I have been working on an article/essay that is along the lines of "perspectives from a small town girl" that I do on the side, and there a few topics that have been on my mind strongly that seem to be too much on the peripheral, and I'm just not able yet to get where I want to get with it. So, I'm asking you to just grab maybe one of the things I address, and tell me your thoughts?
Before I begin, some of the things I will speak of are with regard to my observations of people and events that take place here, so please understand that when I say "you", "we", "us" that I am speaking in general. There are so many people on my mind, its not specifically one or a few, its a whirl of many.
The first topic is seeking an answer to what the appeal and impact of message boards really is. This leads me to thoughts of personas and why we adopt them, for those that do. Then, this thought leads me to thoughts of just how much of an impact the things we encounter behind these personas impact us.....in particular, the ability some have of taking a person apart with critical words that go to the integrity and character of another member/persona. See, this whole "persona" thing seems a contradiction to me, if not an irony, in some cases. On the one hand, it seems that personas are a guise/facade/mask so that one can be someone else, or someone more free to express themselves, or to experiment with another manner of "being". Yet, when those personas are attacked, criticized and called to task for their words representing their character, integrity and manner of being, the response is very clearly one of taking offense. Thsi brings me to so many questions, I hope I can artuculate them clearly when my mind is such a whirl. I ask myself "what is real here?".
"How is one able to turn off/on like a switch, adopting the persona/dumping the persona?".
"How is one able to get themselves to the point of criticizing the very core of anothers mind when it is so clearly a persona attacking a persona?"
"How is one able to justify the pshchoanalyzing of another on an internet message board?"
"How can one bring to the table a serious topic on their mind about their issues/problems, etc and then when met with harsh or offensive responses, be able to process the response, when it's the persona asking the questions? (I am racing all over the place with this one because every possible variable of this is now hitting me.) Worse, when it's a persona that ANSWERS the questions? Is it the persona, or is the persona in place to protect us from what we don't wish to hear or say? If we don't wish to hear or answer honestly, why do we bother?
Next, I'm thinking of those that seem to present themselves openly and bravely speak their mind...no mind games apparent, they are just here to interact and explore. These people are now interacting with other "personas" and ofcourse, the risk is that sometimes, the bumps in the road hit a little hard. I'm reminded of those on a journey of some type, still growing, still trying, still discovering and thinking and just feeling their way through life with their mind open wide. (Aren't we all?) They reach out in an attempt at grasping a thought or notion or something that they struggle with/enjoy/or wish to share because it has merit for them and they wish to seek interaction about it. They want to talk. And really, anyone here that posts is talking, correct? They are talking because they too, seek interaction, just possibly on different levels. But often the response they may receive is intensely personal, critical, and unconducive to anything more than flaming. Why do we do this? Is this a behavior you would choose if you were speaking in person? Do we truly believe that we can say anything and think the other person has no feelings and is just shooting the breeze for the hell of it? Does their intent mean nothing to us, to the point that we just aim the arrow and fire, and walk away not giving a damn how our behavior reflects on us, and WORSE, impacts the person we said it to?
So many people say, "well, its the internet, what can you expect...its JUST the internet". OK, Cool. Then why respond so intensely? If it means so little to us...why get to know someone so well that you know just where to aim, if it means so little to you? If it's "just the internet"...not "real", if it's "just a persona", then what is it you are getting out of it? Why do you give so much to it?
I read several threads lately that I still haven't processed in a manner that I can understand and accept. I read such intensely personal things said between someone that clearly operates under a persona to someone clearly not operating under one. What was said was stunning to me, and I felt badly for the one it was said to. I also felt badly for the one saying it because I know this person has a good mind and even better heart. I just don't understand why they reacted the way they did. Further, I don't know how they live with themselves, much less sleep.
Then, I've seen battles in which all involved adopt personas...they just go at it, pot calling kettle black, etc. and it always becomes personal, vicious, and cruel. And yet I still find myself feeling badly for the victim even though often I feel they are getting exactly what they deserve with regard to their own words they post (that is ALL we can ever form an opinion on, period.) because in the end, no matter what, persona or not, words hurt. I can't keep myself from believing these personas adopted are tools that allow us to get away with far more than we ever would in our personal lives. Handy little thingies.
So, I wonder how we process the impact of what others say to us. Especially those that are caring enough to keep at it, keep growing, and risk a little in their attempt to gain something from a little interaction in a venue so strong on just that.
Please don't say it is as simple as "don't ask, you won't get burned." "Dont like it, leave." "Can't take the heat, scroll down". That just puts all the responsibility on someone other than you.
And that's really a major component in my questions. Responsibility. Do you feel more/less/equal responsibility for your words here, than you do elsewhere? Any at all? Why or why not?
So, at the end of the day, what have you gotten from this venue? When you've been flamed, when you're offended, when you're understood and when you're misunderstood, when you're having fun, when you're pissed...what is it that you've walked away with, and how do you handle all that is maybe unsavory, to you. In yourself, and in others....
Thank you.
Before I begin, some of the things I will speak of are with regard to my observations of people and events that take place here, so please understand that when I say "you", "we", "us" that I am speaking in general. There are so many people on my mind, its not specifically one or a few, its a whirl of many.
The first topic is seeking an answer to what the appeal and impact of message boards really is. This leads me to thoughts of personas and why we adopt them, for those that do. Then, this thought leads me to thoughts of just how much of an impact the things we encounter behind these personas impact us.....in particular, the ability some have of taking a person apart with critical words that go to the integrity and character of another member/persona. See, this whole "persona" thing seems a contradiction to me, if not an irony, in some cases. On the one hand, it seems that personas are a guise/facade/mask so that one can be someone else, or someone more free to express themselves, or to experiment with another manner of "being". Yet, when those personas are attacked, criticized and called to task for their words representing their character, integrity and manner of being, the response is very clearly one of taking offense. Thsi brings me to so many questions, I hope I can artuculate them clearly when my mind is such a whirl. I ask myself "what is real here?".
"How is one able to turn off/on like a switch, adopting the persona/dumping the persona?".
"How is one able to get themselves to the point of criticizing the very core of anothers mind when it is so clearly a persona attacking a persona?"
"How is one able to justify the pshchoanalyzing of another on an internet message board?"
"How can one bring to the table a serious topic on their mind about their issues/problems, etc and then when met with harsh or offensive responses, be able to process the response, when it's the persona asking the questions? (I am racing all over the place with this one because every possible variable of this is now hitting me.) Worse, when it's a persona that ANSWERS the questions? Is it the persona, or is the persona in place to protect us from what we don't wish to hear or say? If we don't wish to hear or answer honestly, why do we bother?
Next, I'm thinking of those that seem to present themselves openly and bravely speak their mind...no mind games apparent, they are just here to interact and explore. These people are now interacting with other "personas" and ofcourse, the risk is that sometimes, the bumps in the road hit a little hard. I'm reminded of those on a journey of some type, still growing, still trying, still discovering and thinking and just feeling their way through life with their mind open wide. (Aren't we all?) They reach out in an attempt at grasping a thought or notion or something that they struggle with/enjoy/or wish to share because it has merit for them and they wish to seek interaction about it. They want to talk. And really, anyone here that posts is talking, correct? They are talking because they too, seek interaction, just possibly on different levels. But often the response they may receive is intensely personal, critical, and unconducive to anything more than flaming. Why do we do this? Is this a behavior you would choose if you were speaking in person? Do we truly believe that we can say anything and think the other person has no feelings and is just shooting the breeze for the hell of it? Does their intent mean nothing to us, to the point that we just aim the arrow and fire, and walk away not giving a damn how our behavior reflects on us, and WORSE, impacts the person we said it to?
So many people say, "well, its the internet, what can you expect...its JUST the internet". OK, Cool. Then why respond so intensely? If it means so little to us...why get to know someone so well that you know just where to aim, if it means so little to you? If it's "just the internet"...not "real", if it's "just a persona", then what is it you are getting out of it? Why do you give so much to it?
I read several threads lately that I still haven't processed in a manner that I can understand and accept. I read such intensely personal things said between someone that clearly operates under a persona to someone clearly not operating under one. What was said was stunning to me, and I felt badly for the one it was said to. I also felt badly for the one saying it because I know this person has a good mind and even better heart. I just don't understand why they reacted the way they did. Further, I don't know how they live with themselves, much less sleep.
Then, I've seen battles in which all involved adopt personas...they just go at it, pot calling kettle black, etc. and it always becomes personal, vicious, and cruel. And yet I still find myself feeling badly for the victim even though often I feel they are getting exactly what they deserve with regard to their own words they post (that is ALL we can ever form an opinion on, period.) because in the end, no matter what, persona or not, words hurt. I can't keep myself from believing these personas adopted are tools that allow us to get away with far more than we ever would in our personal lives. Handy little thingies.
So, I wonder how we process the impact of what others say to us. Especially those that are caring enough to keep at it, keep growing, and risk a little in their attempt to gain something from a little interaction in a venue so strong on just that.
Please don't say it is as simple as "don't ask, you won't get burned." "Dont like it, leave." "Can't take the heat, scroll down". That just puts all the responsibility on someone other than you.
And that's really a major component in my questions. Responsibility. Do you feel more/less/equal responsibility for your words here, than you do elsewhere? Any at all? Why or why not?
So, at the end of the day, what have you gotten from this venue? When you've been flamed, when you're offended, when you're understood and when you're misunderstood, when you're having fun, when you're pissed...what is it that you've walked away with, and how do you handle all that is maybe unsavory, to you. In yourself, and in others....
Thank you.