something like, "Hi. How are you?"


Oooh, Naoko, I would love some pancakes, but I'm committed to May fitness month. For dinner I made salmon and asparagus on the grill over greens. Yum.

I saved my child's life (sort of) by noticing that the tips of his fingers were red and peeling. I immediately called the dr. and went right from school to the office. Where he tested positive for strep. No sore throat, no temperature, no symptoms whatsoever. Just the red peeling fingertips. He's had strep before with absolutely no symptoms. It happened once before, a few years ago, so I'm alert to it. The girl child at least has the decency to get a proper fever to alert me to the strep. Why must my children fall ill in such creative ways? Strep is dangerous if left untreated! He's probably had it for a week. Sorry school mates and cousins we played with all weekend! If I hadn't been noticing how dirty his hands were from digging for fossils at recess, I may not have noticed. The doctor was showing him around the office to the other doctors, ooohing and aaahing. "Yes! He tested posiitve! No! No other symptoms!"

Maybe I will have that third drink.

At least you caught it, and now you're being diligent. Can't do more than that.

As far as the PMs . . . I think the most interesting one I got was something along the lines of "you got a sexy ass tattoo. Wanna chat? I'm into tatted guys. Wanna see where this goes."

I just deleted it. It wasn't gonna go anywhere. :p
Then you look good with a beard. :D:p

I seriously want to make this some know, when I'm really drunk and decide to do something insane.

Do it! :devil:. Man, that is seriously awesome! I'm drooling big time. Did you see that woman eating it with the orgasmic expression on her face? That would be me. Except I'd have the beard of course. ;). You are sweet to admire the beard, John. Most men seem a bit put off by it. :confused:

Gosh, I must show those videos to the cub scout who is a serious meat eater. His parents are vegetarian :eek:. Poor little thing, he always remembers entirely of his own accord to come and say thank you for his dinner, usually going on in enthusiastic detail about how much he enjoyed it and which spicy bit he thought was particularly delicious and comparing it to something else we had here a couple of weeks previously, LOL.

Shea - way to go! Doctors apparently say, If the mom is worried, be worried. If the grandmother is worried, be VERy worried. It's always best to go and get children checked out.

I had a PM the other week saying: "Will youbread me a story?" I PMed back saying, Do you want me to deep fry it as well? and we had a nice conversation and he promised to actually read my stories. I was very surprised, as I rarely get PMs, LOL. It must be the beard :cool:. (Um, apart from the feedback on one of my stories which offered medical evidence to show that what he wanted me to do to him was anatomically possible. I couldn't read that one properly cuz I was crying with laughter. :D)
Do it! :devil:. Man, that is seriously awesome! I'm drooling big time. Did you see that woman eating it with the orgasmic expression on her face? That would be me. Except I'd have the beard of course. ;). You are sweet to admire the beard, John. Most men seem a bit put off by it. :confused:

Gosh, I must show those videos to the cub scout who is a serious meat eater. His parents are vegetarian :eek:. Poor little thing, he always remembers entirely of his own accord to come and say thank you for his dinner, usually going on in enthusiastic detail about how much he enjoyed it and which spicy bit he thought was particularly delicious and comparing it to something else we had here a couple of weeks previously, LOL.

Shea - way to go! Doctors apparently say, If the mom is worried, be worried. If the grandmother is worried, be VERy worried. It's always best to go and get children checked out.

I had a PM the other week saying: "Will youbread me a story?" I PMed back saying, Do you want me to deep fry it as well? and we had a nice conversation and he promised to actually read my stories. I was very surprised, as I rarely get PMs, LOL. It must be the beard :cool:. (Um, apart from the feedback on one of my stories which offered medical evidence to show that what he wanted me to do to him was anatomically possible. I couldn't read that one properly cuz I was crying with laughter. :D)

Oh it sounds like the scout will be an instant Epic Meal Time fan. I got my brother the "Bacon strips and...Bacon strips and...Bacon strips and..." shirt the other Christmas. Have a few friends that are vegetarian as well. I swear one of these days I'm going to hide bacon scented air fresheners in their cars and hopefully cure them. *evil grin* LOL, should I mention I just finished a late night bacon plate...mmm, yum. :D

Steve, thanks for the PM. I was feeling lonely being left out of the random PM club.
Oh it sounds like the scout will be an instant Epic Meal Time fan. I got my brother the "Bacon strips and...Bacon strips and...Bacon strips and..." shirt the other Christmas. Have a few friends that are vegetarian as well. I swear one of these days I'm going to hide bacon scented air fresheners in their cars and hopefully cure them. *evil grin* LOL, should I mention I just finished a late night bacon plate...mmm, yum. :D

Steve, thanks for the PM. I was feeling lonely being left out of the random PM club.

Hey, I want a random PM from Steve! Especially if it was about draught beer. :p

Well, I did so well reorganising the totally screwed up tutorial last night at the speed of the Enterprise going into hyper-drive, that I actually got a nice email from my line manager, who said: "I'm so glad we could resolve this so quickly." We! Makes me feel all warm inside. :rolleyes:

Enough of this teaching nonsense, stuff marking quantitative analysis, I'm going to reorganise my cupboards. :devil:. Never mind those jeans, John, just slip this ruffled apron on and hold these ...

... :eek: oh my God, the cat just walked in! Without her pink diamante collar! The little slut has been gone for 2 days and I was so upset I couldn't even talk about it in here! You will never be allowed out the house again, you trollop! Wah wah! get chicken, get cat treats! Where's your collar, you bad cat! Boo hoo! She came back, boo hoo, I love her so much.

Hey, I want a random PM from Steve! Especially if it was about draught beer. :p

Well, I did so well reorganising the totally screwed up tutorial last night at the speed of the Enterprise going into hyper-drive, that I actually got a nice email from my line manager, who said: "I'm so glad we could resolve this so quickly." We! Makes me feel all warm inside. :rolleyes:

Enough of this teaching nonsense, stuff marking quantitative analysis, I'm going to reorganise my cupboards. :devil:. Never mind those jeans, John, just slip this ruffled apron on and hold these ...

... :eek: oh my God, the cat just walked in! Without her pink diamante collar! The little slut has been gone for 2 days and I was so upset I couldn't even talk about it in here! You will never be allowed out the house again, you trollop! Wah wah! get chicken, get cat treats! Where's your collar, you bad cat! Boo hoo! She came back, boo hoo, I love her so much.


WARP DRIVE!!!! Hyper-drive is Star Wars. Shameful for someone who has the Star Trek box set. ok, is my nerd showing? :eek:

I'll gladly help with the reorganizing, but without the jeans? Ok. *slips on apron* do I look?

I was wondering why you haven't mentioned your cat for a couple days. Give her a long cuddle then keep her inside from all the boy cats she's flaunting herself around.
WARP DRIVE!!!! Hyper-drive is Star Wars. Shameful for someone who has the Star Trek box set. ok, is my nerd showing? :eek:

I'll gladly help with the reorganizing, but without the jeans? Ok. *slips on apron* do I look?

I was wondering why you haven't mentioned your cat for a couple days. Give her a long cuddle then keep her inside from all the boy cats she's flaunting herself around.

Boo hoo hoo! I was just about to print off six tons of expensive posters at the library and wander the streets going minou minou minou psss pss psssy, chicken! chicken!. I missed her a ridiculous amount considering how she hasn't been here that long. There, you can get on the counters. And I am defrosting chicken for you immediately and will go and buy some more immediately.

Mmm? Oh yeah, just hold onto those bowls a bit longer while I make a fuss of the cat, I'll be with you!
Boo hoo hoo! I was just about to print off six tons of expensive posters at the library and wander the streets going minou minou minou psss pss psssy, chicken! chicken!. I missed her a ridiculous amount considering how she hasn't been here that long. There, you can get on the counters. And I am defrosting chicken for you immediately and will go and buy some more immediately.

Mmm? Oh yeah, just hold onto those bowls a bit longer while I make a fuss of the cat, I'll be with you!

*hugs* Now she's back. I've always hated when cats did that. When cats were gone more than a day, we feared the coyotes got to them. Too bad you didn't have a camera on her collar, you could figure out where she had been all this time.

*Stands there holding bowls* I forgot to ask, did you want me wearing my jeans under the apron?
*hugs* Now she's back. I've always hated when cats did that. When cats were gone more than a day, we feared the coyotes got to them. Too bad you didn't have a camera on her collar, you could figure out where she had been all this time.

*Stands there holding bowls* I forgot to ask, did you want me wearing my jeans under the apron?

Ooh, no, don't bother with the jeans, dahlink! ;) I don't think you need them. It's a beautiful day here. We can go and sit on the back lawn and get a tan later.

Wow, those photos are actually quite thought-provoking. Although I suspect that Lakhi's might be more appropriate for posting on the Lit photography site than for general appreciation. :rolleyes: I am so pleased she's back! Er, *cough* for Piglet's sake. Piglet was very worried. I was not bothered myself, of course. I did not cry at night and wander round all day shaking the bowl careless of what the neighbours thought (There goes that bearded Lady shaking her cat bowl again! :rolleyes:). Certainly not.

Ooh, no, don't bother with the jeans, dahlink! ;) I don't think you need them. It's a beautiful day here. We can go and sit on the back lawn and get a tan later.

Wow, those photos are actually quite thought-provoking. Although I suspect that Lakhi's might be more appropriate for posting on the Lit photography site than for general appreciation. :rolleyes: I am so pleased she's back! Er, *cough* for Piglet's sake. Piglet was very worried. I was not bothered myself, of course. I did not cry at night and wander round all day shaking the bowl careless of what the neighbours thought (There goes that bearded Lady shaking her cat bowl again! :rolleyes:). Certainly not.


Oh I see how it is, of course. As madam wishes. :devil: Mmm, lounging on the back lawn sounds very pleasant.

Of course you were not distraught, looking out the window, wandering the neighborhood. You are much too even handed and clear minded for that. ;) *hugs*

Alright, it's off to bed for me. Got an early :eek: Oh, I did finish A Werewolf in Office Clothing, quite enjoyable. And congrats on another story post. :)

Oh I see how it is, of course. As madam wishes. :devil: Mmm, lounging on the back lawn sounds very pleasant.

Of course you were not distraught, looking out the window, wandering the neighborhood. You are much too even handed and clear minded for that. ;) *hugs*

Alright, it's off to bed for me. Got an early :eek: Oh, I did finish A Werewolf in Office Clothing, quite enjoyable. And congrats on another story post. :)


:D that one is very badly written because I wrote it before I realised how much an editor can do for you.

:rose: to Sara, my first editor, and :rose: to BrambleThorn, my current excellent editor.

Thank you so much for reading my story. I'm very fond of it, although I think the new set of stories about Col's pack is much tighter. You should see the reviews of the Wolf in Office Clothing on Amazon, seriously. They are hilarious!

Good night, sweet Prince! Sleep well. Thank you for handing me the kleenex while I wept over the naughty kitty cat's return. :cathappy:
Oh it sounds like the scout will be an instant Epic Meal Time fan. I got my brother the "Bacon strips and...Bacon strips and...Bacon strips and..." shirt the other Christmas. Have a few friends that are vegetarian as well. I swear one of these days I'm going to hide bacon scented air fresheners in their cars and hopefully cure them. *evil grin* LOL, should I mention I just finished a late night bacon plate...mmm, yum. :D

Steve, thanks for the PM. I was feeling lonely being left out of the random PM club.

No worries, John. I never get PMs either, despite being incredibly attractive, smart and remarkably emotionally intelligent for a bloke. Oh, and modest too... :D

Nice guys are often ignored in favour of the bad boys. Ain't that right, slyc...? ;)

Me, I'm taken, so I couldn't care less... :)
What an interesting way to end the night. :p

Have a good rest, Molly. :kiss:

I ended the night for several people. ;) They were on my back deck, enjoying the warm night and a beer swiped from someone's fridge. I found the beer can this morning. I guess our neighborhood geniuses forgot the windows of every home are open due to the long-awaited arrival of spring. It was a beautiful night, and the children were getting into mischief. I'm just better at mischief than they are.

Molly, I am rolling on the floor laughing! Did you write that one up in your blog at all? )

No. It happened after bedtime last night, so haven't had time. Besides, the neighborhood here reads my blog and I don't want the little brats to get into trouble. For the most part they're good kids and the fear I put in them last night was enough payment for their sins. You should have seen their faces. :D
I can't say this enough... I love sleep. Let's see how long this lasts, especially since we have a short timeframe for rehearsing the show and they always interfere with sleep patterns.

I lay a-slumbering, windows open, gentle breeze. All at once there came a clatter, a rumble and a giggle. Sitting upright, my head reeling, the sound outside my window that of several young men on the prowl. I grabbed my trusty gun, sidled down the hall to the dining room door. The house dark and quiet, the screen latched. With nimble fingers, the latch was slid silently open. The door soon followed, the boys on the deck none the wiser. I drew a bead, let out a low whistle. What fun is the hunt if the quarry doesn't move?

And move they did when they saw the muzzle of my gun aimed at their heads. A maniacal chuckle and a squeeze of the trigger. A quick pump and the second shot exploded from the barrel. The third hit boy number three in the shoulder. The fourth got away unscathed, but next time I load the super-soaker with boar piss.

Sleep well, boys. Sleep well, Slyc. Good night, moon.

The home is quiet again.
BWAAAH!! Oh, that's funny and makes me glad my backyard is completely fenced in. The most I ever find back there is a wild rabbit.

Oh, hello, am I rambling?

anna --- the light is there at the end of the tunnel ... those dang braces will be off soon!

Hi Steve, Naoko, slyc and the rest of you. Molly, that story is hilarious.

Did I mention I am a super mom and practically saved my child's life today?

Or that I've decided May is fitness challenge month and maybe it's not the best idea to chart how many pushups one can do in 60 seconds between rounds of whiskey?

Or that I get the MOST random PMs?

Well. Now I am rambling. I really must get this blog post finished ...
Yeah, and I can see a faint glimmer in the distance. The retainer is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.

Aren't random PMs fun? ;)

I'm making pancakes with strawberries (and shall we have chocolate sauce too? :devil:). anna, you could have some, they will be soft. At least you've got the braces off for eating? So you can get slowly into ordinary eating and perhaps be ready for something major when the retainer comes off.

Tio :rose:, pancake?
I can have pancakes, although I have trouble with strawberries lately. In fact, I have the retainer off right now so I can drink my coffee.

Holy Crap!

I heard some thumping outside and thought maybe some of the local wildlife were getting it on in the backyard. I go outside to see our Lacey/Chihuahua mix running around in circles and all the lawn furniture tipped over. We're getting some powerful wind gusts tonight. Have to be 30 mph or more. Lightning flashes all over the sky, but no rain just yet.

I just hope the grill doesn't tip over. There're still some hot embers in that thing.

Ah, Texas storms . . . :rolleyes:

Oh, and here comes the rain.
Holy Crap, indeed! I hope the storm passed with minimal damage, willie!

No worries, John. I never get PMs either, despite being incredibly attractive, smart and remarkably emotionally intelligent for a bloke. Oh, and modest too... :D

Nice guys are often ignored in favour of the bad boys. Ain't that right, slyc...? ;)

Me, I'm taken, so I couldn't care less... :)
So then, Mr. Modest, are you saying you want to get random PMs? I'd be happy to forward one or two of the ones I've received, especially if they are as funny as the one from a guy asking me to be his "Size Queen." ;)
I can't say this enough... I love sleep. Let's see how long this lasts, especially since we have a short timeframe for rehearsing the show and they always interfere with sleep patterns.

BWAAAH!! Oh, that's funny and makes me glad my backyard is completely fenced in. The most I ever find back there is a wild rabbit.

Yeah, and I can see a faint glimmer in the distance. The retainer is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.

Aren't random PMs fun? ;)

I can have pancakes, although I have trouble with strawberries lately. In fact, I have the retainer off right now so I can drink my coffee.

Holy Crap, indeed! I hope the storm passed with minimal damage, willie!

So then, Mr. Modest, are you saying you want to get random PMs? I'd be happy to forward one or two of the ones I've received, especially if they are as funny as the one from a guy asking me to be his "Size Queen." ;)

How did you know I was a size queen?? :eek: :D
BWAAAH!! Oh, that's funny and makes me glad my backyard is completely fenced in. The most I ever find back there is a wild rabbit.

Are you kidding? Last night was the most fun I've had in ages. No one was hurt, 4 boys ran screaming home and we woke the entire neighborhood. It was a good night. :D
Are you kidding? Last night was the most fun I've had in ages. No one was hurt, 4 boys ran screaming home and we woke the entire neighborhood. It was a good night. :D

LOL, that's a good one. I have a good story about the neighbour's boys too I would love to turn into a blogpost. I don't think they read my blog - I mean the clean one guys! So I might do it.

Hey, anna, sleep is so lovely! Sometimes I say it's my favourite hobby, sigh. LOL on the size queen.
How did you know I was a size queen?? :eek: :D
I didn't. Not until you confirmed it, that is. ;)

Are you kidding? Last night was the most fun I've had in ages. No one was hurt, 4 boys ran screaming home and we woke the entire neighborhood. It was a good night. :D
My yard's too small for anything like your story to happen. Still, I'm glad you were able to get a great laugh out of it. :)

LOL, that's a good one. I have a good story about the neighbour's boys too I would love to turn into a blogpost. I don't think they read my blog - I mean the clean one guys! So I might do it.

Hey, anna, sleep is so lovely! Sometimes I say it's my favourite hobby, sigh. LOL on the size queen.
Isn't it though? Oh Naoko, you would have had fun with that PM. As it turned out, another friend of mine received the exact same PM and we were flabbergasted together.
I didn't. Not until you confirmed it, that is. ;)

My yard's too small for anything like your story to happen. Still, I'm glad you were able to get a great laugh out of it. :)

Isn't it though? Oh Naoko, you would have had fun with that PM. As it turned out, another friend of mine received the exact same PM and we were flabbergasted together.

No-o-o! That is supremely jaw-droppingly cheap! Using the same PM on several women. :D

Hey! how come I didn't get it! :mad:

LOL, I hardly ever get weird PMs, well apart from JackLuis's piccies of nylon peignoirs :eek: I was rather touched by the one asking me to bread him a story. I usually ignore the very occasional rugby one I get, unless I'm feeling really :devil:, when I actually do talk about rugby until their legs fall off. :D
No-o-o! That is supremely jaw-droppingly cheap! Using the same PM on several women. :D

Hey! how come I didn't get it! :mad:

LOL, I hardly ever get weird PMs, well apart from JackLuis's piccies of nylon peignoirs :eek: I was rather touched by the one asking me to bread him a story. I usually ignore the very occasional rugby one I get, unless I'm feeling really :devil:, when I actually do talk about rugby until their legs fall off. :D

LOL, that's what we thought too! Shockingly unoriginal, tsk.

It was quite a while ago that this happened. Probably shortly after I started posting in the AH.
LOL, that's what we thought too! Shockingly unoriginal, tsk.

It was quite a while ago that this happened. Probably shortly after I started posting in the AH.

Equal opportunities lover lad? Couldn't give a stuff who you are or what you look like, just ever hopeful! :D

Hey, guys, do you ever get random dirty PMs? saying like, Ooh, I would've liked to have seen you in the showers after rugby training. (I mean apart from from me :devil:.)
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