What song instantly...


Bound and willing
Apr 9, 2002
calls up what memory for you?

I was listening to Eric Clapton's (big surprise) Prelude from the Rush Soundtrack and it transported me back to a night back when I moved into my first apartment. It had been playing as we moved all my furniture in. Thankfully I had my stereo. Cable and phone weren't getting hooked up for three days. Turns out the next day we got 15 inches of snow. I just kicked back and listened to the soundtrack while watching the snow fall over the lake. Nice memory.

So what song calls up what memory for you?
Most often, it's the other way around for me. A word, picture or sound will remind me of a song. For some odd reason, there's a song in my head for most everything. It creeps me out sometimes.

But the theme from The Pink Panther always reminds me of playing the song, with my classmates, on stage, with a kazoo, in sunglasses.
i lost my virginity to "ain't nobody" by rufus and chaka kahn playing in the background.
OMD's If You Leave brings back all kinds of bad, well really bitter sweet memories for me.

It was playing on the car radio when an ex and I broke up, it fit our lives together perfectly. It's been years but I still can't hear it without thinking of him.
Minkey Boodle said:
Most often, it's the other way around for me. A word, picture or sound will remind me of a song. For some odd reason, there's a song in my head for most everything. It creeps me out sometimes...

I agree with this. I find the same thing. But there are times when a song will just hit me...and a memory will flash through my mind. If I described most of my memories I'd have to pull up the spurt thread. ;)

Hey Puddin'. Gotta love Chaka Kahn.
hey jealousy by the gin blossoms reminds me of being young and not having any responsibilities.
cake takes me to mexico

radiohead takes me to the summer i got to see them three times, and my dear friends..
Wild Horses by The Sundays takes me to a parked car in a school parking lot, after hours... and I am not talking my school... hehehehe
Here's a Few Chestnuts.





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Sitting on an aeroplane in the middle of the night, lights dimmed, looking out the window into the blackness and listening to Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight"

The only song of his that I like.
Mmm...the Beatles give me a yummy fantasy at times now. Hmm I wonder if that counts if the fantasy has been played over and over and is now also a memory...yup it counts.
Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks

I remember times I had in California when I was a teenager when I had no worries and no fears it all came back to me when the radio played it tonight
Jewelz said:
"Celebration" Lots of fun times.

OMG you just reminded me of a pagent I was in when I was 17 and after it was over my brother and sister and her husband took me to this club and we sang this song on the karaoke machine. What a night! The song totally fit!
Morcheeba The Sea reminds me of Mexico, because i walked up and down the beach well listening to the Album BIG CALM.
The Eagles 'Hotel California"

This sounds real corny I know...but I was driving through California, just past Death Valley headed to Barstow the first time I heard it. Made a huge impact on me...first because of my location, and then the music itself. It has stuck with me as an all time favorite song.

There have been three songs in my life that I instantly liked and continued to like to this day. Hotel California, Sweet Child O Mine (Guns and Roses), and heh this one dates me...Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress (The Hollies). Each has their own reason and rhyme. Each brings back or takes me to a certain place regardless of where I am or what I am doing.
curious2c said:
The Eagles 'Hotel California"

Reminds me of a certain Summery one on a certain 30th birthday or was that in the middle of the river in Vermont? Dunno but it reminds me of her rather than a specific memory.