shy asian girl peeking in

Hello shaigirl!

i really like your thread, because you create some kind of tension (right noe also in my pants, regarding your last pictures) :)
i read the discussion about the nice cleavage: wel i think u dont have to be envious onother girls! you are a fine asian girl and i think your cup size fits perfectly to your body.
i dont like these pictures of these asian women with pimped up boobies...

so be proud of what you got.
i will go on peeking, if you keep on sharing pictures ;)

by the way:
i also read some german words. did you lived there or can u speak german ?


Hallo! Guten Tag! Ist Deutsch Ihre Muttersprache?

Ich spreche Deutsch ein bisschen. Ich finde Deutsch schwierig. :eek: Ich habe in Deutschland gefahren und in Europa gewohnen. (Okay, I dunno if that was grammatically correct, but forgive me, ich lerne Deutsch als Fremdsprache). :eek:

Thanks for speaking out! Nice to "meet" you here. I think you saw my Gute Nacht to the Danish gentleman? Now I know that it's "god nat" in Danish. :cool:

Did you find my thread just recently? I've removed most of my pics, but when I get the urge maybe I'll post a few old ones again. Seems I have new "fans" and you may not have seen my legs, which I think is my best feature. ;)

Yes, I think my breasts fit my frame nicely (though a cup size more would be nice, lol). Too much and they would look too heavy on my frame, right? :)

I agree with you (re: pimped up boobies). At least in the porn films that I've seen (which isn't much, lol), the fake ones don't look too nice, IMO. They don't jiggle as they should. :D
Hallo! Guten Tag! Ist Deutsch Ihre Muttersprache?

Ich spreche Deutsch ein bisschen. Ich finde Deutsch schwierig. :eek: Ich habe in Deutschland gefahren und in Europa gewohnen. (Okay, I dunno if that was grammatically correct, but forgive me, ich lerne Deutsch als Fremdsprache). :eek:

Thanks for speaking out! Nice to "meet" you here. I think you saw my Gute Nacht to the Danish gentleman? Now I know that it's "god nat" in Danish. :cool:

Did you find my thread just recently? I've removed most of my pics, but when I get the urge maybe I'll post a few old ones again. Seems I have new "fans" and you may not have seen my legs, which I think is my best feature. ;)

Yes, I think my breasts fit my frame nicely (though a cup size more would be nice, lol). Too much and they would look too heavy on my frame, right? :)

Guten Tag!
Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache!

Your german is really good!
so i was right about thar guess ;) i read something about glühwein and sturm which are german words.
well right it is gettinge cold here in germany and last night we had some snow.
so i will leave in a few minutes to have a glühwein on one of the "weihnachts-märkte" :) did you visit one?

well i recently visited your thread.and i also had the guess that you removed some pictures. so when you talk about your legs... i get really curious to see them ;)
but it is your choice! just relaunch them when you are willing.

i am not the guy who pushes anyone! i think that everybody here visiting and peeking should be happy what he gets and should NOT always cry for more.
so i also accept that you are shy and are not willing to post nude pictures.
i think it is often very erotic by not showing everything. leave something to the phantasy of the recipient :)

I agree with you (re: pimped up boobies). At least in the porn films that I've seen (which isn't much, lol), the fake ones don't look too nice, IMO. They don't jiggle as they should.

porn movies with asian girls? i never saw one.. lol

so keep your boobies jiggling :D

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Good morning, Shai! I'm so glad you posted on my pic thread because now I was able to find yours. You are exceedingly gorgeous and look altogether edible! Mmm...simply lovely! ;)
Guten Tag!
Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache!

Your german is really good!
so i was right about thar guess ;) i read something about glühwein and sturm which are german words.
well right it is gettinge cold here in germany and last night we had some snow.
so i will leave in a few minutes to have a glühwein on one of the "weihnachts-märkte" :) did you visit one?

well i recently visited your thread.and i also had the guess that you removed some pictures. so when you talk about your legs... i get really curious to see them
but it is your choice! just relaunch them when you are willing.

i am not the guy who pushes anyone! i think that everybody here visiting and peeking should be happy what he gets and should always cry for more.
so i also accept that you are shy and are not willing to post nude pictures.
i think it is often very erotic by not showing everything. leave something to the phantasy of the recipient

porn movies with asian girls? i never saw one.. lol

so keep your boobies jiggling


Ich kann für 15 bis 30 Minuten deutsch Gespräch sprechen. After that it's sign language oder wir sprechen in Englisch. ;) Ich kann Nachrichten verstehen - besser in die Zeitung als Radio oder Fernsehen.

Ja, I visited some Weinachtsmärkte several times. :) Ich habe Brezel gegessen. ;)

My boobies were freely jiggling when I took these pics - I was braless. :D I bought this outfit from H und M. In fact, most of my undies are from there. :) Here are some legs for you. ;)
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what exactly is sturm? i dont know a german bevarage which is called like this...
something like glühwein ?

Ich habe Sturm in Österreich getrunken. I dunno if it's Sturm or Stürm.

It's immature wine, so they said. The wine is not fully fermented and it's a cloudy reddish-pink or yellow (depends on the colour of the grapes used). There's usually some brownish residue at the bottom of the glass which you're not supposed to drink because it's bitter. During my first drink, I didn't know better, so I finished everything, bottoms up, including the residue. :D
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Ich habe Sturm in Österreich getrunken. I dunno if it's Sturm or Stürm.

It's immature wine, so they said. The wine is not fully fermented and it's a cloudy reddish-pink or yellow (depends on the colour of the grapes used). There's usually some brownish residue at the bottom of the glass which you're not supposed to drink because it's bitter. During my first drink, I didn't know better, so I finished everything, bottoms up, including the residue. :D

okay! well österreich got some funny drinks ;) i never heard of sturm (i don't think that t is stürm, but i don't know).
so i have something to look up on wikipedia.
Ich kann für 15 bis 30 Minuten deutsch Gespräch sprechen. After that it's sign language oder wir sprechen in Englisch. ;) Ich kann Nachrichten verstehen - besser in die Zeitung als Radio oder Fernsehen.

Ja, I visited some Weinachtsmärkte several times. :) Ich habe Brezel gegessen. ;)

My boobies were freely jiggling when I took these pics - I was braless. :D I bought this outfit from H und M. In fact, most of my undies are from there. :) Here are some legs for you. ;)

okay lets speak some german:

ich mag H&M und kaufe dort auch unterwäsche.
vielen dank für die beiden bilder shai, hast du sie nun nur für mich gepostet? das ehrt mich sehr!
sie werden noch interessanter durch den hinweis deiner "jiggling braless breasts".
das ist es was ich meine... die phantasie kommt ins spiel und macht das ganze viel aufregender!
deine beine sind wirklich toll!
I looked it up as well. It's also called Federweißer.
I forgot about the regional names, like Kartoffel and Erdapfel. :eek:

yes! i also looked it up!
i know federweißer, but never drank some.
well i think nextr year i should try some.
sometimes you can buy a bottle on small markets or a guy who sells it on a street here in germany...
your impression sounds interesting
okay lets speak some german:

ich mag H&M und kaufe dort auch unterwäsche.
vielen dank für die beiden bilder shai, hast du sie nun nur für mich gepostet? das ehrt mich sehr!
sie werden noch interessanter durch den hinweis deiner "jiggling braless breasts".
das ist es was ich meine... die phantasie kommt ins spiel und macht das ganze viel aufregender!
deine beine sind wirklich toll!

Die Fotos sind alt, aber ich habe für Sie gepostet. (is there such a word? lol)

Danke schön für Seine Kompliment über meine Beine. :) Meine Backen sind jetzt rot. :eek:
Ich habe Seine Wörter verstehen, aber ich kann nicht gut deutsch schreiben. :eek:
Ich kann besser lesen und verstehen, als ich schreiben oder sprechen kann.
Ich benutze Babelfish manchmal. :eek:
Die Fotos sind alt, aber ich habe für Sie gepostet. (is there such a word? lol)

Danke schön für Seine Kompliment über meine Beine. :) Meine Backen sind jetzt rot. :eek:
Ich habe Seine Wörter verstehen, aber ich kann nicht gut deutsch schreiben. :eek:
Ich kann besser lesen und verstehen, als ich schreiben oder sprechen kann.
Ich benutze Babelfish manchmal. :eek:

Kein Problem!
ich verstehe dich sehr gut und umgekehrt scheint es auch so zu sein.
mein englisch ist auch nicht perfekt, dass weiß ich.

schön das mein kompliment angekommen ist. es ist auch ernstgemeint.
das foto von der seite gefällt mir besonders da man noch ein wenig von deinem hübschen po sieht ;)
fühle mich wirklich geehrt, das die fotos für mich waren. das macht mich auch ein wenig rot :D
es ist sehr schön diese konversation mit dir zu führen shai.

seit wann lernst du deustch?
yes! i also looked it up!
i know federweißer, but never drank some.
well i think nextr year i should try some.
sometimes you can buy a bottle on small markets or a guy who sells it on a street here in germany...
your impression sounds interesting

I think in some grocery stores (the big chains) you can buy "commercial" federweißer - they come in plastic bottles, I dunno if in 1 or 1.5 litres. But then there's no residue unlike if you buy it in a pub/bar and they get it from a barrel. :D

I had a fun experience in drinking it. It was my 2nd or 3rd time to drink it, I think, and I was drinking it like it was Apfelsaft - after all, it tasted like juice. ;) But as the social drinking session ended, I found that I was slightly tipsy - it is wine, after all. I got a nice buzz after - I felt very happy and the world seemed all rosy. :D

Re: my impression, I think it's because I'm an Auslander and we generally see things from a different perspective, versus the viewpoint of a native. :)
I think in some grocery stores (the big chains) you can buy "commercial" federweißer - they come in plastic bottles, I dunno if in 1 or 1.5 litres. But then there's no residue unlike if you buy it in a pub/bar and they get it from a barrel. :D

I had a fun experience in drinking it. It was my 2nd or 3rd time to drink it, I think, and I was drinking it like it was Apfelsaft - after all, it tasted like juice. ;) But as the social drinking session ended, I found that I was slightly tipsy - it is wine, after all. I got a nice buzz after - I felt very happy and the world seemed all rosy. :D

Re: my impression, I think it's because I'm an Auslander and we generally see things from a different perspective, versus the viewpoint of a native. :)

i know exactly what you mean!
it is a funny feeling!
i had also an almost similar experience in spain:

ther are so called "ciderias" some kind of pub. where you can drink cidre from the barrel ( well okay you drink out of glasses indeed LOL).
we went there with some people and had a nice meal and tried different kinds of cidre, after all there was nobody of our group who wasn't drunk.
it was a really funny evening back in 2003 :)

cidre, i think you know it from he uk, is very similar to federweisser. or is it the same? we should look up :)
it also tastes like juice and you don't get the clue that you might drink wine...
anyway...i have to leave now in order to buy some presents for christmas.

i am sorry about it. i mean it is really fun talking to oyu like this. i would appreciate it if we could continue later on. what do you think?

well i think we will meet again sometime.
Kein Problem!
ich verstehe dich sehr gut und umgekehrt scheint es auch so zu sein.
mein englisch ist auch nicht perfekt, dass weiß ich.

schön das mein kompliment angekommen ist. es ist auch ernstgemeint.
das foto von der seite gefällt mir besonders da man noch ein wenig von deinem hübschen po sieht ;)
fühle mich wirklich geehrt, das die fotos für mich waren. das macht mich auch ein wenig rot :D
es ist sehr schön diese konversation mit dir zu führen shai.

seit wann lernst du deustch?

Ich habe deutsch seit 4 Jahren vor gelernt. Habe ich Abendkurse gegangen, aber ich spreche deutsch nicht so oft. :eek:

Unterwäsche von H&M sind nett. Ich habe Spongebob boxerkurzschlüße gesehen. Das ist kuhl. :D

Ich bin glücklich, dass du die Fotos magst. Die Konversation ist nett. Danke schön! Dieses ist gutes üblich für mich. Vielleicht wir sprechen wieder. :) Aber ich muss gehen. :eek: Schönes Wochenende, und Fröhe Weinachten! :)
well I don't speak german but...

Hey wanton! I'm glad you were able to get some laughs at my "baby's ass" comment. When I'm with my Asian girlfriends and we're having girltalk, we often laugh about that as well. We have an expression of that in our language, and it's really translated as "butt/ass of a child", but "baby's ass" translates better, no? You see, most of my Asian girlfriends wear A or B cups - C cups are rare. That's why when we are sometimes being catty (or envious ) there comes the "baby's ass" comment.

And I don't hate my little ones - I like them most of the time. There are always maximizer bras if I wanted to be a bit bigger. It's just when taking downblouse pics that I get a little insecure.

I think it's easier to be on the smaller side. I've read some threads here about boobies, and larger busted women sometimes complain of back aches, difficulty in finding nice bras (in some shops they only go up to C or D cups), men don't look at their faces but look south instead, etc. As a woman on the smaller side, I don't have backaches due to heavy tatas, they don't sag yet (but I imagine that the sag factor will come if/when I have a baby and/or when I'm in my 40s), men look at my face most of the time (when I'm not wearing minis or shorts and they're not looking at my legs, lol), and I don't have difficulty in jogging or sleeping on my tummy. ;)

p.s. I'm flattered that the orangebottom pic remains close to your heart (or is it your nether regions? lol)

p.p.s. I don't have anything against larger busted women (since some women might be lurking). In fact I envy them sometimes. :eek: What I've said about them are the comments that I've read from other threads. I think the size of a woman's bust shouldn't be the only gauge for attractiveness, after all, the most attractive organ should be the mind!?! :kiss:

Sweet ShaiGirl:rose:

You, catty surely not:eek:
I've heard all of these complaints from large-breasted ladies and I know some who would consider reductions. My two biggest concerns with reductions are that there could be a loss of sensitivity (as is also possible with enlargements) and often larger women with larger breasts fail to anticipate the impact on their appearance. I don't mean just their breast size but their overall proportions. With the size of the top decreasing too much they go from larger hour-glass to bowling pin figures.

As far as your future sagging, I don't think that's anything to be concerned at all about. While I imagine with your fitness, yours won't sag much anyway, I think they will remain quite sexy even if they do (of course this is difficult to judge accurately since anytime I've seen them they've been covered and/or supported:devil:).

The mind should be the most attractive organ but for some others this might not be as easily accomplished. I think many women I've known forget the importance of a sharp mind and charming character. You, however, have this mastered as well.

I noticed some new(?) pics and some old gems, as well. I do enjoy the webcam candid pics of which this one is my favourite:kiss:
I hope you'll consider taking some more new pics, when you have time, of course:)

Have fun dear sweet, sexy ShaiGirl:rose:

ShaiGirl:rose:'s great beauty
Flawless physique, charming wit
Total perfection
Ich kann für 15 bis 30 Minuten deutsch Gespräch sprechen. After that it's sign language oder wir sprechen in Englisch. ;) Ich kann Nachrichten verstehen - besser in die Zeitung als Radio oder Fernsehen.

Ja, I visited some Weinachtsmärkte several times. :) Ich habe Brezel gegessen. ;)

My boobies were freely jiggling when I took these pics - I was braless. :D I bought this outfit from H und M. In fact, most of my undies are from there. :) Here are some legs for you. ;)

Mmmmm legs! I'm a fan of the first pic here (I bet you can figure out why!)! :devil:
I think I'm still on the journey of acceptance of my own attributes. :) When I started posting last year, I was very insecure of my body. Being on Lit has helped me to be more forgiving of my body and its flaws. I think there's always the "grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome, but now it comes less often. ;)

As for showing more... we'll see when the mood arises. ;)

Weird... when I'm on your thread (and Lit), I've got the opposite problem! ;)