what should i do???


back to mischeviousness
Jan 8, 2002
what should i do to keep from fucking murdering my step bitch in law. i've been painting and drawing and writing poems but it isn't relieving as much pressure as i'd like.. so any suggestions?
I was going to suggest something more interactive, but it's not a bad idea.

*misses you*
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mischeviousmisti said:
what should i do to keep from fucking murdering my step bitch in law. i've been painting and drawing and writing poems but it isn't relieving as much pressure as i'd like.. so any suggestions?

Stop posting about how much you want to kill her. Post instead about how much you love her and want her nearby. It will drop you much lower on the list of suspects when she finally disappears.
mischeviousmisti said:
what should i do to keep from fucking murdering my step bitch in law. i've been painting and drawing and writing poems but it isn't relieving as much pressure as i'd like.. so any suggestions?

Allow me to suggest :

Ignore her .

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
Re: Re: what should i do???

RosevilleCAguy said:
Stop posting about how much you want to kill her. Post instead about how much you love her and want her nearby. It will drop you much lower on the list of suspects when she finally disappears.
oh, shes an a vile thing that has been getting more and more on my shit list for the past 7 months. i could never be so lucky as to never see her again in the next 20 years. shes only 50 something, looks 70 but i'm cursed with her bimonthly prescence till josh and i can finally move from this house
I have a MIL that I never thought I would be done with. She was nosy, inconsiderate, favors her daughter very openly over Lekov, and her daughter's child very openly over our own. She expects us to drop things for her, and everything we ever do is completly 1 sided.

We lived with her and the SIL for about 4 months, when I had just moved up here, and let me tell you, that's a particular type of hell I wouldn't suggest anyone go through.

Now, for suggestions?

Tell your husband, and start planning things like grocery day and hair cut day on the times she is going to visit. Explain to him that you need a break from her, and that you will try to be gone when she is around.

Don't confront her, or make your husband feel in the middle, because that can just make it worse. Don't expect that hubby will toss her out, because he likely won't. Just make the times she is going to visit, you time.

Get the shopping done, visit friends, go see a movie, do anything that will keep you gone while she is around.

Do the same if it's you guys visiting her. Just stop going as often.

I used to hate my MIL with a passion, and would tell any one who asked, but I've found that distance and absence does make the heart more fond. I'm not nuts about her, and I really don't like her still, but it's not an all consuming hatred. It's more of a relationship where, if she were to move, I wouldn't miss her. She's just not worth my thoughts at all.
Gilly Bean said:
I have a MIL that I never thought I would be done with. She was nosy, inconsiderate, favors her daughter very openly over Lekov, and her daughter's child very openly over our own. She expects us to drop things for her, and everything we ever do is completly 1 sided.

We lived with her and the SIL for about 4 months, when I had just moved up here, and let me tell you, that's a particular type of hell I wouldn't suggest anyone go through.

Now, for suggestions?

Tell your husband, and start planning things like grocery day and hair cut day on the times she is going to visit. Explain to him that you need a break from her, and that you will try to be gone when she is around.

Don't confront her, or make your husband feel in the middle, because that can just make it worse. Don't expect that hubby will toss her out, because he likely won't. Just make the times she is going to visit, you time.

Get the shopping done, visit friends, go see a movie, do anything that will keep you gone while she is around.

Do the same if it's you guys visiting her. Just stop going as often.

I used to hate my MIL with a passion, and would tell any one who asked, but I've found that distance and absence does make the heart more fond. I'm not nuts about her, and I really don't like her still, but it's not an all consuming hatred. It's more of a relationship where, if she were to move, I wouldn't miss her. She's just not worth my thoughts at all.
when they're not in town i tend to not think about her, but she's pissed me off so many times this trip back that i've been out of hte house every night since monday and done all sorts of things to relieve the pressure of hatred filling my head. lol. thanks ofr the advice and i appreciate the support. i stopped trying to start fights with her becasuei found out quick that that doesn't solve a thing. so now we just glare at eachother and when she messes with joshs coffee maker, we mess with hers. we watch her when she leaves the room to make sure she doesnt' try to go into our room and ransack it (which she regularly attemtps). so we're coping, i almost yelled at her to "get hte fuck away from my baby, she'll stop crying if you go away becuase she hates you just like everyone but john does" john is joshs dad. hmm, getting a littel worked up again. i'm gonna go paint some more.

hehe, thanks so much for the good advice and helping me to realize that its not a permanent situation and i'm probably overreacting.
Re: Re: Re: what should i do???

mischeviousmisti said:
oh, shes an a vile thing that has been getting more and more on my shit list for the past 7 months. i could never be so lucky as to never see her again in the next 20 years. shes only 50 something, looks 70 but i'm cursed with her bimonthly prescence till josh and i can finally move from this house

There is no problem too large to be solved by way of a suitable application of high explosive.