The X Virus, a Resident Evil Story (Open)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Umbrella Corps is a pharmaceutical company based around the world. On the surface they prance that they're a company that developed many common, and lifesaving medicines. In real life, they also developed biological agents that could be weaponized and they keep getting out. Among them were a series of different viruses, each one working differently, and with frightening results.

Chrysalid Virus, or C-Virus for short, was one that could revive the recently deceased, and turn them into submissive zombies with a measure of intelligence.

Golgotha Virus, or G-Virus was originally a stimulant, but it instead consumed people entirely, turning them into hideous monsters that were no longer human, nor could they be brought back.

Tyrant Virus, or T-Virus worked similarly to the G-Virus except the mutations it caused people to turn more into zombies than monsters, and highly aggressive ones that felt no pain.

Then there was the new one, the X Virus. Funny enough, this virus came about by accident. Dr. Hector Mancini was not in the bio-weapons department, instead he was a legitimate doctor trying to revolutionize a sexual simulant medicine, a more potent and generic version of Viagra that also cut back on the side-effects.

One day, the doctor thought he had a prototype, and tried it out on a series of live test subjects. To his horror, instead of being happy and 'stimulated', the test subjects turned into sexual hounds. Not dogs but fuck machines. They went nuts and then they nutted again, and again, and again. The mere sight of another human drove them nuts that they had to be isolated in cells until the drugs could run their course. The early versions meant the drugs would be passed within 24-48 hours. Their bodies would detox and they would remember very little and be severely hungover.

Horrified, Dr. Mancini ceased testing to go back and find out what went wrong. That's when Umbrella Corps, intrigued by this, took control from him and put the pill into their bio-weapons department.

Over time the corrupt scientists found the source, the unexpected medicine combined with people's DNA that carried into the brain and took control while, at the same time, the virus enhanced the person's body according to their deepest desires. It turned them into sex crazed zombies while also enhancing their bodies of what they wanted the most.

Live test subjects were asked to write down what they wanted in their sexual lives before they were injected with the virus.

One subject, a 30-year old man, wanted a larger cock that could cum like a cannon. Sure enough, the virus tapped into that one desire and gave it to him. Now the guy was bouncing around inside his padded cell with a 12" cock dangling between his legs that would go off and coat the walls.

Another subject was a 28-year old college student that only took part for the money. She wanted a slimmer body with larger breasts and a bubble butt. She got her wish that she was screaming for cock insistently.

It became known as the X Virus. Some cheeky doctor wanted to call it the 69 Virus, but following the tradition of naming them alphabetically, the X Virus won out.

Then it got loose.

That's where I came in. The name is Brendan Hawkins, age 27, 6'0" medium build with squared jaw, smooth facial cheeks, slicked back black hair, hazel eyes, no tattoos. I'm part of a clean up crew sent to every hotspot where the X-Virus appeared and sanitize the area, that meant killing everyone with the virus and having their bodies destroyed. Every trace of it gone. Along the way we would acquire evidence as to who was causing this. My thought on the matter, had to be someone on the inside.
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We knew that it was Umbrella doing this. Their fingerprint was all over it. Problem was, we could sense it, the courts wouldn't accept the word of a merc over that of a doctor. The X-Virus would pop up in some common areas, frat parties where they spike the punch, or a wedding. They were hotspots that could be easily suppressed before it spread.

That's what we had hoped. Today my team and myself were ordered to go to Racoon City and report to the police department and check up on reports of people turning into 'sex hounds' as they call them. The Chief wanted to avoid a panic so he told the media that two people overdosed on Salvia and were hallucinating when they were arrested. In truth they were infected and they were like two angry monkeys in the zoo, screaming and clawing the walls while also trying to fuck anyone that came close.

That was foolish, keeping them alive. At any point they could escape and infect others. But, we needed them alive to take some samples and gauge how they were infected and by whom.

Our van pulled into the intake in the back of the station. Our weapons were secured in the van except I kept my sidearm. The rest of the team went to see the patients while I reported to the chief who was absolutely stumped. "I haven't seen crazy this bad since the 70s!" he cried in his office. Sitting behind his desk he took off his tie and cast it onto the hat hook behind him. He looked like a man that survived the 70s, a gut with balding head and bags under his eyes and a depressed look on his tanned face. "They went crazy, you know? The male turned into a roided out body builder and was slamming cars while the woman...whew...the woman turned into a stereotypical pornstar, everything inflated from the lips to the butt. It took beanbags, flashbangs, pepper balls and then some powerful sedative to put them down so we could take them in." He then slid a series of photos taken at the scene when they were arrested. Taking and looking at them close, the chief continued, "We searched their apartment and found these vials from a package of legal Salvia. That's what we initially thought, it was somehow tainted. But..." he shook his head.

"Chief, I can ain't Salvia." I replied.