The Game


Old Fart
Apr 3, 2014
The following is an idea, not a finished story. I don’t like cheating, I never read the loving wives stuff. Not sure why this came to mind but when a thought comes I can’t get rid of it easy. So I wrote this bare bones short story and would be honored if someone took it and made it a good read. I don’t care if you make a million bucks on a best seller, I release all rights to this idea. I just wanted it out of my head. I have a bit more than this wrote but can't post anything that big on here.

“Dave?” Julie called to him when he came in.

“What’s up sweetheart?”

“Can I ask you a personal question? Totally off the record.”

“K, you can ask but I may not want to answer”

“Uh, how about you sit down. Please don’t respond till I’m finished. The question will come first then I’ll give a reason for the question.”

He sat and with a raised eyebrow he gestured that she had the floor.

“Do you think I’m sexy?” He started to rise, and she pleaded, “please let me explain. I have never seen you look at me with desire. Hell, most of the girls that come over here flash you and giggle. No one has yet to get so much as a glint in your eye. You’ve walked by a pool full of topless girls and you never even glance. Yes, I know, we weren’t all of age and I get that but even if you never really looked, we expected you to at least cover your eyes and look away, but you just totally ignored us. Now with teen girls, hell with any girls, we want to at least be noticed. Not glared at but noticed. You were doing the right thing I guess but the results are different than you probably wanted. Now ignored just made us try harder. I don’t think anyone really wanted you to actually do anything. But they did want to be noticed. Hell, I’ve started dressing less and less just to see if you noticed and I think my plan backfired. Instead of getting you to look at me I think I’ve made it worse. Now you don’t even make eye contact with me when I’m fully dressed. I know my boobs are small, maybe you’re like most boys and like porn boobs. Maybe I’m not pretty enough. Shit, I don’t know what to think, I’m not expecting you to get all handsy or start eyeballing me but geez I’m starting to get a complex. Every boy I know and most of my friend’s fathers would all go apeshit if I were to show them what I’ve shown you.”

“Stop, babe. First let’s get the whole porn boob thing out of the way. Porn boobs are gross. IF you were not my daughter.” Holding up his hand he halted her, knowing the whole ‘step’ that was coming. “Teacher, doctor, anyone in authority is morally responsible to those under their care. I am responsible to you to make you feel safe while under my care. That being said, I’m not blind. As I was saying, if you were not under my care I would drool just being in the same room as you. But I can’t see you in that way, so I don’t look. I let my eyes glaze over and find someplace else to be. You want to run around naked in your house, go for it. I’ll never let you feel bad about it and if it’s too uncomfortable for me I’ll go find something else to do. But looks wise, on a scale of 1-10 you’re an easy 12 and that’s dressed like now. In your ‘nighttime water runs’, crap you hit 15. I don’t want to think of you naked, my mind would shut down and I’d have a stroke. I think your little titties are perfect and damn, but your ass is to die for. Legs I would want wrapped around my head for hours. Need I say more? Sorry that’s all you get and if you still feel undesirable then I can take you to a shrink cause you need help I can’t give.”

Silence filled the room. He could see her playing it all back in her head and just prayed he didn’t come across pervy in here mind. “So even though I’m now 18 you still won’t look at me?”

“No dear you could be 30 and I will still never let myself ‘see’ you as anything more than a beautiful girl that I’m so proud to know. I will never see you as a sex partner hopeful or fantasy. Beautiful yes, even sexy but you’re a goddess I will die to protect not desire. I hope that’s enough cause that’s as far as this subject needs to go. Someday when you’re older you will look back and be able to say, Dave loved me with all his heart. I trust him with my life.”

“But what about after Mom leaves?”

“We’ll discuss that some other time but let me ask you this. Would you ask me to kill you? No, how about beat you to a pulp? No? Maim you? You know I could never harm you and, in my mind, desiring you is harming you. Nothing will ever change that. When your mom leaves, the odds are I’ll never see you again. Not my choice but probably the reality. 5 years from now it will still be the same. You are in the ‘family zone’ from now on. Sorry if that offends but I could no more seduce a nun than I could you. Some people in our lives are untouchable and to me you’re one of them. Along with all your friends. If I just wanted to have a casual affair with a teen girl, it would have to be someone I have never met. And that’s a very big IF... I don’t do casual sex. I want a relationship and so matter how pretty or sexy a girl your age will never be relationship material. We don’t speak the same language. If I were to have any part of this conversation with a grown woman then I would know we weren’t compatible. If this is some crush, then I’m honored and brokenhearted at the same time. I’ve have somehow done you wrong in letting this get so far out of hand. Please don’t ruin my ‘Dad love’ by making it something else. I love you; I will always love you as my daughter.”

“Did you know Mom was leaving?”

“Know? No, but I’m no more blind to your mom’s stupidity than I am to your half naked water runs. I see but I don’t react. Nothing I can do will change the outcome, so I just watch and wait. The balls in her court, it’s her move.”

“Crap dad.” Dave wondered why she was pulling the whole ‘dad’ thing.

“I didn’t see this conversation ending in this way.” Julie grumbled. “In some ways I’m happy and in others not so much. I can’t even let my feelings get hurt because you turned me down because you really do love me. FUCK!!!! What the hell am I supposed to do now?”

I stopped at where I started all the twists and hopefully surprises.
Dave is 44 and retired. He had sold his company and started living. All his life was work up to this point and while not rich he was set up enough to enjoy life as long as he didn’t get stupid. Now he played golf most mornings and tennis a few times a week. He played in some bowling leagues, mainly in the winter months. All in all, he was enjoying his life.

The only thing he wasn’t enjoying was being home. He married a woman with 2 kids when he was 34. The kids were nice, the boy was 10 and the girl was 8. Not sure if he loved the woman, but she needed him, and the kids needed a home. It just seemed comfortable at the time and Sophie was a wildcat in bed, so he went with the flow. Now 10 years later he wasn’t comfortable any longer.

The kids were not a problem in fact they may have been the best part of the deal. He tried to always be there for them and treat them the way he wished his parents had treated him.

Their early teen years were weird but that was probably normal. His teen years were spent working so he didn’t really know what normal kids did. He started working at 14 and quit school at 16 to grow his business. He opened his own shop and moved in the upstairs loft. Getting away from home improved his life more than any other thing to date.

He was 18 when his dad came looking for money and after laughing in his face he told him, “I thank you for giving me the drive to get away, because of that I will always be able to take care of myself. Maybe you could learn something about that. Do your job, go to work and try your best. You know, all the things you yelled at me! But most of all, stop drinking, you will never improve your life with a beer in your hand.”

His mom came by and tried to guilt him but that didn’t work either. He just told her to get sober and get a job if she needed money.

He managed to pick up golf and tennis with some of his employees. They were always trying to get him to do things that were fun, and he did enjoy them, but work didn’t end at 5 so he spent most nights planning the next job.

He had no debt, he never borrowed money. If he didn’t have the money he didn’t buy. He bought his first 20 acres for cash and worked on building a barndominium in his free time. He later bought the property next to him and later a few more. He ended up with 100 acres and a medium sized house. All paid for without a dime of interest.

He met Sophie oddly enough playing golf. Odd because after they had been together a few years she lost all interest in playing. You don’t play golf as well as she did without spending time in the game and most people don’t get good unless they enjoy playing. In hindsight he figured that although at first, she seemed to enjoy all the sports they did she lost all interest once she moved in. While dating she always had someone to watch the kids if they had something to do but once they were married, she seemed to have lost all her contacts.

He started spending more time with the kids, he took them to soccer practice and ended up taking over as coach. He was enjoying himself as the role of dad. Sophie was always too busy with something. What he wasn’t sure, it wasn’t housekeeping, they ended up hiring that out. He put in a pool and the kids spent all their free time in it. In their high school years, they both had friends over more often than not.

Watching all the teen girls running around in next to nothing was annoying most of all. He couldn’t deny noticing them, but he wouldn’t dare let them know he did. Sure, they looked good but new cars looked good too and he didn’t buy them. Window shopping was a waste of time. If he couldn’t afford it then there was no reason to look and those girls would cost him his life so no thanks.

Thomas, ‘Tom’ moved away to college and Julie didn’t seem to even notice. She just invited more girls and less clothes it seemed. Without her brother around ‘topless’ was the norm on the pool deck. So, Dave being a reasonably smart guy doubled down back at work. Julie didn’t play soccer any longer and she seemed to not need his help with any part of her life, so he kept busy elsewhere.

It was mainly after noticing that the kids no longer needed him that he realized that Sophie was seldom home. Some friend of hers got her interested in selling real estate and she took to it like a duck to water. A part of him knew it was all a pipe dream but he sort of hoped that with the kids taken care of she might have the desire to spend some time with him.

So, when someone came in and offered him a substantial sum of money for his business he dug into the idea. Maybe if he retired, he could get Sophie’s attention. What a joke that was. Not a good enough reason anyway but the money was more than enough to cover 20 years of profit, so it was really a no brainer. He could always start another business if he got bored. So, he took the deal and within a few months he was free. Work wise that is, his life at home still had him tied up in knots.

Anyway, to the part of the story much of you are waiting on.

He got an email from who knows where that suggested very strongly that he install cameras in all parts of his house. Video and Audio. Not to be a sicko but put them in the bathrooms too it said. All bathrooms. You can adjust them to only see shoulders up if it makes you feel better, but you really need them there.

Now to say his dander was up was a vast understatement. Who and why would someone suggest something like this? Was someone trying to get him arrested? Spying on a teenage girl and her friends was not something he would consider. He could imagine how Julie would feel if she found out he was watching her in the bathroom. He could care less what Sophie would think.

He responded to the email trying to get some clarification and was surprised when he did. “Trust me, you need to see the faces to go with the voices. Otherwise you would never believe what you hear. This is for your security not being a perv. And fyi, the sooner the better.”

Now Dave was no fool, this could be a trap, so he called a security company and met with them. He showed them the emails and asked of their suggestions. They offered a very smart play. They would come set it all up and operate it all from their site. He would not see anything so no one could attack him. If they saw something that seemed important, they would edit any nudity or questionable views by blurring it then share it with him.

Less than a week after they called and told him to go to the file sharing site and watch the files listed 1-9.

Now as the storyteller here I’m in a quandary. Do I spoil the story or let you watch it happen? Ha, as if there was any doubt.

Dave spent the next few days in a daze and even let most of his golf buddies win enough games that they became worried. One of them considered him enough of a friend to be blunt. “Did you finally catch that bitch cheating?”

A raised eyebrow was Dave’s first response. “Finally? As you knew and kept it from me?”

“No, not as I knew but that I suspect, hell everyone suspects. Some think either you’re a cuck or a fool. I always figured you just didn’t really give a shit what she did as long as she left you alone. Some think ya’ll are swingers but you’ve never even looked at any of even the best-looking wives so that ideas a bust. I know you’re not gay. I can’t see you as a cuck or fool so don’t give a shit is my vote.”

“I think there is compliment in there somewhere so thanks. I don’t understand cheating, it’s not something I could do so maybe I project that mindset on others. I know others cheat, but I just don’t want to think about it. I’m not going to push my moral choices on others, so I close my eyes to things I don’t want to see. Up to now I’d say I’ve been in the ‘not give a shit’ camp but things have changed. I would say I’m now in the fool category, but this is beyond being blind. There are things happening that I can’t get my mind around. I have a hard time with idea that devious evil people really exist but now I’m having to rethink my mindset.”

“I’m on your side if you want to share or not. No matter how or what I will be on your side.” Bill said, letting him know that friends have your back.
“Tell your mom the truth, I don’t do teen age girls and I don’t do family. Trying to trap me is bad enough but using you to do it is low. I couldn’t be more disgusted if she sold you into slavery. I know you feel responsible to help your mom but to let her use you like this? I will always love you but this hurts. And the ‘dad’ slip, that was really desperate.”

“Mom? Why would I tell mom anything? Especially this. Tell her I wanted to seduce her husband? She would kill me. You think mom put me up to this? Is that why you turned me down? This is so off the record, if I convinced you this was all on me, my desires not some scam would you react different?”

“Julie, I will always love you but if you keep this up, I will never be able to trust you again.”

“Dave, seriously, this is not a trap, this is a girl with a daddy issue, or just an old-fashioned crush. I’m sorry if it offends your morals but girls do fall in love with older men, I assure you.”

“Just like your mom fell in love with me? Last chance, don’t blow it here, please! I’m not asking you to choose sides, but for your sake just tell the truth.”

“I am, I’m just attracted to you, sorry. Can’t help it.”

“I was her meal ticket and now that you kids are all grown, she decides to cash it in and move the party elsewhere with a large part of my money funding it. Funny that she gets you to play the weapon. Sad, I guess instead of funny. Maybe ironic is the better word. Everything I have is in a trust, you and your brother were the beneficiary’s. ‘Were’ being the key word here. The trustee of the trust will decide who gets what and being as all of this conversation has been recorded from the start, he will now start the paperwork to take both of you off. Your mom was never going to get anything. You were. Now she cheated you out of it all. Didn’t you listen to anything I told you? I will never hurt you, but I can’t stop you from hurting yourself and I can’t protect you from your mom. My only question is, did she know? Was she trying to set me up or was she just trying to make sure you didn’t get any either?”

Time slowed down to a crawl. “She said she would take care of me, get me a new car. Pay for my college. I just had to help a little. It really didn’t matter if we did anything or not, I just had to get you to talk about it. She’s recording it and could edit it enough to play in court. But you knew and you’re recording it too? I was really in your will? Shit shit shit, before I really melt, I deserve whatever happens, I only want to know one thing. Do you think that bitch knew?”

“Yes, she knew.”

“How do you know? Are you sure?”

“She was just arrested along with the ‘trustee’ or at least the old trustee. She along with him decided to kill me and getting you off my list was part of it. Your brother knew but didn’t want to get involved but he also didn’t bother to tell me my life was in danger, so he is now off my will. She scammed you both out of your inheritance and I tried my best to get you to trust me. Everything I said was the truth. You would have had it all if you had just told me the truth. Neither of them are very smart. Even with both of you off my will she would still never get it. Paul wanted ya’ll gone, then with me killed and him left as trustee. Then he would dump her and keep it all with no one to question it. Problem is the talked about it in the bathroom. LOL.. I was sent an anonymous email that told me it was urgent I get cameras in the house and especially the bathrooms. I had a hard time with that, but I worked it out. I knew the plans from the start. Or close to it anyway. Someone else knew before me, hence the warning.”

“Paul, as in Sandy’s dad?” I nodded, “He was your trustee?” Again, I nodded. “Sandy is your someone. I told her I was going to seduce you. She just laughed at me, said that man would never betray your trust like that. He is too moral a man to mess with you. I just took it as a friendly challenge. Now I won’t ever know if her warning is the only reason I lost. She cost me everything!”

“No Julie. You are the only one to blame. How many chances did I give you? I was willing to give you every chance. I even felt guilty when you blew it. So, thank you for clearing that up. Sandy didn’t know you were in the will. Sandy just didn’t want me to be set up. Sandy didn’t gain anything by telling the truth and in fact she didn’t tell me anything. Just suggested I be careful. The minute you blamed her resolved any guilt I might have felt about cutting you off. It was all a game to you, my love just a chess piece to be moved on the board. I will always love you, and my heart breaks for you. I’m not sure what the DA will do when they get this recording. Your mother tried to have me killed, you just tried to scam me. In a way you’re part victim but either way. It’s time for you to go pack, you will always be loved but I could never trust you. So, you’ll be on your own. Don’t even think about the BMW, that’s mine. I had a Honda parked at the curb just in case. It’s full of gas. All the credit cards and phones and anything you can’t get in the trunk of the Honda stays here. I really do love you and my heart is broken that you would do this to me. I will miss you.”

He turned to walk away, a broken man. The daughter he gave his heart to had given it back broken.

“Hey asshole!” He stopped and slowly turned back. She was pointing a gun at him. “Paul has already moved my share into a Cayman account. It’s not as much as I wanted but it will do.” Then she squeezed the trigger.

Again, she squeezed the trigger, then with a look of horror she looked him in the eye and starting sobbing.

“Another chance I gave you, if you had just left you could have at least had a chance. But no, you had to be greedy, I saw you hide the gun and disabled it. I really hoped you wouldn’t do that. Now you get to go to prison with your mom. I just don’t get it. And Paul didn’t move it to your account, he lied. He moved it from yours within the hour to one of his. Of course, the courts have got it all back. You again have no one to blame but yourself. Seriously you would have killed me? I wondered if you were a sociopath, do you feel anything real or is everything just part of the game? Was the crying even real? I guess when everything you say or do is an act you just assume everyone else is the same. You couldn’t understand my feelings cause to you it was all an act. Well understand this, you don’t deserve anything, but I was trying to give it all to you. But you couldn’t stop playing to save your ass. Every lie took away one more thing from you. First one took you off my will, then you had to keep going and that got you kicked out of the house, then again you couldn’t stop the game and you now get to go to jail. This is truly a case where the truth could have set you free.”
There is enough here to crank out a decent story. Your writing isn't bad. Why can't you write this yourself?
I'm in the middle of another story that my followers are urging me to finish. This was just a quick break. I put it out in just over an hour. I would have to really get into it to make it right. Add personalities and emotions and add more back ground. I mainly worked around the twist at the end. The rest was just backdrop