Them Frenzy Questions


Really Experienced
Sep 4, 2012
I've heard of "sub frenzy" and I really I hope I understand it properly but what I'm wondering is if there is a Dom equivalent?

I posted the question as a side note in an earlier thread but it went unnoticed.

All kinds of opinions welcome, seeing as I'm kinda bored! :p
Oh, there totally is

Of course, Doms hate to admit we lose control like that... So I can't exactly think of any particular symptoms. ;)
Oh, there totally is

Of course, Doms hate to admit we lose control like that... So I can't exactly think of any particular symptoms. ;)

I figured as much. :rolleyes:

Btw, I was going to be super disappointed if you weren't the first one in on this. :p
I've heard of "sub frenzy" and I really I hope I understand it properly but what I'm wondering is if there is a Dom equivalent?

I posted the question as a side note in an earlier thread but it went unnoticed.

All kinds of opinions welcome, seeing as I'm kinda bored! :p

Oh, there totally is

Of course, Doms hate to admit we lose control like that... So I can't exactly think of any particular symptoms. ;)
I can't speak to "Dom frenzy" as primarily a sadist, but I have occasionally gotten into what one might call "sadist space," perhaps an analog of subspace.

For me, that usually involves just getting into a rhythm, most often with floggers, and kind of going mindless: not really thinking about what I'm doing, just swinging the floggers and watching them strike with little or no thought going on. It's also occurred with a cane a time or two, where my body goes into autopilot: Cane up, pause, strike, rebound, cane held a few inches above; watch the most recent stroke's imprint "develop," the white of first impact transitioning to normal skin color, then a deeper pink, then red as a welt begins to rise on struck flesh. Cane up, pause, strike a slightly different spot... usually 20-40 seconds from stroke to stroke.

Fortunately, it doesn't take much to sort of jar me out of it. An extraneous noise, background music changing from one song to another, and my mind snaps back to what I'm doing.
Sure. It's called I'm in an awesome BRAND NEW relationship and I'm too post orgasmic to pay attention to the warming signs that this person is an idiot.

But in BDSM land, it has to be 1. pathologized 2. attributed to subs 3. mostly sub women 4. so that I can protect your from yourself, little lady.
I can't speak to "Dom frenzy" as primarily a sadist, but I have occasionally gotten into what one might call "sadist space," perhaps an analog of subspace.

For me, that usually involves just getting into a rhythm, most often with floggers, and kind of going mindless: not really thinking about what I'm doing, just swinging the floggers and watching them strike with little or no thought going on. It's also occurred with a cane a time or two, where my body goes into autopilot: Cane up, pause, strike, rebound, cane held a few inches above; watch the most recent stroke's imprint "develop," the white of first impact transitioning to normal skin color, then a deeper pink, then red as a welt begins to rise on struck flesh. Cane up, pause, strike a slightly different spot... usually 20-40 seconds from stroke to stroke.

Fortunately, it doesn't take much to sort of jar me out of it. An extraneous noise, background music changing from one song to another, and my mind snaps back to what I'm doing.

I'd call that top space, sadist space, or "why I do this stuff" but sub frenzy is the "ohhh I can't stop thinking about the awesome things Master/Mistress makes me do to myself 24/7 and I'm just insane when I'm not with Him/Her (online usually) and what should I do while I'm waiting to be spanked and fucked again, HELP"
Sure. It's called I'm in an awesome BRAND NEW relationship and I'm too post orgasmic to pay attention to the warming signs that this person is an idiot.

But in BDSM land, it has to be 1. pathologized 2. attributed to subs 3. mostly sub women 4. so that I can protect your from yourself, little lady.

This and this.
I think this thread has mixed up "sub frenzy" and "sub space".
This is confusing! :p
Dom frenzy would be the result of the sudden realisation that I IS A GOD!

Every one in the community will flock to my feet, beg for a spanking from me and my strong right arm. My coworkers will psychically feel my superiority and innate powerfulness-ness, follow my commands without quibble or question...

... then you wake up with a wet mattress.:eek:

Dom frenzy would be the result of the sudden realisation that I IS A GOD!

Every one in the community will flock to my feet, beg for a spanking from me and my strong right arm. My coworkers will psychically feel my superiority and innate powerfulness-ness, follow my commands without quibble or question...

... then you wake up with a wet mattress.:eek:


Sounds fancy.
Dom frenzy would be the result of the sudden realisation that I IS A GOD!

Every one in the community will flock to my feet, beg for a spanking from me and my strong right arm. My coworkers will psychically feel my superiority and innate powerfulness-ness, follow my commands without quibble or question...

... then you wake up with a wet mattress.:eek:

Have you been stalking my laundry again? :eek:
I have recently discovered the extent I can and want to take my domination. When I don't have that level of control. I go crazy. I want to command her or anyone around me to do silly things. If she is out of touch or pulls away I lose it. I become emotional: angry, sad, jealous etc. I crave the control. I can be a ball of negative emotion, but as soon as someone, especially her, listensI'm suddenly calmed. I just slip back into cool collected and controlled.
I have recently discovered the extent I can and want to take my domination. When I don't have that level of control. I go crazy. I want to command her or anyone around me to do silly things. If she is out of touch or pulls away I lose it. I become emotional: angry, sad, jealous etc. I crave the control. I can be a ball of negative emotion, but as soon as someone, especially her, listensI'm suddenly calmed. I just slip back into cool collected and controlled.
yep that sounds like a frenzy all right!

Isn't it funny how such a supposedly "adult" thing as sex-- can turn us into such children...
yep that sounds like a frenzy all right!

Isn't it funny how such a supposedly "adult" thing as sex-- can turn us into such children...

Adulthood is supposed to mean maturity, wisdom and responsibility.

Sex (to me), is about raw energy, loss of inner control and primal instinct.

I'm not seeing many parallels.
I've always wanted to be with a Dom who lost control in the midst of things. Until tonight, I'd never heard of the "frenzy" terms before, but that sounds about right. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the definition, but what I desire is to be the object of an aggression that burns at its flash point. I want him to become so eager and impassioned to devour the moment that he's very nearly incapable of stopping even those actions which would cause harm.

I think I just got so goddamned sick of "doing BDSM" that felt so fucking safe and restricted. I wanted somebody to get burned, finally.

Aaaaaaand.....this is why Hunny doesn't play with fire anymore. I'm a serious hazard to myself. *sigh*