What if the Catholics responded the way the NCAA did


May 24, 2009
OpEdNews <snip> If it had done so:

- Pope Ratzinger would have resigned immediately.

- All cardinals and bishops who had covered up the scandal would have been removed from office.

- The canonization process for John Paul II would have been terminated, because of the way he down-played the sex scandal. This would be the equivalent of removing Joepa's statue.

- An investigation independent of the Vatican would have been launched headed by an unimpeachable figure -- say the Dali Lama, perhaps joined by Sr. Pat Farrell, President of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) which is currently being investigated by the Vatican.

- Upon completion of its investigation (assuming it would have reached conclusions similar to the one in Ireland), the commission would have:

o Fined the Catholic Church $500 billion -- the equivalent of one year of the R.C. church income. The money would be used world-wide to aid victims of sex abuse and to institute programs to educate clergy about human sexuality using the best insights of current sociology and psychology.

o Removed from the list of genuine popes all those whose public crimes made them unworthy of the title "Vicars of Christ." Here the Borgia popes come to mind, as well as Pope Pius XII for his silence about the Jewish Holocaust. (Obviously, the process of his canonization would be abruptly ended.) This would be the rough equivalent of Penn State's vacating its football wins since 1998.

o The exclusion of women from the priesthood would be reversed, and seminary scholarships would be extended world-wide to women desiring to receive Holy Orders.

o Mandatory celibacy would of course be set aside as a requirement of the priesthood -- and a major contributor to the issue at hand.

o A reforming Church Council (Vatican III?) would be ordered to deal with the sex abuse and related problems -- to be attended only by bishops not involved in the abuse scandal and subsequent cover-up. Their places would be taken by women elected by national bodies equivalent to the LCWR in the United States.


Good read if you're into it. :cool: The article is longish and detailed.
Agreed- Good read. (And not so very long!) ;) The sex abuse scandals of many religions have been exposed, since 2002.
The Beatles are what they were. Not all that suckie.

And yes... longish is shorter than long. ;)
How does a vow of celibacy contribute to child molestation? If a priest is a pedo no amount of sex with an adult is going to change that. To think it would is incredibly ignorant.
How does a vow of celibacy contribute to child molestation? If a priest is a pedo no amount of sex with an adult is going to change that. To think it would is incredibly ignorant.

I agree

I was Catholic from birth and work in a Catholic hospital now and know many, many Catholics who absolutely LOVE John Paul II and want to see his sainthood fast-tracked. I don't get it. They should be auctioning off his vestments to clothing recyclers. Hollywood would eat them up.

So many kids were hurt.
What great ideas. This really should be put into place right now.

Yes, John Paul II's canonization, which is only a popularity contest and doesn't symbolize any other thing, should be halted in the same way Joepa's canonization was reversed. Despite the fact that JP II was directly instrumental in ending the Soviet Union and the Eastern Block, which had killed many times more than Penn State did...umm, multiplication by zero error. Penn State didn't kill people.

Second, catholic based organizations of all kinds should be shut down. Who cares that as non-municipal hospitals, etc., they never refuse care based on race, creed or ability to pay? The only thing they've ever contributed to society is child molestation. Every priest has at least one molestation skeleton in their closets.

Hey look, the Olympics are on. But you didn't need to even go to London to win a gold medal in ignorance.
The parishioners should be able to transfer without penalty to any other denomination and no loss of heavenly benefits.
The only thing they've ever contributed to society is child molestation.

Every priest has at least one molestation skeleton in their closets.

Without going into detail I'll state that I strongly disagree with these two points.