We're broadcasting musicals all morning, what's your favorite?


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
The DJ is playing nuttin' but broadway this morning. I LOVE IT! lol So far we've played selections from My Fair Lady, The Producers, something about cats I'd never heard before - no not that one, and the Music Man.

What's your favorite musical?
Do I have to pick just one???

My Fair Lady is my all time favorite

But then there's South Pacific (Some Enchanted Evening, and Gonna Wash that Man Right Outta My Hair!) and of course Phantom of the Opera too.
juicylips said:
Phantom of the Opera.

Excellent choice. I'll second that. I also enjoyed Cats. Also, haven't seen the live versions of Beauty and the Beast or Lion King, but hope they'll come my way sometime.
Ms DJ Woman, could you spin a couple for me?

"Fugue for Tinhorns" from Guys and Dolls

"Once in Love with Amy" from some unknown musical which name I don't know.

"Comedy Tonight" from Something....Forum

"La Vie Boheme", "Finale B", or "One Song Glory" from Rent

That'll do for starters. :)
JazzManJim said:
Ms DJ Woman, could you spin a couple for me?
"Once in Love with Amy" from some unknown musical which name I don't know.

It's from Where's Charlie and unfortunately I'm not the DJ. But if you want to listen she's on till 12:30pm EST.

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My all-time top 3 would have to be Les Mis, Chicago and Cabaret

but I do have a softspot for A Chorus Line (the first musical i saw on Broadway)

And I did enjoy Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde as a musical (which surprised me)

sunstruck said:
It's from Where's Charlie and unfortunately I'm not the DJ.

I know you're not the DJ, but it wouldn't be nearly as humorous for me to say "Hey Ms Lady Who Works in the Radio Station but who Isn't the DJ" now would it? :p
It is a toss up between my childhood favorite: The Sound of Music and my adult favorite: My Fair Lady
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Funny Face
Fiddler on the Roof (Of course)

For the music alone? I'd have to go with Chess, but only cuz "One Night in Bangkok" is my favoritest song ever. Yes, I know. I'm sick.
JazzManJim said:

I know you're not the DJ, but it wouldn't be nearly as humorous for me to say "Hey Ms Lady Who Works in the Radio Station but who Isn't the DJ" now would it? :p

lol True. With your new AV I didn't recognize you Jim.
Jesus Christ Superstar

Les Miserables (or however you spell that)

Nora said:
For the music alone? I'd have to go with Chess, but only cuz "One Night in Bangkok" is my favoritest song ever. Yes, I know. I'm sick.

No, you're a goddes I say! lol I love Chess, the London version of course. What they did to it in New York was just plain wrong. My favorite song from Chess would have to be either Anthem or Bangkok.
Thank god someone else brought it up... now i can admit to owning the Chess soundtrack and listening to it profusely...

*giggling at the closet Chess fans*

Have you ever noticed that London Casts are usually better? Is it just that they're normally first and therefore what we're used to?
Guys and Dolls, Gypsy, The Secret Garden, Ragtime...

I'm a musicals fanatic!