Owned and Collared
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- Jun 20, 2020
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Blake Brickenden sighed as he got off the plane and headed towards baggage claim. He hadn't even left the airport yet, and he already wanted to get back on a plane and head home. As much as he wanted to do that though, he knew he couldn't. Hell, he was lucky that he'd been able to cut the visit as short as it was, down to just the weekend. If he'd cut things any shorter his father probably would have had a heart attack and dropped dead moments after legally cutting him from the will. The thought of being in the will actually made Blake chuckle, something he did actually kind of need as he sent in the online request for his ride to take him from the airport to his father's estate.
The question about his father's estate wasn't a monetary one. The money would be there when the time came. That much couldn't be doubted. Most would then assume that Blake, being the only child of a world-famous writer was a shoe-in for the majority of it, but Blake knew differently. Whenever someone asked him what he knew that others didn't, he told them the truth. His father thought he was a failure, a disappointment, and an all around fuckup, and took every opportunity he could to inform anyone he was talking to of that fact. The reaction to this depended on his surrounding. Some doubted, some chuckled, and some just tried to brush it off. He meanwhile, was refilling his drink, waiting for the one person brave or stupid enough to ask him why he thought that.
"Because I chose music!" Blake would shout it every time the situation came up, just to show how much he hated the stupidity of it. Then everyone in the room would jump and stare, look at each other, then stare some more. "Yup." He'd say. "It's all because I chose music. My father is a writer. His father was a writer. His father was a writer. His father...any guesses...a writer. Every generation of Brickenden's going back three-hundred fucking years had a writer, but now that tradition dies...with me. He's an only child, and I'm an only child." The conversation usually didn't last much past that point, not that he usually remembered. He usually woke up in a strange bed with a chick whose name he didn't know and never saw again. The last bits were just perks of being in a band though, or as his father would say, the fad he chose instead of at least having the decency to play classical music.
Reminiscing about how enjoyable the first 22 years of his life were took up just enough of Blake's time for him to get his luggage, his ride to arrive, and for him to arrive at the huge mansion that was his father's estate. He had the driver drop him off out front only because he knew sneaking in the back was pointless. The staff were nothing if not loyal to his father. So the man would be alerted of his presence the second he arrived. He grabbed his stuff out of the trunk, rang the bell, entered when the maid opened the door, and headed straight up to his room for a shower. Everything was exactly as it had been the past three years, with the only difference being the diploma in his luggage from the graduation his father hadn't attended for the major his father hadn't approved of. Yes, he knew exactly what time everything would be happening downstairs, and had no intention of going down there any earlier than he was expected or staying any longer than he was obligated.
So, when the time finally came to bite the bullet, Blake was downstairs, properly dressed for the occasion, Christmas Eve dinner as it were, and had a fresh glass of rum and Coke that was more rum than Coke if we're being honest, standing with all of the other pompous ass guests and friends of his father, waiting for him to give the toast that would signify the true start of the evening. He meanwhile, had been about to tune it all out, and was halfway through his drink when he heard the sound of breaking glass and cries of alarm. He looked both ways to see people rushing out of the room as staff rushed forward towards...
"Dad?!" Blake shouted the word with so much surprise that he didn't even realize that it was the first time he'd used the word in at least a decade, probably more. "Dad!" He shouted again, repeating himself as he pushed past people he didn't know, people he didn't care about, and staff members to reach his father where he had fallen. "What is it? What happened?" Blake demanded from the staff members that surrounded his father as he knelt at the man's side. Whether or not anybody answered him or not, he would never know. A hand clamped onto the front of his shirt, his father's hand, and jerked him forward with strength that should have been beyond him at that moment.
"B-Blake...lis...ten." The words were barely audible with all the commotion going on around the two of them, but Blake could hear his father's words against his ear. "Listen to what?" He asked, more confused than anything. ""
"'re not making any sense. Can we get a god damn doctor in here or what? FUCK!"
Blake had spoken the first bit to his father and then the second bit to the staff as he lifted his head from his father's ear. No sooner did he lift his head though, than his father's hand was moving again, not for Blake's shirt this time, but his own. He struggled briefly with the collar of his shirt, but eventually lifted a fairly thick chain from under his shirt. The small circle of people around him could only sit and watch the spectacle as the beleaguered man pulled on the chain until a thick key popped out from under his shirt attached to the chain. As he watched, his father, with significant effort, pulled the chain over his head and pressed it into his hand.
With every bit of strength his father had left in him at that moment, he pushed Blake away from him. Blake meanwhile was...stunned to say the least. He barely knew how to process what had just happened to his father let alone what had happened between him and his father. He just sat there on the floor for as his father was further surrounded by staff members, the family doctor was brought in, a heart attack was determined, and his father was moved upstairs, because of course no ordinary hospital would work for them when they had all the money in the world to fly in the best medical care.
So, with nothing left to do, Blake got up, not even bothering to brush himself off or straighten his clothes, went out the back, and headed towards his father's writing studio. The door was closed, but there wasn't a lock on it, making the key he carried pointless. So he went in, turned on the lights, and closed the door. Everything seemed normal enough, and again nothing needed a key, leaving him to wonder what the point of all of this was. Surely this wasn't some kind of joke, right? His father wasn't normally one for jokes. In truth Blake probably wouldn't have known what to look for if he didn't know he was in a writing studio, or at least a studio belonging to a writer. With the little bit of knowledge he did have though, he moved towards the book shelf behind the desk in the center of the room. It was of course filled with books, but only one row of books were written by his father. He again used some of the little knowledge he had and chose a book from the middle of the shelf, rather than from either end, his father's favorite book that he'd written...There was nothing special about the book itself, but the space it had occupied however was another story. He could only just make out the key
hole hidden at the back of the book shelf, and even then it was only because he was looking for it. He held the key in his hand, reached slowly inward, felt around for the hole, felt it sink in, gave it a turn, and felt his heart leap a little when he heard the loud click and felt the entire book shelf jump a little as the lock unlatched.
Only after pulled the key back from the hole did Blake move to open the door. He intended to move it slowly to not dump any of the books onto the floor, but the sheer weight of it made it all but impossible to move quickly. When he had the door as far open as it would go, he stepped through the doorway into a place that was already lit, albeit barely. It caught some light from further down what passed for a hallway of sorts. He walked slowly, still not knowing what to expect. The area slowly grew brighter as he neared a corner, but even with his father's words, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw when he walked around that corner! It wasn't so much what he saw, which was a cot against the far wall, with a single blanket and pillow, illuminated by string lights strung up along the ceiling, but who he saw, which was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, wearing a stola that was impossibly white given the woman's location, being held in place by a flawlessly woven gold-colored rope. On her wrist was a huge gold bangle bracelet. All of that though, was somehow less surprising than the wreath of fully bloomed pink roses that adorned her head.
It wasn't until Blake recovered from the utter shock of seeing the woman in this place that he saw the chain around her ankle. His gaze followed it to the wall which it wasn't hooked to, but rather built into. "What the absolute fuck?!" He cried out loud in shock as he ran over to the woman, dropping to his knees on the ground before her. "He said there was a woman here, but seriously...what the fuck? What's your name, and how long have you been locked down here?" As he spoke and asked his questions, his hands kept moving, finding the key hole on the anklet around her ankle, inserting the key into it, and turning it to let her go.
Blake Brickenden sighed as he got off the plane and headed towards baggage claim. He hadn't even left the airport yet, and he already wanted to get back on a plane and head home. As much as he wanted to do that though, he knew he couldn't. Hell, he was lucky that he'd been able to cut the visit as short as it was, down to just the weekend. If he'd cut things any shorter his father probably would have had a heart attack and dropped dead moments after legally cutting him from the will. The thought of being in the will actually made Blake chuckle, something he did actually kind of need as he sent in the online request for his ride to take him from the airport to his father's estate.
The question about his father's estate wasn't a monetary one. The money would be there when the time came. That much couldn't be doubted. Most would then assume that Blake, being the only child of a world-famous writer was a shoe-in for the majority of it, but Blake knew differently. Whenever someone asked him what he knew that others didn't, he told them the truth. His father thought he was a failure, a disappointment, and an all around fuckup, and took every opportunity he could to inform anyone he was talking to of that fact. The reaction to this depended on his surrounding. Some doubted, some chuckled, and some just tried to brush it off. He meanwhile, was refilling his drink, waiting for the one person brave or stupid enough to ask him why he thought that.
"Because I chose music!" Blake would shout it every time the situation came up, just to show how much he hated the stupidity of it. Then everyone in the room would jump and stare, look at each other, then stare some more. "Yup." He'd say. "It's all because I chose music. My father is a writer. His father was a writer. His father was a writer. His father...any guesses...a writer. Every generation of Brickenden's going back three-hundred fucking years had a writer, but now that tradition dies...with me. He's an only child, and I'm an only child." The conversation usually didn't last much past that point, not that he usually remembered. He usually woke up in a strange bed with a chick whose name he didn't know and never saw again. The last bits were just perks of being in a band though, or as his father would say, the fad he chose instead of at least having the decency to play classical music.
Reminiscing about how enjoyable the first 22 years of his life were took up just enough of Blake's time for him to get his luggage, his ride to arrive, and for him to arrive at the huge mansion that was his father's estate. He had the driver drop him off out front only because he knew sneaking in the back was pointless. The staff were nothing if not loyal to his father. So the man would be alerted of his presence the second he arrived. He grabbed his stuff out of the trunk, rang the bell, entered when the maid opened the door, and headed straight up to his room for a shower. Everything was exactly as it had been the past three years, with the only difference being the diploma in his luggage from the graduation his father hadn't attended for the major his father hadn't approved of. Yes, he knew exactly what time everything would be happening downstairs, and had no intention of going down there any earlier than he was expected or staying any longer than he was obligated.
So, when the time finally came to bite the bullet, Blake was downstairs, properly dressed for the occasion, Christmas Eve dinner as it were, and had a fresh glass of rum and Coke that was more rum than Coke if we're being honest, standing with all of the other pompous ass guests and friends of his father, waiting for him to give the toast that would signify the true start of the evening. He meanwhile, had been about to tune it all out, and was halfway through his drink when he heard the sound of breaking glass and cries of alarm. He looked both ways to see people rushing out of the room as staff rushed forward towards...
"Dad?!" Blake shouted the word with so much surprise that he didn't even realize that it was the first time he'd used the word in at least a decade, probably more. "Dad!" He shouted again, repeating himself as he pushed past people he didn't know, people he didn't care about, and staff members to reach his father where he had fallen. "What is it? What happened?" Blake demanded from the staff members that surrounded his father as he knelt at the man's side. Whether or not anybody answered him or not, he would never know. A hand clamped onto the front of his shirt, his father's hand, and jerked him forward with strength that should have been beyond him at that moment.
"B-Blake...lis...ten." The words were barely audible with all the commotion going on around the two of them, but Blake could hear his father's words against his ear. "Listen to what?" He asked, more confused than anything. ""
"'re not making any sense. Can we get a god damn doctor in here or what? FUCK!"
Blake had spoken the first bit to his father and then the second bit to the staff as he lifted his head from his father's ear. No sooner did he lift his head though, than his father's hand was moving again, not for Blake's shirt this time, but his own. He struggled briefly with the collar of his shirt, but eventually lifted a fairly thick chain from under his shirt. The small circle of people around him could only sit and watch the spectacle as the beleaguered man pulled on the chain until a thick key popped out from under his shirt attached to the chain. As he watched, his father, with significant effort, pulled the chain over his head and pressed it into his hand.
With every bit of strength his father had left in him at that moment, he pushed Blake away from him. Blake meanwhile was...stunned to say the least. He barely knew how to process what had just happened to his father let alone what had happened between him and his father. He just sat there on the floor for as his father was further surrounded by staff members, the family doctor was brought in, a heart attack was determined, and his father was moved upstairs, because of course no ordinary hospital would work for them when they had all the money in the world to fly in the best medical care.
So, with nothing left to do, Blake got up, not even bothering to brush himself off or straighten his clothes, went out the back, and headed towards his father's writing studio. The door was closed, but there wasn't a lock on it, making the key he carried pointless. So he went in, turned on the lights, and closed the door. Everything seemed normal enough, and again nothing needed a key, leaving him to wonder what the point of all of this was. Surely this wasn't some kind of joke, right? His father wasn't normally one for jokes. In truth Blake probably wouldn't have known what to look for if he didn't know he was in a writing studio, or at least a studio belonging to a writer. With the little bit of knowledge he did have though, he moved towards the book shelf behind the desk in the center of the room. It was of course filled with books, but only one row of books were written by his father. He again used some of the little knowledge he had and chose a book from the middle of the shelf, rather than from either end, his father's favorite book that he'd written...There was nothing special about the book itself, but the space it had occupied however was another story. He could only just make out the key
hole hidden at the back of the book shelf, and even then it was only because he was looking for it. He held the key in his hand, reached slowly inward, felt around for the hole, felt it sink in, gave it a turn, and felt his heart leap a little when he heard the loud click and felt the entire book shelf jump a little as the lock unlatched.
Only after pulled the key back from the hole did Blake move to open the door. He intended to move it slowly to not dump any of the books onto the floor, but the sheer weight of it made it all but impossible to move quickly. When he had the door as far open as it would go, he stepped through the doorway into a place that was already lit, albeit barely. It caught some light from further down what passed for a hallway of sorts. He walked slowly, still not knowing what to expect. The area slowly grew brighter as he neared a corner, but even with his father's words, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw when he walked around that corner! It wasn't so much what he saw, which was a cot against the far wall, with a single blanket and pillow, illuminated by string lights strung up along the ceiling, but who he saw, which was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, wearing a stola that was impossibly white given the woman's location, being held in place by a flawlessly woven gold-colored rope. On her wrist was a huge gold bangle bracelet. All of that though, was somehow less surprising than the wreath of fully bloomed pink roses that adorned her head.
It wasn't until Blake recovered from the utter shock of seeing the woman in this place that he saw the chain around her ankle. His gaze followed it to the wall which it wasn't hooked to, but rather built into. "What the absolute fuck?!" He cried out loud in shock as he ran over to the woman, dropping to his knees on the ground before her. "He said there was a woman here, but seriously...what the fuck? What's your name, and how long have you been locked down here?" As he spoke and asked his questions, his hands kept moving, finding the key hole on the anklet around her ankle, inserting the key into it, and turning it to let her go.