Will Freya2 ever get that threeway with Lance and Killswitch?


supremely white
Apr 4, 2002
Just curious?

She seems to like them.

It annoys me but hey~who am i to judge?
Couple of people you post to and are fond of I can't fucking stand but I don't judge YOU by that or get my fucking thong in a twist over it.
Angel said:
Couple of people you post to and are fond of I can't fucking stand but I don't judge YOU by that or get my fucking thong in a twist over it.

yes but have i ever spoken to you like that?
I was mildly insulted by something you said to me earlier on a similar subject.
So your justification for trolling KS is his disgusting displays towards you. And your justification for this shit would be the fact that I have an opinion about the annoyance factor of certain posts?

Grow up.
when you're my mother you can tell me to grow up.

like starting a crap thread about me isn't going to annoy me?
glamorilla said:
when you're my mother you cn tell me to grow up.

He might be acting like the schoolyard bully, but you're acting like the spoiled 6 yr old whining in the corner.

You've also developed that amazing ability of sifting through posts to only see what fits your current temper tantrum as well.
well gosh sorry~i came home from a nice dinner with friends to find a thread started about me by someone who should just mind her business.

i'm funny that way.

so hows lance treating you?

you know ole switch is married don't you?
glamorilla said:
well gosh sorry~i came home from a nice dinner with friends to find a thread started about me by someone who should just mind her business.

i'm funny that way.

so hows lance treating you?

you know ole switch is married don't you?

That thread had been hijacked, and had died a long time ago - you chose to resurrect it, and continue this on. You also conveniently chose to ignore any portion of it that said how I felt your anger towards him was justified.

I'm sure I am not the only person here that is saddened to see a perfectly nice person degrade himself by arguing with a blockhead. Whether you like it or not Glam, the fact is, you are displaying a side of yourself that I don't feel is the real you, and every time you react to him, you allow him more control, which sends him off on another despicable tangent. Let him wallow in his hatred and bigotry - you don't have to act like he does to make yourself the better man - you do that by being you, not by being like him.
glamorilla said:
you really are clueless aren't you?

Clueless as to why you do this? Yes, I guess I am. I have to admit that I've never been the subject of that kind of hatred, so maybe I just don't get it.

I'm going to bed now, Glam, and as far as I am concerned, this won't be mentioned again, in threads or PMs. I dislike what you've become, but since it isn't me, I guess I'll never understand it. Do what you need to do to make yourself feel better - I really hope it works for you. I know you know that you'll never change his mind, or his views - in fact, I doubt that he even holds them as strongly as he pretends to (at least I fucking hope that there aren't still people that sick out there). But if it alleviates some of the anger for you - have at it, I guess. I will refrain from stating any feelings on the matter again - until such time as I feel the urge to knock his head off for what he says, which is coming soon.

Goodnight, and good luck to you.
I could tie you up, gag you, and dump you in a snowbank.

you know.

like she likes?