What's your mood today?

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I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

*Hugs* :heart: :rose: :kiss:
I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

Warm, sweet, caring, healing hugs coming your way.:rose::rose::rose:
I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.
Sending strength and healing vibes your way. *HUGS*
I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

*gentle hugs* :rose::kiss::heart: Blessed be.

My mood is very glad that I went to the doctors today.
I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

Vana -
Hugs and my best good thoughts of light and healing to you.


I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

I think I missed something, but it sounds like you need a hug.



Me? Aside from being tired? Confused. I don't like it when I learn something from three black belts to find out from the school owner that I was taught wrong, and that I need to relearn something. It slows me down, and adds habits that I now need to break.
I finished week two of chemo today. I have pneumonia. I've spent more time in hospital this week, than out. I think I might be hallucinating at times, but I'm not sure.

And I lost the most important part of my life this week.

I wouldn't know how to put a mood to that.

I want to cry, I need to cry, but I can't get past that last little step into releasing the tears.
You aren't :heart:


It is only supposed to get up to 60f today, and it is still a little early in the year, but I think I will shave my head today :D
Dejected, depressed and distraught. Fuck it, I'm going to keep going: feeling fucking unloved, ugly, unappreciated, used and generally crapped upon. I am fucking SICK of condicending, arrogant cunts who think they are the queen of the world and have the right to take the joy out of everything. :mad::mad::mad:
Dejected, depressed and distraught. Fuck it, I'm going to keep going: feeling fucking unloved, ugly, unappreciated, used and generally crapped upon. I am fucking SICK of condicending, arrogant cunts who think they are the queen of the world and have the right to take the joy out of everything. :mad::mad::mad:

:kiss::rose::heart: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

mood~ I'm up and breakfast for kid is made:eek::eek: *yawns* I hope she starts sleeping a bit later soon. 6am is way to early on a weekend. :(
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