What's your mood today?

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redpaint, you can do it! And if you ever want a listening ear, just send a PM my way.

I am with the other people here, losing weight isn't easy. I still struggle and still need to loose but I am smaller this January than I was last January and I'm going to work on being smaller again Next January. Gradual steps, you can do it!

Thanks ya'll. My Doctor is sending me to anouther Doctor ina couple of weeks to help me get a diet and some kind of exercess program put together. She deals with people that have eatting problems.

The hard part is the other part of what been mmaking me depressed. It the reason I have been gaining wieght. I have a disability that is destorying my lower back and hips. Last month I started having trouble with my left leg. Its couseing me to drag my left foot. I was told a few years ago it would someday put me into a wheel chair.

I may be feelinhg blue. But I refuse to give up.
Can't help you with the sari. Can help you with the music. Can divert dog's attention.

I can - help with the sari. Daughters still use their parents' house as a dumping ground for rarely used items so we have two wedding dresses and three saris (worn for an Indian friend's wedding) stored in our house.

Those items might be useable, but 1980s/90s Arsenal posters and ephemera? My Little Pony items, Subbuteo, Bayko, Sindy etc...?

My loft is full of daughters' "might want it sometime" things.

good moanin lit

just getting in and eating a big breaky cuz...wont that help with the hang over im sure to have later?

i keese you :kiss:
I may be feelinhg blue. But I refuse to give up.

:rose: *hugs* That's the spirit!

im putting you in my pocket and ill take you out and lick(erm) pet you all the time.

Oooo, I've always wanted a pocket to live in, but I'll need a reading lamp in here. Petting is good, licking I've never really cared for. Then again, I've never had a human licking me, I might like it. Hmmmm.

Halle Berry is very pretty.

I would use the term lovely. :kiss:
(soft smile) agreed Vella & Magica. Lovely, gorgeous, pretty, elegant, sensual.....sweet-eyed, soft-lipped.......She is a thing of beauty.
I don't wanna, if that's a mood. I have to go out. And it's cold and rainy and I baked apple pie and I don't want to leave the house, but I have to get some rain pictures for an assignment.

I don't wanna, if that's a mood. I have to go out. And it's cold and rainy and I baked apple pie and I don't want to leave the house, but I have to get some rain pictures for an assignment.


Reticent is the word that popped to mind. I am playing with words today. Or are they playing with me?
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