

Jose Jones
Nov 22, 2000
Is Marxist the only one on my contact list that is apparent?

And I don't even watch his threads.

Fuck. Marxist, why are you on my shit list?

And why do I mistrust people who are never on-line yet post out their ass?

What am I missing here? Come on. Tell me.
Nooo.... I don't mean that.

What I meant was what is up with my lack of understanding.

I suppose I should go blow smoke through a garden hose.......
freakygurl said:
I'm assuming I'm not on your contact list..

Well, I should add you. Who wants to post to the perpetually off-line?

Oh, wait... those chat programs. Forgot their significance.
riff said:

Well, I should add you. Who wants to post to the perpetually off-line?

Oh, wait... those chat programs. Forgot their significance.

I have all the messengers.. and none of them are ever on. :rolleyes:
probably not if you're talking about the insult but i've had a couple of toddies so i'm not totally responsible and there was an implied smilie so i should be allright.
I added you freaky.


Do you think there is something wrong with having a latent mistrust for people who are never on-line? I mean, everyone has a right to be as they wish, but then comes the online thing and you wonder....

Well, dunno if they are on or not.
You're being paranoid, Riffer.

Some days I have a mistrust for everyone.
Do you mean the Lit contact list?

I, personally, remain invisible. its more convenient for me when I had PMs on because I often wouldnt read them or respond promptly because they pulled me away from an online activity. People would wonder what I was up to with their message.

Even with PMs off I am on and off so quickly that its easier to remain invisible. If anyone has anything wirth reading my Email will receive a message.

I dont think its a big deal for people to remain invisible.

If you are referring to messenger; then itys different. I seldomly turn on my messengers anymore and if I do I usually am invisible beause I dont have time to talk. The people who understand they dont have a strangelhold on my time I go ahead and say soemthing too. But its been about two months since I have bothered with messenger on any kind of regular basis.

Some people are not online to communicate with others all the time but are doing research.reading but are willing to talk at a more leisurely pace. I'm again fond of Email as an online communication.

No idea if that addresses anything you are wondering about but its good to see you riff.
I tip my hat
To the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play.....

Just yesterday...
I'm hoping I'm understanding you correctly....

I am invisible because the moment I log in, well, the PM's start. I don't like people to think I am ignoring them, but I do like to take my time and read threads and stories, and if they see that i am online, and especially if they see that I am posting, they may wonder why I am not responding to their PM. I hate to think that I may be hurting their feelings, so I just remain invisible. Please don't misunderstand, I love PMs, but I love to read threads and respond if I am so moved to, as well.
Just remember, the words you post aren't going anywhere, they will be here for quite awhile.:) If you want to talk to someone personally, just go ahead and PM them, or link them to the thread you wish them to see.;)
(Or messenger them...)


PS: I realize that you are saying that you want to know if they are online when you are posting something you want them to see, but seeing them posting is about the only way to tell....they could show as visible but be on another board, or vacuuming. You just never really know.;)
I'm not invisible, Riff.
Now, gimme sweet nothings in my pm box. :)