What is Trump on about now?


Literotica Guru
Jan 2, 2002
Trump’s website updated with a statement from Tuesday 8/2, which read in part:
The Unselect Committee of Political Thugs has not devoted one hour to the massive Election Fraud and Irregularities that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, the reason that hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington on January 6th. When will they start?
I’m not entirely sure what committee he means, but I guess it’s the House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack. He likes to give out uncomplimentary nicknames without context, to leave us guessing.
Was there not an hour’s worth of testimony on election fraud? I heard Bill Barr say that Trump’s claims of fraud were bullshit, and also Rusty Bowers say that Giuliani told him there was no evidence of election fraud. So maybe just several minutes, not a full hour.
Was there “massive Election Fraud and Irregularities” in 2020? The Heritage Foundation has a database, but I haven’t seen anything massive there. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud
“Hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington on January 6th.” That may be true, but the topic is the Capitol and Trump’s rally in Washington D.C., not Washington. Best reports give a top number of 120,000 participants, which isn’t “hundreds of thousands.”
“When will they start?” This makes me think that he’s referring to another committee entirely. But which, exactly?
But which, exactly?

the fake, alternate reality one that exists only in the minds of his grubs... the one he's so desperate to preserve because he doesn't think orange on orange is a great look
Trump is just proving how the election was stolen. The January 6 "Committee" doesn't want to investigate the truth because they know Trump won the election.
Why did the judges, many of whom were appointed by Republicans including Trump, determine that Joe Biden won?
We should all ignore him.. take the very air of attention that he craves away..deflate his pompous treasonous ego...only he could leave this kind of mess behind...like he's done all his adult life!
Maybe you should educate yourself and watch The Fall of the Cabal and understand what is happening before your very eyes! And then watch Out of Babylon with David Straight and continue to educate yourself. As the leftists say, Nothing wrong with more education! 😊
In other words you cannot explain how Trump was cheated out of re election, because he lost fairly.
Does the Qanon bullshit and the Sovereign Citizen movement have an explanation for the total lack of evidence for “massive Election Fraud and Irregularities?”
He's on your mind like he has been every minute of everyday for the last 7 years and will continue to be.