What's your mood today?

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I 'm a little smug. Over the last couple of weeks, I got to (indirectly) correct two black belts about two different parts of our spear routine :D

And I'm also recovering from a thorough workout this morning. I feel tired, but a good kind of tired like I accomplished something today :D
Or enough self-delusion. Call me cynical, but my demons are persistent motherfuckers.

I was just thinking this morning about the nature of unresolved feelings and questions. They are persistant motherfuckers. I'm used to finding peace, that is eluding me right now.
I was just thinking this morning about the nature of unresolved feelings and questions. They are persistant motherfuckers. I'm used to finding peace, that is eluding me right now.
I agree. It's exceptionally difficult when you can't escape the reminders. Corrosive. Like acid.
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