You greedy mother fu**kers!!!


Literotica Guru
Oct 20, 1999
Disclosure: This is Eve's polictical rant thread, if you want no part of this, run away

When will people wake up and stop pandering to these bullshit lawsuits? It's bad enough when there are suits out there where people are suing companies for spilling hot liquid on themselves and winning (isn't coffee suppose to be hot?), but when there are super bullshit lawsuits like the one that is currently against the fast food industry for making people fat we need to wake up. Those extra bucks that people are seek in lawsuits impact us all, especially in malpractice. Yes, I work for the big bad insurance company, but you wouldn't believe some of the BS I hear on a daily basis. It's scary because as the malpractice claims rise, so does the cost of malpractice insurance, which then causes providers to raise the cost of their services, which then affects the cost of our health insurance. I live in one of the most litigious states in the country and Doctors are fleeing like crazy. OB-GYNs in particular. I had to schedule an f**cking to see the OB, and I can't get a damn appointment until June, because the guy I usually see has left the state. It's definetly a scary place to become pregnant if you need a doctor.

So I ask where do we lay the blame? Does it belong in the hands of the people looking for that big payout, the liability lawyers who pursue these claims, the insurance company for their outrageous premiums, or the government for not doing anything about it?
Didn't one or two of those cases get thrown out with the expectancy of one more getting thrown out?
Purrde Flower said:
Didn't one or two of those cases get thrown out with the expectancy of one more getting thrown out?

That suit is still going on if you're referring to the one against McDonalds
*Eve* said:
Disclosure: This is Eve's polictical rant thread, if you want no part of this, run away

When will people wake up and stop pandering to these bullshit lawsuits? It's bad enough when there are suits out there where people are suing companies for spilling hot liquid on themselves and winning (isn't coffee suppose to be hot?), but when there are super bullshit lawsuits like the one that is currently against the fast food industry for making people fat we need to wake up.

Two things

1. The coffee involved in that case was too hot for human consumption and MELTED HER GENITALS. You'd think on THIS site people would understand how it sucks to be with injured genitals.
2. The fat case got thrown out.
modest mouse said:
From what I have read the Govt is working to limit class action suits.

and we know how fast they work right? ;)
These people are fucking it up for those who have legitimate claims.

Why do stupid people breed?
*Eve* said:
That suit is still going on if you're referring to the one against McDonalds
No, the obesity suit was dismissed this week. Funny how that tidbit wasn't splashed across the headlines like the filing of the suit was.

And speaking of McDonald's, the coffee suit isn't as simplistic as you make it sound. The plaintiff was held partially liable for opening the coffee in her car, and McDonald's was held partially liable for serving coffee hot enough to melt her skin. She was in the hospital for weeks and required skin grafts. Coffee is supposed to be hot, but not that hot. In the end, McDonald's paid their portion of her medical bills.

THIS is more govern SHIT
with 1 broken rib + 1` cracked rib..
the company is STILL fighting my 2 days off work what the fuck the did I pay this workmans comp for??????????
Pet Peeve - mentioning the coffee law suit as a way to discredit the current practice of law in the United States.

Excuse me while I go smoke 3 cigarettes in a row and scream at the top of my lungs from my balcony.

It will be almost orgasmic.
badasschick said:
These people are fucking it up for those who have legitimate claims.

Why do stupid people breed?

It's not the breeding. It's the lead chip sammichs and palm grips to the soft spot that screws them up.
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badasschick said:
These people are fucking it up for those who have legitimate claims.

Why do stupid people breed?

eh, because they can and the liberals won't let us stop them.
Johnny Mayberry said:
The reason for the huge (legit) lawsuits is explained perfectly well in Fight Club.

Interesting source for the tools for living.

When's the bomb set to go off?
some things are a given............

badasschick said:
These people are fucking it up for those who have legitimate claims.

Why do stupid people breed?

I am sooo in favor of a Personal Responsibility Card...........those who are in favor of being responsible for their own actions carry this document.................we are who we are and we are proud.......we are willing to take the risk...............let us get on with our lives.................

Bush is trying to pass legislation right now to put a $ 250,000 limit on medical malpractice suits. He's getting a lot of opposistion. There's a lady here who just had both of her breasts removed , when there wasn't anything wrong with them.. How much are your tit's worth ? I agree it is a sue happy society , but I have no idea how to fix it , but it's definately broken.
Samuari said:
eh, because they can and the liberals won't let us stop them.

Dude, I can take this statement "there", but I'll choose just to least they have the choice not to.
lavender said:
Pet Peeve - mentioning the coffee law suit as a way to discredit the current practice of law in the United States.

Excuse me while I go smoke 3 cigarettes in a row and scream at the top of my lungs from my balcony.

It will be almost orgasmic.

I opened my window :cool:
McDonald's hasn't been the only company sued for coffee being spilled there have been several suits against various companies, and I did miss that that lawsuit against fast food was thrown out, but as ridiculous as that suit was my point is, why was it even brought to light in the first place. That's the problem. Why do people feel that it's so easy to blame others just to get money.
Suit dismissed, appeal coming

From an AP report: U.S. District Court Judge Robert Sweet on Wednesday threw out the class-action lawsuit that blamed McDonald's food for obesity.
"If a person knows or should know that eating copious orders of supersized McDonald's products is unhealthy and may result in weight gain … it is not the place of the law to protect them from their own excesses," the judge said. "Nobody is forced to eat at McDonald's."
I'd say this guy is ready for the Supreme Court.
Plaintiff attorney Samuel Hirsch, who filed similar lawsuits last year against a number of fast-food restaurants, said McDonald's food is "a toxic kind of thing" when eaten regularly by children.
Sorta like Jim Beam is "a toxic kind of thing" when you polish off a bottle every night.
lavender said:
Pet Peeve - mentioning the coffee law suit as a way to discredit the current practice of law in the United States.

Excuse me while I go smoke 3 cigarettes in a row and scream at the top of my lungs from my balcony.

It will be almost orgasmic.

There wasn't just a coffee lawsuit, there have been several and I wasn't trying to discredit, the practice of law, if you took it that way, no offense was meant, but my pet peeve is not being able to find a doctor when I need one because mine has fled the state because of all the malpractice suits.
*Eve* said:
Why do people feel that it's so easy to blame others just to get money.

To me it would depend on how gross and negligent they were. If it's a kid who spits on a burger. I'll handle things out of court. If it's a surgeon who shows up drunk and fucks up an operation. It's payday.
Johnny Mayberry said:
The reason for the huge (legit) lawsuits is explained perfectly well in Fight Club.
#1 rule ............don't mention FC......rule #2........