Think for Yourself - Question Authority.

Shot heroin up ma ass, reading dead poets. Yea, I got scylis.
juicylips said:
Awwww...BB..I hate to think.

I'd rather fuck.:p

For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.

Do you think if Jesus was a woman that these letters would be engraven upon her cross?

The mind is the second largest sexual organ; our precious whore, Babalon of Christian myth is most likely the most intelligent woman to walk the earth.
Black_Bird said:
What have you done recently?

I've accepted that madness is a necessary part of self discovery; I'd rather be deemed insane then not know.
Babylon, sugah.

And no, if Jesus was a women, he wouldn't have FUCK on the sign above his head.

The sign, translated was King of the Jews. Although it was meant to be tongue in cheek, I don't see how it could make the jump to Fuck, as that term hadn't been appropriated yet.

I always question things. Even supposed "truths". It's always important to think for oneself.
perky_baby said:
Babylon, sugah.

No, Babalon. Go ask alice.

And no, if Jesus was a women, he wouldn't have FUCK on the sign above his head.

The sign, translated was King of the Jews. Although it was meant to be tongue in cheek, I don't see how it could make the jump to Fuck, as that term hadn't been appropriated yet.

Are you sure? Until very recently, women had always been crucified for "unlawful" sexual activity.
Black_Bird said:

For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.

Do you think if Jesus was a woman that these letters would be engraven upon her cross?

The mind is the second largest sexual organ; our precious whore, Babalon of Christian myth is most likely the most intelligent woman to walk the earth.

I think if Jesus was a woman? She would have been screwed. Literally. 'Cos if it is bad enough to think naughty thoughts? Then she may as well have been doing them. :D
I am not, nor will I ever be, a Babylonian whore.
I think for myself and question authority, my sanity enters not into this matter but my expectations do.
Sense is what you make of it.
My madness is of my own making.
I know I am who I am, yet not what I am. :D
who knew this was an octagonal spin off.
HEard the old wives tale about Fuck meaning For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge... but it's wrong.

From Dictionary of Word Origins:

fuck [16] The most celebrated of the so-called 'Anglo-Saxon' four-letter words goes back in written form no further than the early 16th century, a far cry from the Old English period.
There is little doubt that it is of Germanic origin. All the earliest known examples of the word come from Scotland, which signals its Scandinavian source. Norwegian dialect fukka, meaning 'copulate' and Swedish dialect focka, meaning 'copulate, hit' and fock - 'penis'.
Re: Re: Think for Yourself - Question Authority.

Cheyenne said:
But what if you ARE the authority? :D

Well, then question's someone elses authority! No one is an authority on anything, except George Carlin; we expect great things from him.
I protested in writing to my congressmen today and I'm protesting the war on iraq on sunday.

beyond that, I called my advisor many many names and questioned her ability to judge me
deliciously_naughty said:
I protested in writing to my congressmen today and I'm protesting the war on iraq on sunday.

beyond that, I called my advisor many many names and questioned her ability to judge me

Good, but there are already a good number of people protesting the war; are you doing it for their reasons, or your own?

As for your advisor (whom I don't know, nor do I know the situation) shouldn't she more concerned with advising you instead of judging you?
Black_Bird said:

Good, but there are already a good number of people protesting the war; are you doing it for their reasons, or your own?

As for your advisor (whom I don't know, nor do I know the situation) shouldn't she more concerned with advising you instead of judging you?

I protest for my reasons, not b/c it's popular among my crowd to protest.

As for my advisor...grrr...we're not gonna go there...but at my school the advisors judge and no one advises
deliciously_naughty said:
I protested in writing to my congressmen today and I'm protesting the war on iraq on sunday.

Damn, the war is on Sunday? ;)

I wrote one of my senator's also...the other is outgoing, so writing him would do no good. I told my senator to rethink policies against Iraq, and not to make rash decisions. I'm not pro-war or anti-war myself. I'm in the middle. My wife could be sent to war, and I don't want to see that, but if she does have to go, I will support her and our country. I just want her to go to war for the right reasons, and not the wrong ones.
Cheyenne said:

But what if you ARE the authority? :D

You don't seriously expect him to know the answer to that, do you? :p

Remember, bird, question too much authority, spend the rest of your life at minimum wage. Your choice.
Coolville said:
HEard the old wives tale about Fuck meaning For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge... but it's wrong.

From Dictionary of Word Origins:

fuck [16] The most celebrated of the so-called 'Anglo-Saxon' four-letter words goes back in written form no further than the early 16th century, a far cry from the Old English period.
There is little doubt that it is of Germanic origin. All the earliest known examples of the word come from Scotland, which signals its Scandinavian source. Norwegian dialect fukka, meaning 'copulate' and Swedish dialect focka, meaning 'copulate, hit' and fock - 'penis'.

But "FVKKA" just doesn't look right spanning across the face of a cross. "F.V.C.K." is more like "I.N.R.I."
Authority is there to help you, not be questioned. The State is your friend, your family. Listen to Authority.
Black_Bird said:
What have you done recently?

well just now i finished my first, complete erotic story, and submitted it to Lit. Now for the waiting game....and possible rejection. :(
RastaPope said:
Authority is there to help you, not be questioned. The State is your friend, your family. Listen to Authority.

or as they say on my favorite political/sci fi show bab 5

"the corps is mother, the corps is father"

Points to anyone who gets the above reference

personally, I don't see much diff between

bab 5---nightwatch
nazi germany--ss
us--office of homeland security