Words of Wisdom featuring Gracie and the Dragon

Dearest Lit-Peeps,

Here’s a mindflow on giving yourself permission to not be okay. And I’ll warn you, I’m not my usual bubbly self. This is me once I’ve calmed from a PTSD attack. This is me at my rawest. And I’m not sure if it’ll help anyone out there. But if anything, I hope it allows you to see that you aren’t alone when things are dark.

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Audio

If you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, Dragon and I are always here...just a PM away. And if you have any ideas for topics of discussion or anything of the like, I welcome you to please post here or send us a PM.

Please look after yourself.

All my love,
Lucy :rose:


You are an incredibly stong woman.
Loving, liking, coexisting within our varied types of relationships.

Our families are a given, any severe dysfunctionality notwithstanding.
Our lovers/SOs/spouses can make us crazy, but we've chosen to make a life with them.
Both of these typically come with built-in expectations.

If we could treat everyone with the deference and understanding we allot to our friendships, from whom we can expect nothing more than to like and be liked in return, I think all of our relationships would benefit.

Friendships test us the most, as they can be the most transient in our lives, or the most valued, because they have chosen to be with us, not as 'inescapable' familial relationships, or with that 'planning to build a future' aspect of pair-bonding.

Friendships truly reveal the most about us.
Loving, liking, coexisting within our varied types of relationships.

Our families are a given, any severe dysfunctionality notwithstanding.
Our lovers/SOs/spouses can make us crazy, but we've chosen to make a life with them.
Both of these typically come with built-in expectations.

If we could treat everyone with the deference and understanding we allot to our friendships, from whom we can expect nothing more than to like and be liked in return, I think all of our relationships would benefit.

Friendships test us the most, as they can be the most transient in our lives, or the most valued, because they have chosen to be with us, not as 'inescapable' familial relationships, or with that 'planning to build a future' aspect of pair-bonding.

Friendships truly reveal the most about us.

Such a wonderfully thoughtful post, Mr HB. I believe you’re right...our truest friendships can reveal a great deal. It goes to show that we are the company we keep.

Thank you for sharing :rose:
Such a wonderfully thoughtful post, Mr HB. I believe you’re right...our truest friendships can reveal a great deal. It goes to show that we are the company we keep.

Thank you for sharing :rose:

:rose: :heart:

I don't want to embarrass you, so I cannot say all that is in my heart. So I will say what everyone who has ever met you understands, instantly.

Everything about you is wonderful. Your existence makes this world a better place and your warmth and grace better the lives of all that you touch.

If you ever doubt that for an instant, I and many others will be happy to remind you.
I didn't mean to kill the thread, ignore me and say something nice to the OPs.
:rose: :heart:

I don't want to embarrass you, so I cannot say all that is in my heart. So I will say what everyone who has ever met you understands, instantly.

Everything about you is wonderful. Your existence makes this world a better place and your warmth and grace better the lives of all that you touch.

If you ever doubt that for an instant, I and many others will be happy to remind you.

You're right Nevyn.

Sometimes though, the good ones have a difficult time when it comes to complements. :)
Thank you two and for those that post here, for all that you do to make people see the good in themselves... :)
:rose: :heart:

I don't want to embarrass you, so I cannot say all that is in my heart. So I will say what everyone who has ever met you understands, instantly.

Everything about you is wonderful. Your existence makes this world a better place and your warmth and grace better the lives of all that you touch.

If you ever doubt that for an instant, I and many others will be happy to remind you.
Thank you, sweet Nevyn. I’m left speechless. I don’t really know what to say. Thank you :rose:

:heart: for you, Papa Dragon. So wise...such a gift to always know what to say. :rose:

Thank you two and for those that post here, for all that you do to make people see the good in themselves... :)
Such beautiful words, as always Ms LOL. Dragon definitely creates magic here. And I’m always so grateful for those who post and share their words. Each word is a thread of hope. Thank you, everyone :rose:
Hello Lit-Peeps,

I’m just posting this as I am still getting requests for audios.

Unfortunately, I am no longer making them, both for this thread or for private audiences. The personal information I have shared has/is being used in harmful ways, and I just can’t continue to be so open anymore.

This saddens me greatly. My intention was to uplift others by shedding light on some darker issues. I wanted to create a dialogue about things that are socially kept behind closed doors.

Thank you to everyone who supported me and allowed me to voice some difficult things. I adore you all. And I hope we all can continue down this road of healing/growth together.

I’m sorry.

As always, with all my love,
- Lucy :rose:
*hugs Lucy tight*

It upsets me that there are people who take advantage of the kindness of others on this site. There are many on here who are good people. People of integrity and good hearts. At the same time there are folks who use and abuse folks and such. I understand this is a porn site. But I also understand that the people on the other end of these exchanges are human beings. They are people who desire things, not pawns to be used.

This is one of those days where I really reconsider what I do here. I have lost many friends due to the abuse of others and it sucks. Everyone on this site deserves to be happy. They deserve respect even when you don't agree with something. Maybe I'm on the wrong site.
Hello Lit-Peeps,

I’m just posting this as I am still getting requests for audios.

Unfortunately, I am no longer making them, both for this thread or for private audiences. The personal information I have shared has/is being used in harmful ways, and I just can’t continue to be so open anymore.

This saddens me greatly. My intention was to uplift others by shedding light on some darker issues. I wanted to create a dialogue about things that are socially kept behind closed doors.

Thank you to everyone who supported me and allowed me to voice some difficult things. I adore you all. And I hope we all can continue down this road of healing/growth together.

I’m sorry.

As always, with all my love,
- Lucy :rose:


I am sorry this has happened to you. You are a sweet, kind person.

The End.

When I started this thread, it was a joint effort between Lucy and I to try to bring more positivity to Lit. We were pretty ambitious back then. Maybe change the world a little at a time. Lucy was a beacon of hope and of joy, the angel that made it seem like we could be better at the end of the day then we were. I went along for the ride. Fact is she is an awesome person.
But like most things created with good intentions, sometimes there's a corruption of sorts. Lucy wasn't corrupted and neither was I.But the thing is here we are now. Lucy left Lit. It hurts because Lucy is a good friend and didn't deserve any type of abuse or ridicule for wanting better. Now, she's gone. In my heart, this thread went with her.

There's been a bunch of activity on Lit recently that I am not a fan of. It's always been an escape of mine in times when real life was a bit crazy or whatever. Many of the folks who have been on here a while could attest to that.

As much as some would root for me saying good bye, I'm not. I'm going to stick around albeit in a reduced capacity since there's not much that brings me on here as much. But the thought of trying to keep this thread on life support alone doesn't work for me. So I'm going to pm Laurel and ask her to lock it down. Maybe one day, I'll consider resurrecting this thread so that I could do more. But Lucy left. I'll catch you guys on the threads.