Biden’s mid-east foreign policy a total disaster, Israel at war

Hamas Confirms Iran Backed and Supported Surprise Attack on Israel​

Hezbollah is the larger terrorist organization and is Shia

Hamas is primarily Palestinian Sunni terrorist that is armed, funded and supported by Iran. Both have the same mission…destroy Israel. Both take their marching orders from Iran.

“LA spokesman for Hamas confirmed to the BBC that the terrorist group received aid from Iran. The invasion has been interpreted by many observers as an attempt to scuttle the ongoing peace talks between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the wider Middle East.”

Sunni and Shia working together makes LESS sense than that this was an inside job to unite all of Israel. Both are stupid but that the dumber of the two.
The global hypocrisies are comical if not outright slap your knee hilarious.

Putin put a call into the UN to call for a cease fire between Israel and Hamas. Now if that don’t beat all! :ROFLMAO: