Win XP problem - Saving Pics


Vicariously Alive
Feb 7, 2000
Help! All of a sudden for no reason I can figure out, whenever I try to save a pic from a website it tries to save as "untitled.bmp"
I have tried selecting a different file type and there are no alternatives. It does this regardless of if the pic I'm trying to save is .jpg or .gif or whatever.
Everything was working perfectly the day before yesterday, and I havn't added, changed or done anything to any settings. Has anyone seen or heard of this problem before? :confused:
Yeah, that's something I remember hearing about. I can't remember what the cause or fix is, unfortunately. Microsoft's Knowledge Base didn't return anything useful for 'save pic web" but a different search may work. 'Save pic" didn't work at, and John Woram's site is now 404. Odds are I would have heard about this from Fred (Langa) or John.

There are one or two remote possibilities, so if you haven't gotten any other feedback or found the solution let me know and I'll search further.

Good luck.
I think I read something about having low disk space
etc may have caused this in some windows versions.
Check otu your diskspace, clear out your temp folders etc

Good luck.
This is a round about way as I too had the same trouble. In the right click menu I choose email picture. Then when it brings the image up in an email it is in the correct format. Then I just copy and paste it from the email to my file folder. Not a great fix but it works ;)
THANKYOU! Oh you wouldn't believe how happy I am to be able to save pics again!

Semler, Thankyou for the link, that seems to have sorted the problem. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: Is that your site, or should I reply to the site owner as well?

Cowgirl, thanks for the tip too.. I can see that there would be other uses for email pic option - very handy.. great thinking outside the square! :kiss:

Catiphile, thanks for reminding me.. I think its time to do a general cleanout, defrag etc.. I used to do it weekly but since moving house and putting my pc in my bedroom I switch it off most nights so now my scheduled tasks arn't happening. :kiss:

Batchman, thanks for your offer and the work you obviously went to to search for a solution for me, I really appreciate it. :kiss:

Last night before I received your replies I went to the Yahoo chatrooms looking for a solution and all I got there was ridicule: "If the file you are trying to save is a .BMP then you can't save it as anything else, idiot" blah blah blah :rolleyes: And they call themselves knowledgeable about these things. They cant even read the question right. I was pretty much prepared for a replay reading the replies here, but to find intelligent, knowledgeable, sympathetic and above all HELPFUL work-arounds and solutions really blows my mind.

Licks and kisses to you all! :p :kiss:
Semler- nice link. Serdar is one of the "tech" people I can usually trust. If he says "X" then it's most likely right.

Firesprite- You're welcome. I had forgotten about Tek-Tips ( That's a great place to get answers in everything from programming to Windows to writing web pages to... Naturally the search there found nothing. :) People are generally nice there, and there are quite a number of peope there who are either in IT/programming/etc. or they fill that role for friends and family.