Biden’s mid-east foreign policy a total disaster, Israel at war

<checks claim in thread title and author>

Irony, thy name is ineedhelp1.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

"Why is President Biden getting us into war with Russia by helping Ukraine?!"

"Why isn't President Biden doing more to help Israel?!"
You have no idea, absolutely no idea how rapidly this will spin out of control. The Israelis will retaliate with a vengeance as they should..... the carnage will be horrific and used by propagandists to "prove"the brutality of Israel further en-flaming the Muslim world..... Sean, just continue to only concern yourself with free health care, higher minimum wage and you green deal..... by the end of the year we'll learn all about the consequences of the failure, or I should say the diligent destructive planning of the Obama/Biden regime, you got what you voted for......
One more thing the Gerald Ford battle group is steaming towards the straits of harmuz. Not if, but when one of our ships is destroyed by an oniks anti ship missile. That will give the Biden regime "just" cause to legally enter the war in Ukraine. like I stated earlier Biden and his crime families need this war.....

Israel will do a lot of damage, that is without a doubt. Is it justified? Kinda sorta, I at least understand where they are coming from. However proving the brutality of the Israeli people is as simple as looking at the kill count over the years. When I have more time to spare I'll see if I can find a source that you won't scream is liberal mainstream propaganda.

I will continue to focus on the important stuff, raising the minimum wage, the green new deal, health care, education. You know things that are important to uplifting ALL Americans instead of focusing on things that aren't going to happen.

Make your prediction of what you expect us to see by J1. It shouldn't be hard since you have a higher power working with you.

So you predict one of our ships will be destroyed. I'm fairly sure none of our ships will be destroyed, but by a specific weapon.

Even if America had the legal right to enter the Ukraine they wouldn't.
ADL’s @JGreenblattADL blasts MSNBC for calling Hamas “fighters” & rationalizing terror attacks: “Who’s writing the scripts?”
It certainly appears the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas elevate them to the level of ISIS. No organization that deals in horrific crimes against humanity should be allowed to exist. Hell is about to rain down on these evil barbaric murderers.
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It certainly appears the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas elevate them to the level of ISIS. No organization that deals with horrific crimes against humanity should be allowed to exist. Hell is about to rain down on these evil barbaric murderers.

ISIS was far worse but honestly had we ignored them life might have been better for all involved. Israel has been commiting horrific crimes against humanity for decades. So much so that the Palestinians figured out that talking wasn't working.
ISIS was far worse but honestly had we ignored them life might have been better for all involved. Israel has been commiting horrific crimes against humanity for decades. So much so that the Palestinians figured out that talking wasn't working.
Life would have been better for all involved, does that include the ones beheaded?

You’re delusional and irrelevant.
Life would have been better for all involved, does that include the ones beheaded?

You’re delusional and irrelevant.

There are casualties in any conflict. The reality is one of the driving factors for ISIS was the US occupation and there was a point where the controlled so much territory they would either have to come to some kind of terms with the rest of the world or they'd have a rebellion. It was one or the other. People seem to still be getting beheaded and other brutalities so we accomplished what under your plan other than injuring American military that you stopped caring about once they signed on the line?
He already had four years to do something but only got his ass thrown out. He should take the hint.

Why yes, that did in fact happen...

3 years ago.

You should take the hint.
American ME. foreign policy has not changed much since 1956 whoever was President. The Israel Palestine conflict will not be resolved but it ain't WWIII . So far probably less than 5000 people have died. Far more have died in Africa in various conflicts this month and somewhere north of 200,000 have died in Ukraine. Israel/Palestine figures in the news because of the emotional investment of both sides.

The Buffalo person needs to calm down and remember that in WWII 5000 people died every hour for 5 years. It's not good that 5000 people have died but 4 times that many died in N.Africa 2 weeks ago and most folk would be pressed to tell you where it was.

And icanhelp needs help. Hamas is not an extension of Iran. Hezbollah is the fighting extension of Iran and is way more dangerous than Hamas. Hamas is a bunch of totally corrupt crooks who got lucky for a couple of days. Israel will probably kill off their current leadership which will facilitate the rise of another bunch of corrupt crooks, but not much else.
Let desert tribes on the other side of the earth settle their differences as they see fit.

There is no reason for us to be involved... or even interested.
Nice to see you calling Jews and Palestinians "tribes". Mighty racist of you!
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Let desert tribes on the other side of the earth settle their differences as they see fit.

There is no reason for us to be involved... or even interested.

There are a ton of reasons for us to be involved and interested. They might not be as huge on oil as we pretend they are but they are VERY important to the global economy.
American ME. foreign policy has not changed much since 1956 whoever was President. The Israel Palestine conflict will not be resolved but it ain't WWIII . So far probably less than 5000 people have died. Far more have died in Africa in various conflicts this month and somewhere north of 200,000 have died in Ukraine. Israel/Palestine figures in the news because of the emotional investment of both sides.

The Buffalo person needs to calm down and remember that in WWII 5000 people died every hour for 5 years. It's not good that 5000 people have died but 4 times that many died in N.Africa 2 weeks ago and most folk would be pressed to tell you where it was.

And icanhelp needs help. Hamas is not an extension of Iran. Hezbollah is the fighting extension of Iran and is way more dangerous than Hamas. Hamas is a bunch of totally corrupt crooks who got lucky for a couple of days. Israel will probably kill off their current leadership which will facilitate the rise of another bunch of corrupt crooks, but not much else.

Hamas Confirms Iran Backed and Supported Surprise Attack on Israel​

Hezbollah is the larger terrorist organization and is Shia

Hamas is primarily Palestinian Sunni terrorist that is armed, funded and supported by Iran. Both have the same mission…destroy Israel. Both take their marching orders from Iran.

“LA spokesman for Hamas confirmed to the BBC that the terrorist group received aid from Iran. The invasion has been interpreted by many observers as an attempt to scuttle the ongoing peace talks between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the wider Middle East.”
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