Gavin Newsom Dismantles Republican Governors In Less Than 1 Minute

Typical progressive, 400 billion means nothing to you. Someone has to pay, money doesn’t grow on trees.
Your taxes have gone down. You won't pay much more in your lifetime and your kids won't pay more than you have.

Debt going up is not 1 to 1 to what you pay and never has been. And if we can actually get the top tier to pay their share, you'll likely see your share drop.

And because of the government, high inflation was short lived and is not back down to 3%.
Your taxes have gone down. You won't pay much more in your lifetime and your kids won't pay more than you have.

Debt going up is not 1 to 1 to what you pay and never has been. And if we can actually get the top tier to pay their share, you'll likely see your share drop.

And because of the government, high inflation was short lived and is not back down to 3%.
I have an idea, stop government spending, it’s out of control.
I have an idea, stop government spending, it’s out of control.
It's not. But you can say that it's a popular thing to say. As long as we pay the bills (i.e. raise the debt ceiling) and have a strong GDP that keeps up (it has), we'll be fine.

But it's fun to make it seem like its the end of the world
Ya got ta give Joe an A+ for trying. How many times have he attempted to skirt the constitution. Rent and student loans comes to mind! 😜
US politics is hardball. Both teams test the limits. Can’t fault that and credit the framers for anticipating it. Our separation of powers and system of checks and balances ain’t perfect but it works pretty good imo.
US politics is hardball. Both teams test the limits. Can’t fault that and credit the framers for anticipating it. Our separation of powers and system of checks and balances ain’t perfect but it works pretty good imo.
Making promises that you know ya can't keep to garner votes isn't hardball politics, it's unethical. I guess suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop just before the 2020 elections is hardball politics too. I would like to believe that there's a difference between hardball politics and unethical behavior regardless of party affiliation.
Typical progressive, 400 billion means nothing to you. Someone has to pay, money doesn’t grow on trees.
This is the kind of thing right-wingers say every time a Democrat is president. When Republican presidents inevitably run up enormous deficits in the name of cutting taxes for the rich? Crickets!
Making promises that you know ya can't keep to garner votes isn't hardball politics, it's unethical. I guess suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop just before the 2020 elections is hardball politics too. I would like to believe that there's a difference between hardball politics and unethical behavior regardless of party affiliation.
Still waiting on Mexican tax dollars. Still waiting on a better health plan than Obamacare. Still waiting on Hillary being put in jail.
And just to be clear, those were promises made to his gullible voting base. No one on our side believed any of that shit!
Still waiting on Mexican tax dollars. Still waiting on a better health plan than Obamacare. Still waiting on Hillary being put in jail.
The checks and balances of the American government applied to none of these examples he promised. NONE.
You’re a berry on a shit dingle.
Making promises that you know ya can't keep to garner votes isn't hardball politics, it's unethical. I guess suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop just before the 2020 elections is hardball politics too. I would like to believe that there's a difference between hardball politics and unethical behavior regardless of party affiliation.
Are you still here?! Don’t get quiet now. Motherfucker! Talk more about being unethical.
After the wall wasn’t built, after Mexico didn’t give a pesos of their tax dollars, Steve Bannon, yeah, that’s right! Steve Bannon hooked up with a Chinese billionaire and scammed that loyal base out of millions of dollars in a scheme to build your Humpty Dumpty precious wall. And then after January 6, and I really want to press this point home - AFTER January 6, when all of the rubes were waiting for that pardon in the last days of the Trump presidency, you got nothing! You got nothing except a visit from the FBI. But you know who did get a pardon? Do you know who your dear leader found fit to write his shitty signature to grant clemency to?
Steve Bannon!
No one could ever write a literotica story this good, this sad! You alpha males got cuck fucked up the ass!
After the wall wasn’t built, after Mexico didn’t give a pesos of their tax dollars, Steve Bannon, yeah, that’s right! Steve Bannon hooked up with a Chinese billionaire and scammed that loyal base out of millions of dollars in a scheme to build your Humpty Dumpty precious wall. And then after January 6, and I really want to press this point home - AFTER January 6, when all of the rubes were waiting for that pardon in the last days of the Trump presidency, you got nothing! You got nothing except a visit from the FBI. But you know who did get a pardon? Do you know who your dear leader found fit to write his shitty signature to grant clemency to?
Steve Bannon!
No one could ever write a literotica story this good, this sad! You alpha males got cuck fucked up the ass!
Steve Bannon will have his day in court. You’re confused 🫤 I don’t support any criminal behavior but I have to ask you, when was the last time a democrat politician was indicted, tried in a court of law and convicted of a criminal behavior. Equal protection under the law and equal application of the law, right now that door swings in one direction. When people lose faith and trust in our judicial system, we’ll, no republic can withstand the inevitable collapse.
Steve Bannon will have his day in court. You’re confused 🫤 I don’t support any criminal behavior but I have to ask you, when was the last time a democrat politician was indicted, tried in a court of law and convicted of a criminal behavior. Equal protection under the law and equal application of the law, right now that door swings in one direction. When people lose faith and trust in our judicial system, we’ll, no republic can withstand the inevitable collapse.
Ahhhh. You came back! Good!
I’m not answering your question because I made no claim! You said that it’s unethical for politicians to make promises and not keep them. That’s the claim. I gave you examples of Donald Trump specifically lying to his base. I went further by giving you an example of him, then stabbing them in the back. That’s where we’re at right now. If you do not want to continue, then that’s fine! Take your ass whoopin and be gone!
I’ll make it simpler for you. Did the twice impeached, twice indicted, sexual abuser who took classified documents from the WH lie to his base and is, by your own standards, unethical?
See, let me tell you something. We are doing some thing here you and I. This ass kicking I’m giving you, you can recover from it. My friends and family kick my ass all the time. It’s easy to shake off. The right wingers who post on here prove it daily by coming back the next hour or next day with some more shitty opinions and logic. It’s the truth that’s hard to walk away from. You actively support a man who doesn’t even live up to your own standards. How do you avoid answering the question to yourself? How do you defend him? Let me tell you, friend, you’re going to be in for a lot of ass kicking.
But you’re never gonna get your dignity back or respect from me for supporting Trump.
The spluttering foam flecked rage against Trump makes him look like a real candidate. I could almost forget he's too old and too jab pushy.
Know how many countries in the World has a debt limit? Two.

Why so few you ask? Because it is about a budget. So if a country passes a budget...they pay what they passed. It isn't rocket science.
The spluttering foam flecked rage against Trump makes him look like a real candidate. I could almost forget he's too old and too jab pushy.
Icanhelp1 thanks you for taking his ass off the hook with this dumbass post.
Ahhhh. You came back! Good!
I’m not answering your question because I made no claim! You said that it’s unethical for politicians to make promises and not keep them. That’s the claim. I gave you examples of Donald Trump specifically lying to his base. I went further by giving you an example of him, then stabbing them in the back. That’s where we’re at right now. If you do not want to continue, then that’s fine! Take your ass whoopin and be gone!
Nancy Pelosi blocked all funding for the wall, congress holds the purse strings. Pelosi refused to work with Trump on pretty much everything. Trump could have kept that promise but Pelosi was out to embarrass him. Trump was unfairly treated at the beginning of his term. Two major scandals have never been indicted, Hillary and the Steele dossier, Hillary and obstruction of justice. Hunter Biden’s laptop has not been investigated by the FBI or the justice department, wonder why? SARS reports are being blocked by the IRS. When people in power are in the game you can’t expect justice.
How sad this is.
How delusional and brainwashed and broken a life you must have to say these things with stark reality staring you in your face.

“Nancy Pelosi blocked all funding for the wall.” Again, the promise was Mexico would pay. Was this a lie? Is Trump unethical?

Trump was the president for, let me check my notes, 4 long and excruciating years. Not one single effort was made to weaponize the government and charge Hillary Clinton with anything. He fed you a lie to get in power. Is Donald Trump unethical?
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I am saying a lot of things here but only really asking one question. Why is it so hard for you to admit that you think the man is unethical?