What is crossing your mind right now?

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Well..? Do they all have shoe issues..previous injuries..one leg longer than the other? Makes no sense ..
Personally, I know nothing about zombies but just upon recollection of those I may have seen, I'd say it has something to do with old and sore joints? I mean, really, laying in the cold ground for so long, I would assume some of that has seeped into their bones and caused some issues, right?
Personally, I know nothing about zombies but just upon recollection of those I may have seen, I'd say it has something to do with old and sore joints? I mean, really, laying in the cold ground for so long, I would assume some of that has seeped into their bones and caused some issues, right?

Well thought out:) ...but the jaw joints work fine when they are tearing people apart ..hmmm I think i need to turn my tv off AMC and the scfi channel for a while..something things are better left unknown..maybe watch something realistic like ..the wizard of OZ:)
Well thought out:) ...but the jaw joints work fine when they are tearing people apart ..hmmm I think i need to turn my tv off AMC and the scfi channel for a while..something things are better left unknown..maybe watch something realistic like ..the wizard of OZ:)
"there's no place like home"

I'd buy that! ;)
What is lavar Burton doing in a zombie movie and why did he just set his arm on fire? More importantly ..why am I watching this
All the things I miss about time with someone, the thrills, the exquisite pain and the passion...
Well life is a bit more calm for the next few days. But, isn't there always a calm before the storm?
I should've known better than to schedule rope & photos for tomorrow night. The bruises from last night are not going to fade fast enough. Rope AND sex bruises, huzzah!!
Sometimes when I scroll through the threads on Lit, it's like looking for something in the refrigerator. I know what I'm looking for isn't in here, but it doesn't keep me from opening the door over and over again.

I miss you, dammit.:rose:
I wonder who see is looking for...and the Timmy character on Rules of Engagement has run it course...
Sometimes when I scroll through the threads on Lit, it's like looking for something in the refrigerator. I know what I'm looking for isn't in here, but it doesn't keep me from opening the door over and over again.

I miss you, dammit.:rose:

hahaha, thanks for the chuckle Ellafun, totally agree!:D
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