Who has hidden body jewelry that has flown recently?


Aim for the Bullseye ; )
Dec 27, 2000
I am flying this weekend and am a bit paranoid about going through the security check points with my jewelry.

Any body gotten stopped and questioned?

Do tell please.

Paranoid minds want to know!
No hidden body jewelry. but I have a bullet fragment in my leg that sets the fucking metal detector off every time.

They'll just pull you aside wave a wand over you, and when they can't explain it even though you tell them what it is six times, they will call their supervisor over and depant you in a special room, to get a look see.
Cym was asked this question not long ago and never had a problem.
I flew in July, didn't have any problems with my nipple rings, but I did have a problem with some shrapnel in my left leg. And yes it was just like Aquila described. Freakin' Idiots.

My best friend who has a Prince Albert took me to the airport. His unfortunately set it off.;) I can just imagine the coffee room stories after that one.
BlondGirl said:
Who has hidden body jewelry that has flown recently?

I sent mine to Hedonism III last month.

It made out like a bandit!
my hidden jewells have never set of the metal detectors:D
Thanks for the responses. Tomorrow is my flight. I'll let you folks know.

Now, just to decide what to wear...

A pair of jeans so they think it is just my zipper.


A skirt so I can prove how harmless I am quickly.

Eenie, meenie, minee, mo...
The fist time I had my nips pierced, I went and theme park the weekend following. The metal detector caught me and was pulled aside. The kid/guy/teen/whatever had to pass that little hand held detector over me and right when it passed over my breast that little bugger beeps.
But from what I hear They’ve fixed that. *shrug* I don’t know.
I've flown a few times since I got mine, and been pulled out for hand scanning, and it's never set off the scanner. Frankly if it did, I'd probably enjoy being brought to a back room and showing complete strangers my piercing. :)

Happy holidays BlondGirl, and safe travels.
metalpalace said:
i wonder if they would make you show them what it is..lol

yes, yes they do.

BlondGirl, unless you have, say 11 pierceings down there, i wouldnt worry about. a friend of mine has his "lower region" pierced 11 times an flew to mexico a few years ago. an on the way back he set the dectors off. he told them what it was an they had to look so it was off to the back room for him. but it went off due to it being a lot of jewelry in one area.
I've elected to wear the pants. They are animal print so if any of you folks are in the airport this weekend and see a chick in animal print pants looking worried about the security checkpoints, you can wave at me and say "Hi"--LOL

But, just in case I do have to show my goodies to strangers, I just went and did a good shave job.
I am back from my trip and this is the outcome of going through the security checks. I did get stopped, but it was for my boots instead of my jewelry. I did ask the person checking me what it takes to have that recognized and she told me it is obviously a great deal more than what I have.

Sooooo.... The comclusion is that the average body jewelry wearer most likely won't be stopped for that.