

Back from the dead
Jun 22, 2002
I just read a short article concerning teen singer Avril Lavigne. If I'm not mistaken, she's the sorta cute chick who sings that song that goes "Something something so complicated." Right? Anyway, the story referred to her as a "punk princess." PUNK? When the fuck did I move to the bizarro world? The Ramones were punk. The Sex Pistols were punk. The Dead Kennedys were punk. Avril Lavigne? You must be fucking kidding me. Rock and roll truly is dead.
Thrillhouse said:
I just read a short article concerning teen singer Avril Lavigne. If I'm not mistaken, she's the sorta cute chick who sings that song that goes "Something something so complicated." Right? Anyway, the story referred to her as a "punk princess." PUNK? When the fuck did I move to the bizarro world? The Ramones were punk. The Sex Pistols were punk. The Dead Kennedys were punk. Avril Lavigne? You must be fucking kidding me. Rock and roll truly is dead.

You missed the memo huh? Avril is punk, David Bowie is country, and Pavarotti is heavy metal.
Re: Re: Wtf?

Bob_Bytchin said:
You missed the memo huh? Avril is punk, David Bowie is country, and Pavarotti is heavy metal.
LMAO. That's why they don't play Bowie the rock station. If I'd only known :D
It's all relative, I guess. Avril wears clothing that actually covers the majority of her body, so that's quite daring next to the g-string blonde clone dolls. Call her Nu Punk.
Button-down shirts and thin ties, and she's in pictures in Rolling Stone and SPIN where she's giving the finger.

I don't listen to her, so I don't know that much, but even her most punked-out song is a bubblegum guitar-lick-filled tune called "Sk8er Boi."

I don't think that qualifies.

Problem Child said:
Little Avril <----- needs to be punish-fucked by Ron Jeremy and swallow his s-punk.

Is she legal yet?

or is this gonna be like Traci lords?
Selling the T Shirt off Her Back

For punk princess Avril Lavigne, charity began in the T-shirt bin at a thrift store, where she found a sporty green-and-gold number that she wore in the video for her song Sk8ter Boi. Turns out the T shirt came from a Wilkesboro, N.C., elementary school, which has since been inundated with calls from fans looking to buy one. The result? A windfall for the school, which was struggling to find cash to pay for new computers. Maybe it could pay Lavigne back by teaching her how to spell skater and boy.

---Lev Grossman for TIME Magazine, 3/24/03
Thrillhouse said:
I just read a short article concerning teen singer Avril Lavigne. If I'm not mistaken, she's the sorta cute chick who sings that song that goes "Something something so complicated." Right? Anyway, the story referred to her as a "punk princess." PUNK? When the fuck did I move to the bizarro world? The Ramones were punk. The Sex Pistols were punk. The Dead Kennedys were punk. Avril Lavigne? You must be fucking kidding me. Rock and roll truly is dead.

This literally made me cry.

I mourn for the future of music.
She's legal now. 18.

But I want to do something with her hair. It irritates me to no end - I want to tell her use a product that takes the "fly aways" away and whoever said raccoon eyes were cool?

On a plus, one of her songs, I'm with you, is quite good.

But punk? No, Wendy O. Williams was punk. Joan Jett was punkish.

Not Avril.
This is nothing new.

Listen to the dirge that passes for soul and R&B and then listen to real soul and R&B (two different types of music!)
I don't know the music from this particular artist, but I know that all the little girls in my son's 3rd grade class want to be like her. I assumed (wrongly?) that she was teeny bopper.

Um.. didn't Pat Boone do something that he tried to pass off as heavy metal or punk? I remember seeing a picture of him with spiked hear and leather pants. I have needed therapy ever since.
Mischka said:
It's all relative, I guess. Avril wears clothing that actually covers the majority of her body, so that's quite daring next to the g-string blonde clone dolls. Call her Nu Punk.

What the fuck does clothing have to do with defining a style of music?

Motorhead dressed as cowboys - Country and Western act.

Motorhead dressed up in sliver suits, platform boots and glitter make-up - Glamrock band.

Motorhead shave their heads, put on Doc Martins and braces - Ska band.

Motorhead have their hair in dreds, put a black, yellow, and green stripped tea cosy on their head, say Yeah, mon,' - Reggie Band.

A lot of music that is called punk has nothing to do with punk at all. Not By Choice. Good Charlotte. Simple Plan.

Instead...listen to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. the Distillers. Division of Laura Lee, Bad Religion, Minor Threat, Rancid, Propagandhi.

Rock and Roll and Punk are ALIVE AND WELL...just don't turn on your radio to hear it.
teddybear4play said:
You obviously don't follow the state of popular music.


A genre of music is defined by the MUSIC. The clothes are nothing more than an accessory. It is the sound that lets us put music into catagories not the visual image.

It doesn't matter what someone is wearing: if it sounds like thrash metal then it probably is thrash metal, even if the band members all have short neat hair, scrubbed faces, pressed white shirts, sharp suits and shiny shoes.
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
A genre of music is defined by the MUSIC. The clothes are nothing more than an accessory. It is the sound that lets us put music into catagories not the visual image.

It doesn't matter what someone is wearing: if it sounds like thrash metal then it probably is thrash metal, even if the band members all have short neat hair, scrubbed faces, pressed white shirts, sharp suits and shiny shoes.
Well, I know that and you know that, but the music industry doesn't.

Image means more than the music anymore.

breakwall said:
A lot of music that is called punk has nothing to do with punk at all. Not By Choice. Good Charlotte. Simple Plan.

Instead...listen to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. the Distillers. Division of Laura Lee, Bad Religion, Minor Threat, Rancid, Propagandhi.

Rock and Roll and Punk are ALIVE AND WELL...just don't turn on your radio to hear it.

Unless you turn to a college station.

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