What Did YOU Learn Today?

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I learned that no matter how good friends you are with someone at work, once they are in management, they will screw you in a heartbeat.
I learned today ...

Not everyone knows how to forgive and forget.
People who lie on a regular bases lose sight of the actual truth.
Everyone really don't have to like you, and thats ok.

Oh and I relearned that I really do suck at remembering peoples names.

starrynightin64 said:
you didn't learn that from me????? :rolleyes:

Nope. In an effort to get out and back before the heat rose, I left. Felt really sick in the grocery store. I bought an orange soda and that helped a lot. It's only 84 but the humidity is up to 74%. I returned and had a bowl of cereal and took my meds. I feel 100% better now.
done_got_old said:
Nope. In an effort to get out and back before the heat rose, I left. Felt really sick in the grocery store. I bought an orange soda and that helped a lot. It's only 84 but the humidity is up to 74%. I returned and had a bowl of cereal and took my meds. I feel 100% better now.
I seem to recall doing that a couple of times & you or Kayte (or both) spanked me one. I'm glad you are feeling better now :) :rose:

NOW DON"T DO IT AGAIN!!!!! :cool:
That when defrosting a fridge with fan and knife, be careful not to stab the fridge...it will bleed coolant all over, then die.

You then leave yourself sipping warm beer until winter, or get a new fridge!

THAT made me laugh! :D Still does.
I learned that Appy's bewbies have their own personalities. :p

I learned that you can't let trolls screw up your desire to submit new writings on Lit.
And that the sex talk with your daughter does not mean the end of the world, but it is still a good time to consider weaponry.
Not today, but recently, I learned that Trojan Magnums aren't nearly as big as I thought they were.
Learned today that it was so hot outside. I saw a dog chasing a cat, And they both was walking. lol
that no matter what I think - she wants to hear it.
That I'm happy being me.....imperfect and quirky.........and people try to change what they don't understand.
I just learned the sold the Tampa Bay Lightning... to people from Kansas City... :rolleyes:
The Kansas City Lightning just doesn't do it for me :rolleyes: :(
that "friends" aren't really who they claim to be

and some people are popular only because they bs a LOT
starrynightin64 said:
I just learned the sold the Tampa Bay Lightning... to people from Kansas City... :rolleyes:
The Kansas City Lightning just doesn't do it for me :rolleyes: :(
Are they gonna move there?
starrynightin64 said:
no clue but the name rights to the forum were included :p
the league has yet to approve too
The penguins were set to move to KC if Pennsylvania didn't come up with a new arena. But I always thought the Tampa team was pretty secure there.
_JollyMon said:
The penguins were set to move to KC if Pennsylvania didn't come up with a new arena. But I always thought the Tampa team was pretty secure there.
me too :(
1) That when the tough gets going, he comes to me to vent.
2) My UPS and Fed EX drivers missed me last week.
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