Why Is Liberal California The Poverty Capital Of America?

and Republicans too—it's bi-partisan.

(Hi BB, hope you had a nice Christmas.)

I don't do holidays but thanks.

Republicans have been totally impotent in this state for several years.

And even when it was "bipartisan" it was basically R's doing what D's told them or nothing happened.

California is a deep....DEEP blue state and it shows in it's extreme wealth disparity.

So .55% more Californians lived in poverty compared to America in general.


Yep, despite being one of the wealthiest states with the biggest economy in the country and all that (D) talk abut taking care of the poor (among a laundry list of other do-gooder bullshit) being why they need to tax the ever living shit out of the people. It's like our roads they raise taxes on every other week....never get fixed despite spending astro-fucking-nomical amounts of money on it.

Here is a great example.....they LOVE immigrants just as long as they can dump them on someone else because elite D Californians don't want that shit in THEIR neighborhoods.


Can't imagine why!!!:rolleyes:

Basically (D)'s are full of fucking shit when they start talking about "progress" because they want to get paid too. That's why despite all that shit talk when it comes down to the nitty gritty......you can vote D but you'll still get R garbage. ACA is another prime federal example.

Proof is in the pudding.
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