We don't give a damn how they do it OUTSIDE.

Mayor: "There will be snow plowing. We will plow our roads."

Me: Why the fuck would we not plow the roads in winter?
Were there any earthquake related deaths?

None, and no looting that I'm aware of. Nothing at all like the M7 quake in Haiti.

Carrs in Wasilla was a total mess and they let folks come in and take whatever they wanted, grocery-wise. Made clean up easier. East-side Costco opened up on Friday and gave water away to anyone who needed it. Dimond Costco is a mess, as the sprinkler system dumped.

I do know of one guy who tripped on the stairs during the quake and tore up his shoulder in the fall. I heard of a student being hit with something falling at one of the schools.
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"Congratulations to Anna & Jeff for their super impressive performances at California International Marathon! Today Anna Dalton ran a 2:44:18 to qualify for Olympic Trials and Jeff Young ran 2:41:35 faster than the American age group record for over 60! (Record won't count due to net drop of the race course)"

Jeff worked on my house, many years ago.
... "Congratulations to Anna & Jeff for their super impressive performances at California International Marathon! Today Anna Dalton ran a 2:44:18 to qualify for Olympic Trials and Jeff Young ran 2:41:35 faster than the American age group record for over 60! (Record won't count due to net drop of the race course)"

Jeff worked on my house, many years ago.

That guy is "over 60?"

Yikes. He doesn't look a day over 30 in that photograph.

Helluva time for that age.
