Bystanders taunted and laughed as police officers were being fired upon in Philadelph

I know it has nothing to do with race. But after seeing this, how can any reasonable person deny that American Blacks exist in a culture of violence and ignorance? Again, not racial. Cultural.
Since the courts have empowered police to dispense with "summary justice" upon non-whites, I can't say I'm completely surprised at the actions of bystanders.

Actions have consequences.
Since the courts have empowered police to dispense with "summary justice" upon non-whites, I can't say I'm completely surprised at the actions of bystanders.

Actions have consequences.

Strange, I didn't see ANY Police dispensing "summary justice" when they were ridiculed and assaulted by a mob.

Perhaps your premise is flawed due to personal prejudices and political ideology?
Congratulations Democrats. Your continual painting of law enforcement as an enemy of the people further degrades our society.
Strange, I didn't see ANY Police dispensing "summary justice" when they were ridiculed and assaulted by a mob.

Perhaps your premise is flawed due to personal prejudices and political ideology?

On the left, black man (Eric Garner) choked to death for selling cigarettes
On the right, El Paso shooter killed 20+ people

No word on if police stopped off at Burger King on the way to book the shooter.
On the left, black man (Eric Garner) choked to death for selling cigarettes
On the right, El Paso shooter killed 20+ people

No word on if police stopped off at Burger King on the way to book the shooter.


Look at all the dead brown people after the police dispense "summary justice".

Oh wait...
the police acted poorly in the Garner case, no question....what does that have to do with yesterdays incident?
How about the Dallas Police Department killing Tony Timpa last week...and laughing about it?

How does this relate to your position that THE COURTS had AUTHORIZED the police to dispense SUMMARY JUSTICE?

From your linky:

“the public has a compelling interest in understanding what truly took place during a fatal exchange between a citizen and law enforcement.”

Those three officers -- Kevin Mansell, Danny Vasquez and Dustin Dillard -- were indicted by a grand jury in 2017 on charges of misdemeanor deadly conduct,

But in March, Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot dismissed the charges.

Creuzot previously told The News that he met with "all three medical examiners" who had testified to the grand jury. They reportedly told him they did not believe the officers acted recklessly and "cannot, and will not, testify to the elements of the indictment beyond a reasonable doubt."

So it APPEARS that your poutrage is based on your own misconceptions that they police officers were "authorized" to do this, yet they faced an indictment which was dismissed because the Coroner's involved couldn't testify that the police did something wrong. So WHERE'S THE "AUTHORIZATION" by the "COURTS"?

All in all, you're hyperventilating over something you created in your own mind out of rainbows and unicorns and really, really, really want to believe is true. It's not. You're own link shows it's not.
Now you have 2 Presidential candidates actually saying the police murdered M Brown, it breeds a hatred of police and law and order