What is your favorite thing about lit?

fond of facials

hold me tight
Dec 27, 2002
I love that most of the people here are very open minded. Not all, but most. ;) Most of the people in my life are very narrow minded and judgemental. Honestly, if any of my friends or family (except dear hubby) knew I posted here they'd probably never speak to me again. It's just a nice change of pace.
I would have to say it is the feeling of being among friends and having a good time. When things are not going well they are here to help cheer, and when things are going great they are here to help cheer. Kinda like an extended family...warts and all.:D
For me the best thing about Lit was finding out that other people are into the same things I am...I thought for the longest time that i was a freak because of the sexual things I like..Now I know I'm not alone
I like how Storm can flirt with Glamorilla and it's not a big deal

I like how Chilled Vodka and Yayati can post meaningless drivel and it's not a big deal.

I like how vicious and bitchy people get, and it's not a big deal

I like how horny and perverted people can be around here, and it's not a big deal.

I like how the Brits still refuse to accept that their 'football' is really soccer, and it's not a big deal.

In short, this place has character.
white_mage_goddess said:
For me the best thing about Lit was finding out that other people are into the same things I am...I thought for the longest time that i was a freak because of the sexual things I like..Now I know I'm not alone

That too. ;)
I'm a big copycat today.. I steal Gunner's answer. :)

I'll add to it and be all PollyAnna here and say the people that I've become friends with that I've been given the opportunity to talk with and get a wee peek into their lives.
You are my favorite thing baby! I love that AV of yours...makes me ever so hungry ;)
fond of facials said:
I love that most of the people here are very open minded. Not all, but most. ;) Most of the people in my life are very narrow minded and judgemental. Honestly, if any of my friends or family (except dear hubby) knew I posted here they'd probably never speak to me again. It's just a nice change of pace.

AROUND the world ..at a single push of a piece of plastic..
some people are nice,funny,rude,indifferent.....

a version of an expotential kindranship.......:eek:
The thought of a certain someone's glistening cock, sliding across my cum covered lips, really does it to me.
I like that I can strip and go nuts with pics. Talk to lots of drop dead gorgeous women, and sit in front of the computer totally naked and nobody on lit can see what I'm doin.

........shit!, forgot about that damn avatar :eek:
the tempting avs
the perverted posters
the bitching/ranting

sniff, I love you guys
fond of facials said:
I love that most of the people here are very open minded. Not all, but most. ;) Most of the people in my life are very narrow minded and judgemental. Honestly, if any of my friends or family (except dear hubby) knew I posted here they'd probably never speak to me again. It's just a nice change of pace.

Wait who have you met that are openminded? PM me with this info I'm really curious. I thought most fit your second comment. Just from what I've read lately. (Edited to add: I just never thought of opinionated as being openminded just openmouthed)

I like the friends I've made. Some of them are truly the obvious exceptions to the rule here. ;)

You've started some interesting threads FOF! :D