What's your mood today?

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awwww. You mean it wasn't my threat??? :eek:

Safe....that's probably why he got the sleep. Your threat! :D

I wouldn't want you threatening me. I promise...I'll be good. :)

(hopes that no one can see my fingers crossed behind my angel back)

Mood: Awake and :)
Hi all, I've been slacking I know.

*hugs all round*

tired after a weekend at the in laws and all the laundry that has left me doing!
Freakin' exhausted.

I made the request that whilst in AZ on our visit we actually visited some places. That was taken literally, and we have been busy ever since we got here. I'm hoping for a day off tomorrow just to relax and let my back and knees recouperate.

So far we've spent the weekend in Sedona Mountains with the whole family - awesome, some fantastic pics to be resized and posted on my gallery thread when we get home - and finished that weekend with a visit to the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff (for those of you not in the know, that's the place where they discovered Pluto back in the 30's.) Monday we went shopping for new shoes, and spent the afternoon at Phoenix Zoo. Today we drove to Tucson and took a look at the Xan Xavier del Bac Mission. Absolutely breathtaking place. Again, more pictures to come from that. On the way home we stopped at the State Penitentiary at Florence, or more precisely the prison 'outlet' shop, where you can buy just about anything that's been produced by the prisoners. I succombed to a foot high wooden kit of an old wild west stagecoach. The eldest sprog loves that kind of thing. Perfect gift for him.

Min and I are both exhausted, she's already in bed, at 9.10 in the evening, and I'd be there too if I didn't know I'd be awake at 4am if I did so.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a quieter day, close to home. Should be spending some time with Min's brother as well.

Overall, good, but ridiculously tired.
Morning, fellow Litizens.

Rob, two straight nights with good sleep. You into some new drug? If so, wanna share?

mood: been better, been worse

Rumple Foreskin :cool:
I'm scared. My health is not good just now and I'm afraid surgery is in the near future.

{{{{Hugs and healing vibes, doll}}}}}

Freakin' exhausted.

I made the request that whilst in AZ on our visit we actually visited some places. That was taken literally, and we have been busy ever since we got here. I'm hoping for a day off tomorrow just to relax and let my back and knees recouperate.

So far we've spent the weekend in Sedona Mountains with the whole family - awesome, some fantastic pics to be resized and posted on my gallery thread when we get home - and finished that weekend with a visit to the Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff (for those of you not in the know, that's the place where they discovered Pluto back in the 30's.) Monday we went shopping for new shoes, and spent the afternoon at Phoenix Zoo. Today we drove to Tucson and took a look at the Xan Xavier del Bac Mission. Absolutely breathtaking place. Again, more pictures to come from that. On the way home we stopped at the State Penitentiary at Florence, or more precisely the prison 'outlet' shop, where you can buy just about anything that's been produced by the prisoners. I succombed to a foot high wooden kit of an old wild west stagecoach. The eldest sprog loves that kind of thing. Perfect gift for him.

Min and I are both exhausted, she's already in bed, at 9.10 in the evening, and I'd be there too if I didn't know I'd be awake at 4am if I did so.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a quieter day, close to home. Should be spending some time with Min's brother as well.

Overall, good, but ridiculously tired.

You did Sedona, Flagstaff AND Tucson in one "long" weekend and you are tired? NO SHIT, BRIT!!! I'm surprised you didn't throw in the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forest, a trip to the reservations and the Meteor Crater... :rolleyes: You should check your height. I bet you wore two or three inches off your feet! :D

ETA To paraphrase Crocodile Dundee: That's not a zoo. Now THIS is a Zoo *pointing at San Diego*
Things are good. Nine hours sleep will do that. :)

Damn! My threat must have REALLY scared you.... ya wuss! :D
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Mood is inconsequential. No one give a fuck how I feel...only how I make them feel.

Not true, chickie. This might be just a stupid porn story board, but it's a pretty damn close knit stupid porn story board.
(Gawd... knitting and porn... I'm starting to sound like Grace... :rolleyes:).

I honestly believe that there are a lot of peeps here that DO care what you and I are feeling and do what they can to make it better. So hang in there and share if you have the need or, otherwise, just know that peeps ARE thinking good thoughts towards ya. :rose:

BTW, speaking of sharing, got any neked pictures of yourself you want to share???? :D
Don't mind me, I'm just here to pour syrup down Safe_Bets throat so she can use that insulin she was looking for... ;)
I have no idea how I feel.
Sated but hungry............. tired, but had a good night's sleep........sore, but want to be out and about doing things.....

Typical holiday mood, I guess.
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