What the fucking fuck???

I hope they throw the book at them both! Though a brick would be more appropriate.
That is the most disgusting thing ever!!!
Thanks for sharing now I'm going to be able to sleep peacefully with no horrifying images plastered all over my mind...
That is the most disgusting thing ever!!!
Thanks for sharing now I'm going to be able to sleep peacefully with no horrifying images plastered all over my mind...

After this day? I am going to have me some Jagermeister and pass out like a baby.
A better case for a death sentence would be hard to imagine.
A painful one.
I am getting smart enough not to click on these as I do not feel the need to start my day enraged.

I take it it is about some type of horrific abuse meaning it goes right along with a recent GB thread talking about a guy who molested a 15 month old boy and streamed it live on the net.

There are no limits to human cruelty. None.

I will ask why on a writers forum especially you felt the need to post this crap and disturb every body.

Stuff like this, if you feel you need to share it because you're upset is over in the GB. This would be the one type of thread that would not get flamed.
I don't believe that discussion of the death penalty is correct here. Burning at the stake is more like it. JMNTHO.
I've no problem with both of them getting the death penalty, but ONLY after protracted appeals so that they can spend plenty of time in prison being abused by fellow inmates. Lots of abuse, until they beg to die instead. Then tell them NO and wait a considerable while longer.

(I'm a mom, I'm vicious like that.)
I've no problem with both of them getting the death penalty, but ONLY after protracted appeals so that they can spend plenty of time in prison being abused by fellow inmates. Lots of abuse, until they beg to die instead. Then tell them NO and wait a considerable while longer.

(I'm a mom, I'm vicious like that.)

Personally I say put them in Gen Pop. and let a few of the more chatty cons know why they are in. Saves tax dollars and ensures a less humane execution.
I've no problem with both of them getting the death penalty, but ONLY after protracted appeals so that they can spend plenty of time in prison being abused by fellow inmates. Lots of abuse, until they beg to die instead. Then tell them NO and wait a considerable while longer.

(I'm a mom, I'm vicious like that.)

I'm not a supporter of the death penalty nor do I believe in cruel punishment but in cases like this I can't help feel at times punishment should fit the crime.

I'm also a mother and I'd defend my children to my death, I'd defend your children to my death. I'd defend any child to my death. Children are precious, they bring joy to the world. How anyone can intentionally harm a child is hard enough to understand but when it's the child's own mother it's incomprehensible.
Personally I say put them in Gen Pop. and let a few of the more chatty cons know why they are in. Saves tax dollars and ensures a less humane execution.

That's getting to be a rather tired trope. CNN reported a study not long ago that prison inmates get messed with on the basis of what they do in the pen, not what put them in the pen.

I pretty much see those "give 'em a gory death" folks as not much of a step above those who did the deed to begin with.
That's getting to be a rather tired trope. CNN reported a study not long ago that prison inmates get messed with on the basis of what they do in the pen, not what put them in the pen.

I pretty much see those "give 'em a gory death" folks as not much of a step above those who did the deed to begin with.

I don't know about CNN's source, but my brothers are both prison guards and I have an uncle who was a guard. I hear a lot of stories I don't care to hear, but the child molesters and abusers usually don't last long in Gen Pop. They keep the nature of a con's crime hushed but sometimes the guys find out who did something like this and they either end up segregated or dead.
My one comment on this thread was it for me. Like others, I didn't open this thread until I'd run out of other threads to read. Chalk me up as one who, knowing this is happening in the world, really doesn't want to see it dumped on me on a writer's discussion forum as well. Just take it to GB if you are that much into this titillation stuff.
That's getting to be a rather tired trope. CNN reported a study not long ago that prison inmates get messed with on the basis of what they do in the pen, not what put them in the pen.

I pretty much see those "give 'em a gory death" folks as not much of a step above those who did the deed to begin with.

All I'll say is that when CNN reporters go into the pen and tell people I "diddled" a kid and then say its not what put them there, I will listen to them.

There is a strange honor amongst thieves code there. Child abusers molesters will not survive long in GP.

And truthfully its not really honor, its violent men getting an excuse to be violent and look like heroes because when a pedo gets their sin the joint society rejoices.
My one comment on this thread was it for me. Like others, I didn't open this thread until I'd run out of other threads to read. Chalk me up as one who, knowing this is happening in the world, really doesn't want to see it dumped on me on a writer's discussion forum as well. Just take it to GB if you are that much into this titillation stuff.

I posted a similar thought this morning so obviously I agree.

Whether you are an author, reader, or just a poster to the boards who enjoys chatting or looking at the pic threads and role playing lit is ESCAPISM. It is a fun fantasy land to get away from stress and the gloom and doom that we all know is there.

This article is obviously all over the net, meaning the d-bag parents are going down big time, their lives are ruined and everyone can be horrified, so it is not like there is a heinous crime being swept under the rug here.

Yet it really seems to be human nature that is someone is appalled by something or upset by it, they can;t deal with it themselves they need to post and tell people about it so others can be miserable as well.

There are people on these boards who have been victims of abuse, both sexual and physical. There are many women here who have been sexually assaulted and flat out raped.

They come here, like everyone else, for fun and to have to stumble into thread after thread about child abuse and gang rapes in India and the rape case in Ohio and etc...its even more upsetting to them than it is to "normal" people who have never dealt with any of that.

My wife works with abused teens and I am involved at the home she volunteers at. I see enough of this shit, I do not need it here.

And I will apologize for using your post as a launching point for a rant, but I am on a roll (and not at you).

I am sick and tired of hearing how all the non author topics and current event threads get put here because they're "so mean" in the GB.

get over it, what you can't handle being called a name? And on the note of this thread there was the one I mentioned about the 15 month old and it was met with nothing but horror there, they are not inhuman and that excuse is getting damn old.

I really wish the ah had a mod and they would start moving every non writing type thread to the GB until they stop posting them.

Okay, off the soapbox now.
I didn't know the AH doesn't have a mod..That clears up some things.
If someone will tell me how to pull this thread down I will. I didn't mean to offend anyone.
That doesn't happen. If no one posts to it, it will sink quickly.
If someone will tell me how to pull this thread down I will. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Fear not.
With subject as emotive as this one, there will often be some disagreements among contributors to the thread.
It was worth putting in because it shows the depth of the depravity of some citizens.
Let's alll get excited and kill everyone! Won't that solve the world's problems. Tanks for fucking up my day. didn't we already know about the depth of human, etc.
Let's alll get excited and kill everyone! Won't that solve the world's problems. Tanks for fucking up my day. didn't we already know about the depth of human, etc.

And thank you for that positive contribution to the debate; I'm sure we'll all take home some good thoughts after that.
The point of punishment of the ones who tortured the baby to death is NOT punishment of the guilty, but rather an example sufficient to deter others who might be tempted to follow in the footsteps. What happens to the ones who tortured the baby to death is no concern at all of mine. JMNTHO.