Unfit To Be An American

HipArsy, I'm actually giving you a LIKE on this post because you're so entertaining.

Words of Peace? WORDS OF PEACE? As long as you keep insisting that the centuries of black slavery in the Americas was just some bump in the road and we should just forget about it, THERE CAN BE NO PEACE BETWEEN US.

As long as you insist that history has been fair to black people, THERE CAN BE NO PEACE BETWEEN US.

As long as you refer to me as "people like you" THERE CAN BE NO PEACE BETWEEN US.

As long as you have the goddamn GALL to try to perpetuate your racist bullshit by quoting MLK as if he would have approved of you in ANY way, THERE CAN BE NO PEACE BETWEEN US.

Then it's all on you because no one here hurt you.

I suggest you see someone about how you feel because in the end, it's not healthy. There's no stigma in doing that and it if helps you then it's a good thing.
Damn but that's a big chip you're carrying around.

I think she's got the whole tree on her shoulder. And it's a Sequoia.

She should put it down because a load like that is bad for the posture.
That half was brutally defeated as well.
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity)

"That half" NEVER truly surrendered and recognized the wrongness of their cause.


And white America (North and South) NEVER fully embraced racial equality in the aftermath of the Civil War.


The biggest disappointment / problem, I, as a Cis white man, have with MANY "non-racist / fascist" Cis white Americans, is their willful ignorance / denial of the historical realities of the continuous / continued oppression / discrimination / exploitation of minority groups and vulnerable demographics since "Christian" Europeans first arrived in the new world.


The truth is: if you deny the reality of past and PRESENT discrimination / disenfranchisement of certain Americans due to their race, religion, gender, or sexual preference, then you ARE a racist / fascist / sexist.


Denial = Admission

*sigh* You're ranting over events that took place damn near 200 years ago. Slavery is as old as mankind and no nation is without sin in that regard, nor is any one race or creed free from being enslaved. Slavery is still alive and well in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. It is Western civilization that put an end to slavery where they could. You can carry that load as long as you want, not me.

Reparations have been discussed from time to time here and there. An effort to force the innocent to buy off the undeserving.
You are an spologist for slavery. You are a racist. There is no excuse for you. You are vile scum.

There has never been such a massive, intercontinental, transoceanic slaving operation than what was built the "civilization" of the American south. Excusing it by saying "slavery has always existed" is like saying we shouldn't be concerned about nuclear weapons because people have always thrown rocks at each other.
You are an spologist for slavery. You are a racist. There is no excuse for you. You are vile scum.

There has never been such a massive, intercontinental, transoceanic slaving operation than what was built the "civilization" of the American south. Excusing it by saying "slavery has always existed" is like saying we shouldn't be concerned about nuclear weapons because people have always thrown rocks at each other.

Your really crappy metaphors are a poor attempt to fashion an argument in a debate you've already lost. You should quit while behind.
Girl, if you're listening to assholes who scream at you because you drive like Mrs. Magoo and taking that to heart, you gots more problems that anyone here has time to listen to.

OTOH, you seem to have come here tossing around accusations that we're the ones who are going all road rage on you because of the color of your skin when we don't even care about you at all. Or perhaps that's your way of trying to make an introduction?

If so, it's not your best work.
You keep pretending you don't know what I'm saying but you do. While you are clearly an idiot, NO ONE is capable of being as stupid as you pretend to be.

This thread was started by a moron who felt like he had a right to say who is "fit" to be an American (I can't be bothered to go back and see if it was you or the other moron).

I expressed disagreement with concept and pointed out that white people insult me by saying "go back to Africa" when no one in my family has been to Africa sjnce my ancestors were kidnapped and forced to come here to pick massa's cotton.

Since then, you inbred retarded fuckwits have expanded the argument to include reparations (which I never brought up), excusesfor the existence of slavery, flawed history lessons, denials that any inequality ecists for black people today, moronically simplistic solutions to complex issues ("just forget about slavery and everyone will be happier"), accusations that I'm racist because I disagree with you, and lectures on what's "good" for me and how I should view the unconscionable crime that was perpetrated on my ancestors.

You and friend are racists. You are idiots. But keep going, this is actually quite entertaining

In the words of Redneck Icon Rip Wheeler, "I'LL FIGHT YOU ALL GODDAMN DAY!!!"
Then it's all on you because no one here hurt you.

I suggest you see someone about how you feel because in the end, it's not healthy. There's no stigma in doing that and it if helps you then it's a good thing.
That is the stupidest thing you've said yet. You are amazing.
"Brutally"? It was a war. They lost. The "brutally" adverb tell us more about how you're framing the conflict than what actually happened.

So I'm supposed to sympathize with enslavers of my ancestors because they lost the war to maintain their slave society?
So tell us what "actually happened."
You know, this is actually just said. Two sick little bitches congratulating each other on how they're "winning," when everyone else is just laughing at you.

Actually, it looks like everyone else has already left. Why am I still here with you genetic dead ends?

Have fun playing with eachother.
You know, this is actually just said. Two sick little bitches congratulating each other on how they're "winning," when everyone else is just laughing at you.

Actually, it looks like everyone else has already left. Why am I still here with you genetic dead ends?

Have fun playing with eachother.

Run run run run runaway...