"The Witch of East Riverbend" (closed)

Robert was straining his muscles, his face in a grimace as blood ran down his cheeks. The big man’s wooden axe handle was somehow stopping Robet’s high-quality steel. They pushed away from each other and circled, warily. The nobleman was filled with rage at the loss of the rest of his men, but the two he felt most acutely were Terrance and Lonny. The Sergeant was a man Robert had thought could become a good friend. Lonny’s death broke his heart. Cut down before Allanna could ever be truly born, she lay in the dirt, face frozen in a call for help. He wasn’t sure if the loss was greater for her, or for him.

The big man swung, and Robert almost took the axe in his face for his woolgathering, but the big man hadn’t fully committed to the swing, and he was able to parry with his blade. He hated the man and his stupid, bushy black beard. Selling out his fellow men for bandit coin was despicable, and the cost Robert had already paid for it was unbearable. He cried out in rage, but inwardly tried to calm himself. Rage wouldn’t win this fight.

The big man wasn’t tiring, however, and Robert was. Each blow blocked or dodged took much more out of the leaner, smaller noble than it did out of the hulking brute he faced. After one particularly savage blow, Robert stumbled to a knee in the dirt. The hulking turncoat took advantage, charging in, axe high with an oddly feminine shriek of rage and embarrassment.

“Dear Holy God!”

Robert jumped up to his feet, sword lost in his fear, and grabbed the giant, slender man by his bulging, soft, hairless, narrow shoulders.

Something wasn’t right.

"I'm so sorry, m'lord, so sorry! I didn't know you were in here. Oh Holy God, forgive me."

It took Robert several seconds to put it together. The person in his arms wasn’t the bearded brute from before. That poor man probably hadn’t even been a traitor. Robert had been dreaming. Terrance and Allanna weren’t dead! His heart sang with the knowledge. What’s more, the sweet young woman was here! In his arms!

Her tunic was spotted with water, but he didn’t care. He wrapped her up tightly in an embrace. Too late, he realized that he was wetter than she was, and now she was soaked. Water dripped from her body to the floor.

“I’m so glad you’re alive! I had the most horrible dream!”

After her response, he realized that he was naked, and that his touch may have been a bit too familiar with the girl. This was not how a noble was supposed to treat his scribe. He jumped back so that his strong, defined muscles and smattering of chest hair wouldn’t be touching Allanna.

Unfortunately, he still hadn’t quite gotten his bearings. He didn’t realize how close he was to the tub, and the edge of it caught him in the backs of his thighs. His upper body fell back into the water, his legs sticking up comically into the air…

Downstairs, Terrance sat in the bar, nursing his second ale, when a young woman came in. She brusquely obtained an ale from the innkeeper, and looked around the nearly empty inn for a seat. She made eye contact with Terrance, and raised her eyebrows in recognition. Terrance didn’t recognize her, and wasn’t sure how on earth she recognized him. She walked over, ale in hand, and sat down opposite him. She was about Allanna’s height, but more solidly built. A hearty woman, her shoulders and waist were almost as wide as her hips. Terrance was a bit distracted by her neckline, which dipped down almost to the tops of her womanly breasts.

“You were with that boy, on the street earlier. The one who gave me a silver!”

Terrance didn’t know what she was talking about.

“I’m sure it was you, travelling with a young boy and the man who looked like someone rolled a duke down a muddy hill. You three were following the...the....” The woman stared into space as she tried to catch her own train of thought. She failed. “What was I saying?”

Terrance knew now that she had seen him, but he still had no idea who she was.

“Whatever. I’m Karina. I need to thank the lad. I’m afraid I ran away before the thought had come to me before. Is he here?”

Terrance was about to answer, but the wordy woman kept going on her own.

“My boy needed medicine. I’d been saving for it. That’s why I missed rent. I hate that you saw me in that position, but I can’t lose my boy. He’s only eight.”

She took a swill of her ale. “Don’t judge me. I needed the drink. Lucius is resting at my pa’s now. I hate that I had to crawl back to him after how he’s treated me, but he’d never harm the boy.”

Terrance, nearly two ales in, now, was having trouble keeping up. The woman wouldn’t be far behind, as her own ale was now half gone.

“I’m babbling, aren’t I? I apologize. I do that sometimes.” She held out her hand for a handshake, odd as it was for a woman to do that. “What’s your name, handsome?”
Lanna, Larra, and Robert

(OOC: I'm making another change. "Allanna" is so long. I'm going to call her Lanna from here out.)

“I’m so glad you’re alive!"

Lanna was at an absolute loss for how she was supposed to react. Her Master had grasped her and pulled her against his naked body, which she had imagined repeatedly over the past few days. And yet, it was so wrong of him to do that, as well as so wrong for her to be enjoying it. And yet, she didn't fight it.

"I had the most horrible dream!”

Lanna fought not to look downward; whether he'd known it or not, the excitement of his very vivid dream had caused Robert's manhood to become ... well ... excited! It was pressing against Lanna's body very noticeably, and with absolutely no experience in such matters, it sort of made her nervous.

Then, before she knew what was happening, he was feet up in the tub with the dirty water splashing about the floor. "Oh! Master Robert, are you hurt!"

It took a moment for him to move about to once again be sitting in the tub, and Lanna started giggling. She attempted to apologize through the laughter, "Please forgive me, m'lord. You're just ... I mean it ... m'lord, I'm sorry, but that was kinda funny ... and cute."

She looked down into the water and thought she could see the head of his cock just under the dirty surface. Lanna realized that Robert had caught her looking, and to cover she stuck a hand down in the water and said with feigned surprise, "M'lord! You are bathing in cold water!"

Lanna knew that her nobleman master was used to having a servant bring hot water to his bath -- probably before they took their clothes off and joined him -- so she told him she would have hot water brought to him immediately. She handed him a small bucket and indicated a sort of funnel next to the tub.

"Dump the cold into that," she instructed. "It will dump outside someplace, and I will bring you hot water."

Lanna hurried to the hall, caught sight of the Larra on the tavern floor, and called down a need for assistance. When the Innkeeper's daughter returned to the second floor, she caught how the other girl's wet shift now clunk to her small but firm tits and the swollen nipples below them.

"I kin help ya, m'lady, but--" she said as she reached out to touch a fingertip to one of Lanna's swollen nipples.

"Not me, you nit!" Lanna chastised Larra. "My master."

The tavern wench donned a confused expression. "The man in there...? He said he didn't want me, he wanted--"

"Not that either!" a frustrated Lanna snapped. "We need buckets of hot water, for a bath."

"There's a tap," the girl said. "Hot water."

When it was obvious that Lanna didn't understand Larra, the latter took her by the hand, led her into and through the bedroom and into the bathing room, where the still naked man was standing and bent over, trying to scoop out the remaining volume of dirty, cold water. Larra smiled broadly and blew Robert a kiss, while behind her Lanna pretended to not be looking ... but did.

"Here," the other girl said, putting a bucket under a spout and pulling down a handle. water began flowing into the wooden and metal bucket, and the light steam coming off the top of it indicated that it was warm and, possibly, even hot. Larra went to the second door and opened it, showing a fire built under a large, enclosed metal tank. With a great deal of attitude, she said, "My papa's building may look like its about to fall down around us ... and it is ... but we aren't savages."

Lanna hurried over to turn off the spigot just before the bucket overflowed, and Larra -- without asking permission -- began pilfering through the pockets of Robert's trousers. She removed a handful of coins, separated off four Coppers which she said were for the hot bath, then stuck a Silver into the bosom of her dress.

"For later," she said with a wink to Robert. Then to Lanna, she said, "For another Silver, I'll do you, too."

And then she turned and left, whistling happily to herself.
After seeing the tub fill with warm water, Robert felt a bit silly bathing in cold earlier. He hadn’t taken the innkeeper and his daughter for savages, exactly. He was just used to being a bit more pampered and there were some mundane tasks he didn’t know how to do for himself.

After she finished speaking, he looked down into the much clearer water, and stuck a hand in to feel the temperature. He missed the woman taking the coins, but heard her say something about another silver.

He turned to Lanna. He knew he was naked in front of her, and she might as well be naked with the way her wet shift utterly failed to hide her shape, the pink of her nipples, or the dark patch between her legs. He knew he should be embarrassed about his own nudity, and ashamed of glancing at her exposed state, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care. They’d been through a lot together today, and after his earlier mortification, wrapping her up against his naked body and falling in the bath, this just seemed inconsequential. He looked at her, head tilted, cock dangling between his legs. “What did that woman say about a silver?”
For all of her previous want to look upon her Master in a state of partial undress, Lanna suddenly found it mortifying to had him simply standing before her in the middle of the tub, naked, his manhood dangling before him in a partially swollen state. As she filled and transferred buckets of hot water to the tub, she tried to keep her eyes diverted from Robert's cock ... but failed.

She'd never seen one up this close before, of course. Once, she'd peeped on some soldiers bathing in a river near the town they'd recently conquered. It had been exciting for her, and having only recently learned the joys of masturbation, she'd slipped a hand inside her shift and waist panties and begun pleasuring herself.

But then there was a scream, and Lanna caught sight of a soldier forcibly leading a woman through the woods. She'd known was what coming after that man and a second one ripped the woman's body bare, and unable to watch, Lanna had slipped away and abandoned her need for release.

“What did that woman say about a silver?”

Lanna blushed as she turned away for a last bucket of water. After a moment she timidly explained, "She was offering to provide you sexual service, m'lord."

Then ... even though she thought it might be more information than she should share, she added, "And for another Silver ... she said she would service me, too ... m'lord."
(OOC: 2nd of two posts)

(OOC: Also, ignore the snow in Karina's hair.)

“I’m Karinahttps://i.imgur.com/frQ55ZN.jpg?1," the woman introduced herself to the soldier. She spoke about her son, her father, and the relationships between them both, then asked, “What’s your name, handsome?”

After Terrance had introduced himself, Karina drank heartily at her ale, then looked about for the soldier's companions. It was midday, and without knowing the great adventure through which they'd been, she couldn't imagine that they were sleeping in a room upstairs.

"So ... the boy?" she asked again, speaking of Lonny.

But Larra had by now returned down the stairs, and she was well aware of there being no boy upstairs. She laughed, saying, "Your boy, who by the way has some cutie pie lil' titties and a slit--"

Larra, who hadn't actually seen Lanna's pussy, but she knew there was one there, continued, "--is by now crawling naked into a bathing tub with your nobleman, Sergeant. Last I was in the room, he was naked and hanging long and mean ... and she was getting out of her wet clothes to join him."

That last part wasn't true, of course, but Larra didn't care.

She laughed as she went off to do some work and, ironically, begin yelled at and slapped by her father for having gone off while he had work for her to do. Out at the bar, the pair drank in silence, each likely with their respective brains filled with rampant thoughts. After a long moment, Karina turned to speak quietly, "I'm not a whore..."

She hesitated long enough for Terrance to wonder whether or not that was true, then said, "That being said ... you are traveling with a man who, while he looks the worse for wear, undoubtedly is from money ... and ... if he is from money, you are getting well paid ... and ... you being a man and me being a woman ... I just thought that perhaps, if you thought the comfort of laying with a woman might ease your body and mind ... and ... if you might consider parting with a bit of coinage ... it's ... it's been a long time since I lay with a man as well."

Then after they'd looked in each other's eyes moment, she kicked in, "My boy needs medicines, and the Healer works for the Gringe ... that's the gang that shares control of the town ... and if I don't earn money by providing comfort to you ... I will have to do so by providing comfort to them ... and that will earn me Coppers, while somehow, I get the feeling that you might be able to spare a silver or two ... or more?"

Her tone was confident ... and yet, at the same time, contained a bit of desperation in it as well.
"And for another Silver ... she said she would service me, too ... m'lord."

Robert’s sense of propriety came rushing back with Lanna’s blushing admission. Was she intrigued by Larra’s offer? Robert had heard of people of the same genders coupling. The idea held no interest for him, but he tried not to judge anyone on their bedroom proclivities. The thought that Lanna might prefer a female touch, at the expense of his own, saddened him. Of course, he knew he had no claim on her attentions. He just wanted one.

He sat down in the tub, suddenly embarrassed about displaying his endowment. “Lanna, I don’t think I’ll be taking her up on her offer. I just want you to know that.” He felt brave saying that out loud, the implication surely clear. The fear didn’t creep into his next words, though. It charged in, leaving no doubt about what his true emotions were telling him. “If you should...wish to, though...I...won’t stand in your way?” His voice turned up at the end, as if asking for her reply. He couldn’t stare at her, waiting for her answer, though. He reached for the washrag and began scrubbing his arms, looking away and trying to calm his pounding heart.
"I'm not a whore..."

Terrance wouldn’t have dreamed of calling her a whore. As aggressive as she was conversationally, she didn’t have the brazenness that, for example, the whore on the road had.

”That being said...I get the feeling that you might be able to spare a silver or two ... or more?"

Now that was intriguing. Karina was beautiful, and he missed a woman’s touch. When she mentioned the Gringe, Terrance had what he thought was a brilliant idea, as well. It wold be a win-win for everyone. Robert would get some information, Karina would get her money and maybe hold onto a bit of self-esteem as well, and Terrance would get his dick sucked, or other things that were as good or better; he didn’t know what she liked in bed.

“I’ve got a proposal for you, if you give me your word that it’ll stay between us.”

She agreed, and he continued.

“We need some background knowledge on this town, here. We need to know about the Gringe, yes, but also any other influential people, you understand?”

She did. He felt in his coin purse. He could swing it.

He smiled. “I would also like to lay with you, but since you're clearly not a whore, how’s about I pay you...a Silver and two Coppers for everything you know about how this town works, including some later questions I or my Master may have. First, though, unrelated to this...cash transaction...we spend some time together, preferably in a bed.”

Karina readily agreed, and took Terrance’s hand, practically dragging him out the door. It took two blocks for him to learn they were on their way to her father’s house. It was just as rundown as the other houses nearby, but it was slightly larger. Karina threw open the door.

Her father was shorter, older, and scrawnier than Terrance, but he didn’t seem to realize it. He’d been standing near the stairway when they walked in, and he quickly spun around to plant his finger on the Sergeant’s chest.

Karina tried to interrupt. “Father--”

He shouted her down. “Quiet, daughter! I’ll speak with you later. I expected you’d find a cock to drag into my home, and if it gets more medicine for the boy, I’ll not complain. First, though, I’ve got an understanding to come to with today’s boy.”

Terrance thought it best to keep his mouth shut.

“This is my house, boy, Brahm’s house, and if you get any ideas about pilfering anything I’ve worked damn hard to provide for my family, I’ll bash in your skull. Understand me?”

Terrance was still catching up to the whirlwind of events in the last few minutes. “Yes, I won’t...be doing that, sir.”

He pointed that bony finger at his daughter, then. “You bring the next one t’ speak to me, first, too, and I’ll keep my complainin’ to a minimum, girl.”

Karina had dragged her Sergeant halfway up the stairs before she answered the man. “Understood!”

There was a bed in the low-ceilinged attic at the top of the stairs, but Terrance didn’t need to worry about standing up straight, because as soon as the door was closed behind them, Karina shoved him onto the bed and stood over him, a predatory gleam in her eye.

What did I get myself into? he thought, with more excitement than he expected.
Karina and Lucius, Brahm and his family, and Terrance, too

“I’ve got a proposal for you," Terrance said, "if you give me your word that it’ll stay between us.”

"Of course," she said, smirking as she whispered, "I'm nothing if not discrete."

The Sergeant told her about his and his Master's need for information about the town. She chuckled. "You've found the right girl, for I know all there is to know about this town."

She meant that, of course. Karina had lived in East Riverbend all her life ... unfortunately. For reasons she wouldn't go into with this stranger now, she couldn't have left the Gods (plural, in her mind) forsaken town if she'd wanted.

“I would also like to lay with you," he went on.

His admission of his desires made Karina smile. But when he offered to pay her a Silver and two Coppers for everything you know about how this town works, she grimaced and told him, "I don't think a Silver and two Coppers is near 'nuff. But ... let's not dicker on that right now, yes?"

"First, though, unrelated to this...cash transaction...we spend some time together, preferably in a bed.”

"I happen to know where a bed can be found," she said, taking Terrance's hand and leading him through town. Her father, Brahm confronted them as soon as they passed through the door, but Karina had been expecting that. As she dragged Terrance up the stairs, she only hollered back to the old man, “Understood!”

The home wasn't particularly small in comparison with the other homes in East Riverbend. But considering how many people lived in it, the house was tiny.
There was Brahm, obviously, and (now with her kicked out of her rented room) Karina and her boy, Lucius; there was Brahm's second wife, Pallori, and her 9 year old daughter, Reeta; there was Brahm's third wife, Ulanda -- yes, two wives under one roof -- and her 8 year old twins, Paulo and Wurse; and last but not least there were the parents of Brahm's first wife, Rickard and Wyonna, and their two daughters who came late in life and were only 23 and 22, Pleasance and Fayre.

12 family members under one roof ... and between them with their various jobs all about town -- as well as the begging and thieving that supplemented that income -- they were hardly ever able to keep enough food in the house to keep the children from crying of hunger at night.

Karina shoved Terrance back onto the bed and quickly began unbuckling and untying the various road blocks to her nakedness. In a flash, though, her outer garments and undergarments, too, were scattered about her feet, revealing a body that was surprisingly still tight and beautiful considering she was the mother of a boy who'd done his best to suck her tits dry as an infant and toddler.

She was fair of skin and thoroughly freckled, and while her shoulders and hips were wide, her waist was narrow and flat, partly from her breeding and partly from living on the edge of starvation most of her life. She was strong, thought, as Terrance had already seen. The hair on her head was a reddish brown, as was the thick curly patch above her womanhood.

Karina grasped at Terrance's boots to begin his own undressing, hurriedly trying to strip him just as bare. She could tell he hadn't bathed in days, but then, neither had she; oh, she kept her pits clean with twice daily scrubbings, but it had been since night before second last that she'd had an opportunity to soak in warm water and take soap to her entirety.

No sooner did she toss the last of the soldier's clothing aside then Karina was on the bed, between his thighs ... and taking his hardened cock into her warm, wet lips.
Lanna and Robert in the Inn's bathing room

“Lanna, I don’t think I’ll be taking her up on her offer," the nobleman said about sex with the Innkeeper's daughter. "I just want you to know that.”

The young Scribe was, of course, delighted to hear this. But she couldn't let her Master know that, could she? After all, if he wished to partake of the eager-to-please slit, who was she to say no? Instead, Lanna only said softly, trying to hide her joy, "As you wish, m'lord."

“If you should...wish to, though...I...won’t stand in your way?”

Lanna diverted her face as she felt a blush fill it and portions of her neck. Why would he suggest that? Was he simply being accommodating? Was he a ... what was that word the Priest had used ... a pervert, wanting to fulfill some fetish by watching two women pleasuring each other? Did he know or perhaps suspect -- or fantasize? -- about how Lanna had spent the evening with Chloe, writhing about naked and crying out as the professional's lips, tongue, and digits caused her pleasures that even her own fingers had never accomplished?

"I have never been with anyone in that way," Lanna said meekly, lying, though she hoped Robert wouldn't know so. "I wouldn't want you to waste your money on such things."

She peeked his way for just an instant before turning back; she was cutting a hand sized chunk of soap from a large brick of it so heavy that if she had tried to lift it, she likely would have hurt herself.

"One day..." she started, hesitating to arrange her words just right, "One day ... I believe that someone who wishes to partake of such pleasures as I have only seen others enjoy ... one day ... that person will ... will want to share such an experience with me."

She used the words someone and person, not man, because she feared that Robert would believe she meant him -- which, of course, she did -- and Lanna feared that he would question how a lowly servant such as herself could insinuate that she deserved his sexual attention.
Terrance and Karina

Terrance could hardly believe his good fortune. Karina must’ve been wearing some thick, baggy clothing. He would have joyfully coupled with the woman he thought he met in the inn, but this woman was stunning.

For an instant, he wanted more time to just look at her at the foot of the bed, standing in the altogether. He wanted to count her freckles. He wanted to tug, gently, on her fiery bush as he teased her slit with his tongue. Then, she faceplanted on his stiff cock and he didn’t want either of them to be doing anything else.

He was impressed with her for getting it all in right away as well. He’d compared himself with other men, growing up, and he knew where he stood. His length was unimpressive, but he was bigger around than most. Karina didn’t hesitate, though, and Terrance was grateful.

Mentally, this was the fourth day since he’d rubbed one out at the whore’s house, but his balls knew that it had actually been at least nine. He wasn’t going to last long.

Almost involuntarily, he started pushing up with his hips, and he reached a hand to the back of the woman’s head. She slapped it away, and glared up at him with lustfully scolding eyes.

She mumbled something, without taking her warm, wet mouth off his shaft. He couldn’t make it out, but he wasn’t about to ask her to clarify.

He lay back and enjoyed her hot breath and slick, active tongue. “Oh, Karina, that feels heavenly!”

She seemed to enjoy the encouragement, and sped up her efforts. It was only a few minutes before he painted the back of her throat with his seed. She swallowed, using a finger to scoop up a bit that dribbled out of the side of her mouth, and looked up at him.

Terrance was recovering his breath, but he answered her question. “Hhhhhh, don’t worry. My ma and pa taught me to never leave a job half-done. And we’re not even that far yet.” With that, he motioned for her to climb up his body.

As she crawled over him, her breasts swayed with her movements. Terrance tried to catch a pink nipple in his mouth, but Karina was as focused as always.

She positioned her knees to either side of his head, and he started kissing the inside of her thighs. Her scent was musky, but Terrance had never minded the scent of a woman. He took too long kissing his way in, on her thighs, and received a light slap on the head for his trouble.

He smiled, and moved his tongue to her leaking cunt, avoiding her clot for now, and lapping up her juices. He savored her strong, womanly flavor, dipping his tongue in to get more of it. He teased her lips with his own, driving her higher and higher.

He felt like he could do this for hours…
Lanna and Robert

Robert wasn’t surprised that Lanna was a virgin. He knew that she’d been posing as a boy for some time, and travelling with a priest was a good way to avoid sexual situations by itself.

What she said next, though, made his heart break for her. The idea that she could go about her day, every day, not believing that anyone wanted her, was unthinkable.

Screw modesty, and screw propriety, he thought, and stood up out of the bath. This beautiful creature needed to know at least one person who wanted her.

The naked noble stepped over to Lanna, dripping warm water onto the aging floor. “Lanna, you are beautiful; a flower in the desert. Your eyes sparkle like the night sky. Your smile would raise the dead. It turned me into a thief. Your kindness has literally kept me alive. Your intelligence intrigued me before I knew you weren’t a little boy, and now it’s somehow the most beautiful thing about you. You should have sex with someone you want to have sex with, but if you don’t think anyone wants you, wants to touch you, to be with you, right now, then you haven’t been paying attention.”
Lanna with Robert in the bathing room ... with the wrench? (Wrong game)

Lanna's eyes grew at the sight of her Master rising again from the tub, this time fully conscious and aware of what he was doing. The young woman had her back to him, but her head turned enough for her to focus on the appendage dangling from the furry muff of curly hair at the meeting of his thighs. It wasn't the longest she'd ever seen -- a couple of the bathing soldiers that day at the river had been well endowed -- but it was still simply incredible to look upon, knowing what its purpose as in relation to her and other females.

Robert began complimenting her in a way that was poetic and far too generous. No one had ever spoken of her beauty as a woman other than Chloe, and that had only happened days ago. She thought herself skinny and boney to be honest, and while her breasts were firm and pert with large nipples that hardened in the cold and wind, they were tiny and of little value as either feeding vessels for a child in the far distant future or as a lure for a man to one day provide the seed that would make that child.

"...but if you don’t think anyone wants you, wants to touch you, to be with you, right now, then you haven’t been paying attention.”

Lanna had turned a bit more toward Robert as she spoke, and ironically she was looking downward -- peeking at his cock again -- as he said that she wasn't paying attention. She was innocent and naive, yet Lanna knew why a male's penis hardened ... as Robert's most definitely was now: he wanted to put it inside her.

And she wanted him to put it inside her, as well. However...

"I am but a peasant Scribe, m'lord," she said softly, turning her eyes away from his magnificent body. "I ... I want to know the feeling ... the pleasures that I have so long only imagined ... I want to know the pleasures of becoming a woman--"

As she spoke, Lanna wasn't thinking of Chloe or of what the woman had done to her so skillfully. Lanna's mind was firmly on the thought of having her Master's cock inside her, making her the woman that Chloe had told her she should show him he was that third night of this great adventure.

"But you are a noble, and I am but a peasant girl," she continued, her voice showing the fear she was feeling for a multitude of reasons. "I am your servant, Master ... but ... if I were to lay with you ... if I were to be with you in that way that I so greatly want to be..."

As she was talking, Robert had gotten so close that she could feel the heat of both his body and the water still dripping from it on her skin. She turned toward him again, looking up to the head and a half taller man's eyes as a hand came out to lay upon his muscular chest. She finished, "...I would be ruined for other men. No man would ever want me for his wife. I ... I would be little more than a Scribbler and Cataloguer 'til the end of my days."

Lanna was being torn apart inside. She wanted Robert to pick her up and carry her to the next room right now ... to lay between her parted thighs and force his way into her never before intruded upon womanhood. And if he was to do just that, she would say nothing against it, because she wanted him so badly ... and because he was her Master and could have her even if she refused him, by force, by rule of law.

But at the same time, Lanna knew what happened to peasant girls who lay with men who were not their husbands or, at the least, were not dedicated to caring for them and the children their seed were more likely to create. What would happen to her if she became with child and Robert were to be killed in this God forsaken town of death and destruction?
Karina and Terrance at Brahm's home

(OOC: "Coming of Age" obviously means turning 18.)

Karina was very, very good at what she was doing to Terrance. She'd been sucking and licking men's cock since the day of her Coming of Age ceremony. She'd been more naive then than she was now, so when her eldest brother forced his erection into her mouth, telling her it was what girls who loved their brothers did, she didn't question him ... or the next youngest brother ... of the third after that.

When her father found out that his sons had been emptying their balls into their sister's mouth every couple of days for almost three months, he'd nearly beat each of them to death. One of them had continued to walk with a limp for several years, until he'd been knifed to death by a Gringe Lieutenant; another had had to have a pinky finger cut off as it simply wouldn't heal straight again.

Ironically, as fatherly-protective and loving as Brahm's actions had seemed to her, it was one of the only times and nearly the last time that Karina's father stood up for her in anyway. When he'd needed a loan from the Gringe, he'd offered up Karina's mouth service to its Commandant. And when he'd needed a new bull to continue the family's cattle breeding business -- which went belly up anyway due to the man's persistent love for drink -- he'd offered Karina's pussy to the man as well.

By this point, though, the then-still young redhead had gotten very good at what she did best, suck cock. And not just because of her brothers, as that had ended within 3 months of her becoming a woman at 18. The family lived on the edge: always had, likely always would. And other than tend to the cattle and occasionally pick up a few coin selling edibles picked in the nearby forest, the easily and more skilled way for Karina to help support the household was to bob her head up an down in the laps of the Gringe or of the men the Gringe put her with.

She'd resisted letting men put their cocks inside her womanhood after that one, very painful, very distressing night with the Gringe Commandant, though. Despite having a reputation with her mouth, most of the townsfolk who cared -- which weren't many -- believed Karina to still be innocent and virtuous between her legs. Until one night when she was raped and, incidentally, left with child.

Brahn hadn't believed that it had happened against her will, and he'd thrown her out. She was able to earn enough money during her pregnancy to quit working entirely for a year after Lucius's birth. But then the money ran out, and she was back to work, for her father and for the Gringe.

The incident this morning, getting thrown out of her room, had resulted when she'd refused the advances of a newly promoted Gringe Lieutenant. He'd ordered the landlord to throw her to the streets, and ... well, here she was, back in her old bed again.

(Of course, it wasn't just her bed. Since she'd moved out, the sisters, Pleasance and Fayre -- 23 and 22 years of age, just a bit less than Karina's age of 24 -- had been sleeping here because it was the next biggest bed in the house, and they'd probably want back in it again tonight.

While she'd learned to please men in ways many never had, Karina wasn't above being pleased herself. After she'd swallowed down Terrance's jizz and cleaned up her lips and chin, he'd invited her to find a new place upon his cock. But she'd instead continued farther up the bed until she was sitting on his face. And just as energetically as she's sucked his cock, she rocked her hips to the Sergeant's tongue lashing until -- grasping the headboard with white knuckled fingers -- she archer her back forward, looked up to the thatch ceiling, and screamed out her delight at the euphoria that ripped through her.
Lanna and Robert at the Inn

Robert’s heart sank. Lanna was right, of course. He was not in any position to secure her future, so preserving her virtue was her only viable option.

He was surprised and overjoyed to hear that she wanted to be with him, but in some ways that made their task more difficult. Knowing that his feelings were returned would make him want her more, but he had to restrain himself for her sake.

“You’re right, of course, Lanna. We...I will have to set aside my desires. I ask just one favor in return: never doubt your worth again.”

He listened to her reply, and then remembered that she was soaking wet and he was naked. “Here, you must be cold. I’ve washed, so I’ll be in the room. Take your bath.”

He picked up his things and left. Thankfully, the room had three small cots, so they could avoid that particular awkwardness. He was glad he and Lanna had been open with each other, but now he would have to either move on, or be patient and find a way to secure her future. He wasn’t sure which he would choose, even though the question danced in his mind as he slowly fell asleep.
Terrance and Karina at Brahm's house

Terrance had had more blowjobs in his life than his station would indicate. He’d grown up in a small town in Craymore County before joining the Craymore army after his parents’ deaths, and there hadn’t been any young women his age.

Among the young soldiers at the castle, though, he had stood out to the peasant women. He was average height, but muscular, with piercing blue eyes. He also tended to enjoy returning the favor, and once word of that got around, he became quite popular. It’s amazing what a little consideration will get you.

All that to say, the man knew a good blowjob from a bad, and Karina’s was very good.

He did his best to give her an experience of similar quality, and he was rewarded with her screams and sweet juices. He was not a man to rest on his laurels, however. Plus, his own little soldier was ready. He gave Karina’s taut ass a light slap to get her off his face, and then he stood up off the bed, stroking himself to full stiffness. The woman’s skin was flush, and it made her look gorgeous in the afternoon light.

“You’re magnificent.”

She smiled at him, and that was the final puzzle piece for his arousal. He wanted to take her, and he wanted her to make a choice.

“Where do you want me?”
Lanna and Robert in the bathing room

“You’re right, of course, Lanna," Robert responded to her concerns of what surrendering her virtue to him could mean to her if things went bad in the near or even distant future. "We...I will have to set aside my desires. I ask just one favor in return: never doubt your worth again.”

"Yes, m'lord," Lanna said so softly that she wasn't even certain he'd heard her.

He surrendered the still warm bath tub to her and departed, still naked and carrying his clothing. She stood there for a long moment, stunned; despite the concerns she'd expressed to her noble master, Lanna had still been hoping that he would take her anyway. She hadn't expected Robert to declare then and there before putting his cock inside her that he'd take care of her forever, of course; she hadn't expected him to ask for her hand in marriage before asking for her body in bed.

So ... what had she expected? He was a honorable man, a truly noble man. Had she actually thought he would speak some words of promise and deliver her to womanhood, whether or not he'd meant those words at all.

Of course, the mistake she'd made had been relating his ability to care for her in the future with his success in East Riverbend. Robert wasn't at all certain -- particularly after the loss of his Company -- that he was going to succeed here. How could a noble man possibly even pretend to offer Lanna a future in such a situation.

Suddenly, she wished she'd simply kept her mouth shut.

Lanna dumped four buckets of cooling water from the tub into the funnel drain, then replaced it with hot water. She slipped down into the tub with with a moan that could easily have been mistaken for being a result of sex. She sunk slowly entirely below the surface, rose again, soaked for the longest time ... and having been thinking of nothing other than not having lost her virginity to Robert in the next room over, slipped her hands down between her thighs and began pleasuring herself.

She managed to keep her sounds muted, even when she orgasmed after several minutes. But the expressions of pure joy on her face couldn't be hidden. Had Robert thought to spy on her and she had on him? She couldn't know and, honestly, she didn't care.

But she finished her self pleasuring, scrubbed herself from head to toe, and got out to rinse with some warm fresh water without interruption. Robert either hadn't peeped or had had enough decency -- Darn! -- to not return and seduce her.

Lanna realized when she was finished that her clothes were in the other room. She cracked open the door and found Robert laying on one of the cots, dressed in his undergarments. The dinner plate had been attended to, and cleaned and fed, he must have laid back to wait for Lanna's return, only to pass out. He looked so peaceful and serene that Lanna didn't want to wake him. She gathered her clothes and snatched up a slice of bread and one of the sausages, then returned to the bathing room.

She hated that she had lost the bag of clothes Chloe had given her. This set of clothes had been chosen back in the castle specifically to make her look less feminine, and now -- after sex with Chloe, after sharing a bath with Robert -- Lonny was forever gone in her mind ... with the exception of these horrible clothes.

Lanna feared waking Robert, so she used the second door, which led to the fire room and, through yet another door, to the hall. She descended to the tavern, expecting to find Terrance. Larra laughed and said, "He left with a slit. Probably making babies."

"I need to make money for clothes," Lanna told Larra. "Any ideas?"

"The dress maker," the tavern wench said.

"I mean for earning money to buy clothes."

"You won't need money, not a fine pretty young thing like you," Larra said, looking Lanna up and down with the same hungry look she'd given her before in the bathing room. "All you have to do is take your clothes off ... and the dressmaker will give you new clothes ... for free."

Lanna's eyes widen as she said with the addition of unusual profanity, "I'm not going to let some stranger fuck me for a new dress!"

But Larra laughed again, explaining, "First, the dressmaker is a woman. And second, you won't have to have sex with anyone. Just give'em a show."

The tavern wench explained that the dressmaker, a woman named Gwendolyn, had a drapery hung between two sections of her seamstress shop, that on one side men -- and sometimes women -- of means and money would pay to sit quietly and watch while on the other side Gwendolyn would measure the women to be fitted and begin putting together an ensemble for her.

"And ... I would be naked," Lanna said, beginning to catch on.

"Of course, silly," the other girl said, laughing. "Mostly, all way, whatever. You never see who's on the other side of the drapery because its dark on their side, but so what, why should you care?"

"Naw ... I, um, I don't think so," Lanna said after a moment of seriously contemplating the thought. It wasn't that she was against the idea; hell, she'd already been seen naked and partially so a first time by her Master, and she'd survived that. Before she left for the streets, she said politely, "Thank you, Larra. Oh, and my Master is asleep, so, please don't allow anyone to disturb him."

The tavern wench smirk devilishly, promising with a less than sincere tone, "Of course not."
Karina and Terrance at her house.

Karina flopped back onto the bed, her chest rising and falling with deep breaths, her entire body trembling in the afterglow of the best orgasm she'd had in a quite a while.

Terrance looked down upon her, saying, “You’re magnificent.”

She giggled. "You're not too bad yourself."

Thinking she would respond with some sort of sexual position she preferred over the others, the Sergeant asked, “Where do you want me?”

Again she laughed, pointed to an old rickety chair next to the wall, and said, "Right there."

She saw the confusion in his face and laughed yet again. Karina sat up with her haunches between her parted ankles and her breast and reddish muff well displayed and reminded him, "A Silver and two coppers."

Karina pointed to a little table next to Terrance, smiled and waited. Once the coins had been set out, she asked with a more serious tone, "Who are you...? I don't mean Terrance of Claymore, and I don't mean Sergeant, as I heard the barmaid call you. I mean ... who are you? What are you doing in East Riverbend, and don't you dare say passing through. I saw your ears perk up at the mentioning of the Gringe."
Terrance and Karina - A Naked Negotiation

Terrance suddenly realized that there was danger, here, in speaking to Karina. She could leave here and go straight to the Gringe and sell them out. There was a reason he was a soldier and not a spy.

He didn’t sit in the offered chair. Instead, he walked back to the bed and sat down next to Karina. It was difficult to look her in the eyes and not the plump, pale nipples, but he managed it.
He tried to think about what Robert would say. The man would be honest, and he would trust her. Terrance treasured that quality in the man, but he wasn’t ready to jump in with two feet. He still had a bit of the scrapper in him, making sure he wasn’t opening himself up to being hurt.

“First, I want a promise from you. I want you to promise me that you will not tell anyone why we’re here. I know you already did, but it will mean more now. And, I know you could lie to me right now, and probably make a little coin doing it. You’ve already considered it, maybe even planned on it, haven’t you. But, I’m going to trust you. And, you’re not going to lie to me.”

Terrance paused for her objection. “Why? Because I think you know how rare that is. I’ve heard about this town, and seeing it for myself I think the rumors understated how bad it is, here, didn’t they? No one trusts anyone. It doesn’t matter what you do. If the wrong people want you in chains, hanging from a rope, or just thrown out on the street, then that’s where you end up. I’m right, aren’t I?”

He paused for her reaction.

“I used to be cynical, too. I’ve started to change my mind. Here’s the deal. If you’re not willing to keep my secrets, tell me now and I’ll leave. These coins will be a loan, with no terms and no interest, for you to use for the boy’s medicine. I still won’t pay you for sex. I refuse to treat you like a whore. And, maybe we can still help each other, while keeping our own secrets. If you want to stay and talk, I’ll trust you. Betray me, then, and I’ll never trust you again. And, having tasted a bit of trust recently, myself, I wouldn’t take that lightly if I were you.” He playfully slapped her as far up the back of her thigh as he could reach. “Your choice, hot stuff.”
“First, I want a promise from you," Terrance began, speaking about how important it was that his and his traveling mates' presence here was kept quiet.
"If you’re not willing to keep my secrets, tell me now and I’ll leave."

He spoke of Lucius and the medicine he needed to stay healthy and, possibly, alive.

"I still won’t pay you for sex," he said, causing Karina to smile with a bit of relief. "I refuse to treat you like a whore."

"We're all whores," she said bluntly. "We all sell ourselves to someone more important or more powerful ... or more brutal."

She could have gone into the details of what she meant but didn't, instead listening to what more Terrance had to say. He spoke of working together and of trust and betrayal, and Karina found her stomach turning over at what she knew that he didn't and likely couldn't.

“Your choice, hot stuff,” Terrance finished.

Karina studied the man a moment, leaned in to give him a soft but wet kiss, then stood to find and don a long robe that easily showed the years since it had been sewn together from at least two other gowns. Leaning against the table with her coins -- to which she glanced, contemplating their meaning -- she looked back to Terrance and decided full disclosure was best.

"I work for the Gringe," she started off bluntly. Karina saw Terrance's reaction and quickly raised a hand in a wait gesture. "But ... not like you think."

She pulled up the sleeve of the robe to expose her left armpit. There, Terrance would see a tattoo, a circle in black ink about the size of a Copper piece with a red ink "X" through it. She explained, "The black circle indicates that once upon a time, I owed my full loyalty to the Gringe. The red cross through it indicates that I bought my freedom."

Karina lowered the gown again, wondering whether she should explain just how she'd done that. She decided not to do so, at least for now. She continued, "I still enjoy the protection of the Gringe, though. If I run into trouble, I simply show the tattoo and -- if those who have me or who are hassling me value their lives -- they will go to the Gringe before they harm me. It doesn't in anyway mean the Gringe will side with me 'cause I am not longer in the fold. But ... sometimes ... they'll request one last bit of work from me ... to pay for that one time bit of protection."

She drew a deep breath as she diverted her eyes to the floor for a moment. Then, Karina looked back up with eyes that were glistening with fear and regret. She she didn't know Terrance well enough to know whether or not he might just kill her here and now after what she told him next.

"The local Gringe Commandant, a man named Petra ... he knows you entered town with the Witch of East Riverbend," she went on. She couldn't know that the Sergeant hadn't heard the magic user called that before -- the Witch of East Riverbend -- so she just went on, "The Gringe are scared of the Witch. They know she wants them removed from East Riverbend. Their own Seer foretold that she would cast them from the town, and without the town they are little more than forest raiders."

She smiled a bit as if pleased with what she was about to say, and for good reason as she was. "Shortly after he told Petra that, they found the Seer dead ... and ... not just dead. They found him in the middle of the street, screaming like a banshee as his body ... oh, Gods, I ... I don't even know how to describe it. He ... he just ... deflated!"

Karina held her hands out together with curled fingers, as if holding an invisible pumpkin before her, then let the fingers of each hand move in close until finally they were interlaced, and as she did so, she said, "It was as if he was a sheep's stomach water skin ... leaking. Blood and ... goo ... it just seeped out his mouth ... his nose, his eyes ... his ass ... until finally there was nothing left but a pool of wet clothing and bones."

A chill visibly ran up Karina's spine and her skin was flooded with goose flesh. Her gaze had moved away from Terrance during the horrific recollection of that day that she herself had witnessed from just yards away. She looked back to the man now, though, telling him, "When word reached Petra of your arrival with the Witch, he sent me to meet up with one of you. He didn't care which, you or your Master. He just wanted me to ... well ... you know what he wanted me to do.

"I did it for Petra, Terrance," she confessed reluctantly, but then she tried to smile as she added, "but I would have anyway ... fucked you I mean. I like you. I liked being with you. I want to be with you again ... now if you'll have me ... later ... it doesn't matter to me. I want to feel your mouth on my pussy, Terrance ... and your cock inside of it. I think we are good together."

There was an uproar downstairs, the voice of Brahm who would possibly be familiar to Terrance and the second voice of a man who Karina knew all too well. "That is Rychon. He is my contact with Petra ... and he is wondering why I haven't checked in with his boss regarding you."

She pushed away from the table and crossed the room to push open the glassless window's creaky old wooden shutter. "You might want to put your clothes back on and go out this way ... because right now, my father is negotiating with Rychon how many coppers he's gonna get paid to tell him you're up here with me."
Terrance and Karina...Interrupted

Terrance stood up and started getting dressed. He didn’t want them to catch him naked. As much as the cynic he’d been last week wanted to climb out the window, that wasn’t an option. Whatever they were going to do to him, they’d do worse to her than they’d do to him. She was “one of theirs,” after all.

He needed to focus. Focus! There wasn’t much time. He looked over at Karina, sitting on the bed in her open robe, watching him warily for his reaction. “We’ll tell them I refused to tell you anything. It’s true enough, and it’ll explain why you brought me here.”

He pulled his pants up over his worn shirt, buckling it at the waist. “I won’t tell them anything at first, then when they get rough I’ll tell them you told me about the shipment going out at dawn. There’s not a real shipment going out at dawn from the dock, is there?”

Karina blinked.

Terrance stepped closer to the woman. “There’s not a real shipment going out at dawn, is there?”

Karina sat up straighter, and shook her head.

He straightened his uniform. “Perfect. You’ll tell them I insisted on a show of good faith from you, so you made up a shipment at dawn, and you were about to go tell Petra about it so they could catch all of us. Understand?”

Karina nodded, catching up to Terrance's train of thought.

Dressed, the Sergeant walked over to the bed, and put his strong hands on Karina’s thighs to turn her so that she faced away from the door. “After they take me, don’t do anything today. Eventually, when it’s safe, go to my master in the inn. He’s Robert Craymore. The boy who gave you the silver is a girl named Lanna. Robert will believe you, but Lanna will need convincing. Tell her that that night in the forest I got attacked by an owl and then a snake. Tell her I told you that so she would believe you. Don’t let any of the three of you take any unnecessary risks.”

He knelt down, and she asked him what he was doing. He looked up, from between her legs, and smirked. “Oh, beautiful, we can’t let them find us talking, can we?”

He dove in, trying to bring the gorgeous girl to orgasm as quickly as possible. He didn’t expect to succeed before they were interrupted, but he was okay with that. Always leave ‘em wanting more, right?

Her arousal had not dimmed, so he felt free to be more aggressive than he usually would. His tongue danced around her clit, painting it with his saliva. He avoided actually licking the little button at first, but soon she was ready. He pressed at the top left of her hood, and dragged the tip of his tongue back and forth. He felt her start to buck her hips up and down, trying to get more stimulation. The adrenaline of the moment keyed them up, and the fear and resignation to at least a part of their fate was freeing. Karina felt and sounded like she was rapidly approaching her climax, and the door suddenly burst in.

Terrance pulled away, smirking deviously at what he suspected that had done to Karina. He fixed his face in outrage, and stood up to find three brutes trying to fit into the small attic. Terrance grabbed Karina and pulled her up off the bed, pressing her to the wall behind him.

“Stand back, beautiful. I’ll handle this.” He almost believed it for a moment. False bravado was still a heady thing.

All three men were taller and broader than Terrance. The one in the middle was shirtless, with long brown hair loosely dangling past his shoulders. He had a scar on his chest that looked like he must’ve barely survived. The man on his left was shorter, but almost as wide as he was tall. He was the ugliest man Terrance had ever seen, teeth pointing in every direction and warts dotting his heavy-browed face. The man on the other side was slightly more slender but still looked like he could break Terrance in half. Terrance had no idea which one was Rychon.

“What is the meaning of this?” Terrance was not looking forward to this beating. He couldn’t hold back too much or they might get suspicious, but any punches he landed would be returned at least threefold, he was sure.

“You’re coming with us,” said Slim.

“I am not,” Terrance lied.

Slim turned to Warty, and nodded his head toward Terrance.

Slim and Warty stepped around the bed, somehow without bumping shoulders. Slim reached out and grabbed Terrance’s shoulder. Terrance grabbed his wrist and tried to pull the hand off. It didn’t work, so Terrance turned his body and tried to throw the larger man. That worked. Slim fell into Terrance’s hip and fell against the bed. Before Terrance could do anything, though, Warty’s fist crashed into his side.

He fell to a knee, shouting in pain. Grabbing one fist with the other, he swung both hands into Warty’s knee. Terrance stood up, and turned toward Slim just in time for the man to shove him into Warty with both hands. The man had stumbled after getting hit in the knee. That, coupled with his already small stature, sent Terrance flipping over his body and flat onto the wooden floor. He stared up at the ceiling until Scar grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up into the air.

Terrance was not used to being handled like this. He was not a small or weak man, but these three were on another level. His back spasmed in agony as Scar pummelled him with a meaty fist. It was over. He relaxed, hoping they would stop hitting him and get on with the abduction already. After a few more punches from each of them, they did.

They carried him down the stairs, without even tying him up. He supposed that if he were their size, he wouldn’t have bothered either. Once they were outside, he opened his mouth. “You couldn’t wait a quarter hour? I’d just got her out of her knickers!”
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(OOC: It'll be short, but it's the best I can do, sorry. Karina was in a robe, by the way.)

Karina wanted to scream out at the men as they beat Terrance. He was getting pummeled. But doing so would have insinuated a concern for him. She wasn't supposed to care for him.

Terrance submitted finally and as he was dragged down the stares, Rychon -- Slim -- stayed behind to ask Karina, "What did you learn?"

She told him nothing, that the Sergeant was the only who was doing all the questioning. "All I got out of him was that he was traveling with two others.
That's it."

"What about the witch?" Rychon asked.

"He says he knows nothing about a witch, only that they followed some women in a cloak into town and while they were tending to me and Lucius, the woman disappeared into the town. I don't think they know she's a Witch."

Rychon walked over to where Karina was still standing in the corner, asking with a hard tone, "Did he fuck you?"

"No," she told him, trying to protect her womanhood as Rychon reached inside her robe and began searching about her groin. "Stop! Stop! I'm still under Petra's protection!"

Rychon didn't immediate give up he quest to ram a finger inside the woman, but when she slapped him, he slapped her back to hard she fell to the bed ... and then he simply turned and walked away.

Karina wanted to chase after him, but she remembered what Terrance had said: stand and wait. She did, and when she finally got downstairs her father began chastising her ... and she punched him right in the nose. Oh, she barely even caused his head to jerk back, but he did bring on a nose bleed. Checking the street, she saw the coast seemed clear and ran for Terrance's hotel/tavern.
Robert felt warm, wet lips on his cock, gently waking him from his nap. Had Lanna changed her mind? He supposed they could be with each other in that way without risking her maidenhood. He was surprised at her boldness, though. Not that he or his cock were complaining, though. It had been more than a week since he had lain with Lilly, and there had been quite a lot of arousing situations lately, so his Craymore jewels were thankful, as well.

He lay there, eyes closed, and moved his hand up to the girl’s head. He gently ran his fingers through her hair, and she hummed in response. The vibrations that sent through his evening wood were heavenly. Her tongue swirled through the warm wetness to caress his crown. He moaned in pleasure, and felt her lips smile around his shaft.

He opened his eyes to see blonde hair, not brown, hiding his crotch from view. Horrified, he pushed the head off his dick to find that it belonged to Larra, the innkeeper’s daughter.

Robert scrambled back to sit against the wall. “What are you doing here, woman?” he shouted at the smirking troublemaker.

Larra smiled at him. “I’m only trying to help you, sir.” She looked pointedly at his rock-hard cock. “You clearly need some relief. Don’t worry, it’s paid for…”

Robert pulled the blanket over his crotch. “How much to get some God-damned privacy!? How many ways do I have to tell you to leave me alone, woman!?”

Larra backed toward the door, but her deterred state appeared temporary at best. “You say that, but I don’t think you mean it.”

Robert was out of patience. “GET OUT!”

She finally left, and Robert lay back on the bed. He groaned in frustration as his balls clenched in disappointment.
Rychon was on the tavern floor when Larra descended far too quickly, giving him a disappointed shrug. He told her, "He either empties his balls at the sight of a slit--"

Larra set him straight, though, saying, "Di'nt want none, sire."

Rychon was striking out left and right. The nobleman's male escort was being interrogated, with fists and a leather strap, but he was telling some bullshit story about he and his master coming to East Riverbend to horn in on some of the Gringe's profitable activities.

Commandant Petra wasn't buying it, thus Rychon had been sent here to try with the other half of the pair. Petra wanted to know whose this second man was: one of Lord Claymore's trusted Counts or an Army General out of uniform? It never would have occurred to Petra that the man was Robert Claymore because, well, Lord Robert was a nobody.

"You stay here," Rychon told Larra, smacking her ass so soundly that she screeched out in pain. "I paid you to suck a cock, so ... I'll be back."

Rychon pulled his dagger and gestured for yet two more Gringe enforcers to follow him. He told them with joy, "Good news is, Petra said we could kill this'n if he gives us no answers."

But no sooner had Rychon begun climbing the stairs then ... well ... he simply disappeared through them, as if the steps had vanished for an instant, then reappeared. The two enforcers heard a scream of surprise and then a crashing sound.

They stood there in shock for a long moment ... then ... moving around to the open side of the stairs, found Rychon laying motionless on the floor, his body twisted, eyes wide open with shock ... and his dagger -- still clutched in his hand -- entering the front of his neck and poking out the back.

"The Witch!" a frightened Larra hollered. From her position, unlike the two enforcers, she'd been able to see the Gringe Lieutenant fall to his death. She screeched again before hurrying off into a back room, "The Witch! She's here!"

The tavern came alive with activity, with an assortment of frightened or simply alarmed cries. Some people ran for the exit while others hid. But there was no Witch to be seen. After they'd determined that they seemed not to be in danger, the two enforcers grabbed up their Master and carried him from the building, having decided not to engage the man upstairs.

Across town, after a great deal of encouragement and reassurance by the ever charismatic Gwendolyn, Lanna was standing naked in the little seamstress's little shop. Before her to one side was a wall filled entirely by mirrors, more mirrors than the well traveled Scribe had seen in her entire life. To the other side was a drapery that hid a portion of the shop that Lanna knew could hide at least three or four people but might hide even more.

There was a multitude of candles and lanterns in the portion of the shop in which Lanna stood, one hand hiding her womanhood while the other hand and its accompanying arm hid as much of her bosom as possible. The illumination on this side of the drapery and the lack of it on the other meant that the young Scribe could not see through the semi-sheer drape but anyone behind it could very well see her.

"Is okay, is okay," Gwendolyn reassured Lanna as she reached up to politely urge the girl to reveal her feminine features. "I must see to make garment."

The dressmaker put hands on the young woman, lifting arms and turning her this way and that before the mirror ... and before the drapery. She talked to her almost without pauses about how this fabric or that cut or this accoutrement would accent her petite and yet still feminine features.

If she hadn't known someone was or many someones were watching her from the privacy of the drapery's other side, Lanna might have been very comfortable with the way the dressmaker was working. But this was less about what was being seen in the mirror and far more about what was being seeing before it.

After many minutes of being turned this way and that, showing off her front and back and front again many times to those beyond the semi-sheer wall, Lanna flinched at the sound of a soft but high pitched bell dinging. Gwendolyn perked up at the sound and, for whatever reason, suddenly backed away several steps.

"Is there something wrong?" Lanna asked, just before two big bulky men suddenly burst out from around the ends of the drapery. They had a hold of Lanna before she could even contemplate a reaction, and as she kicked and thrashed, another man emerged and took hold of her legs as she screamed, "Unhand me! Unhand me! I am the personal Scribe--"

She stopped, suddenly remembering that they were incognito. Instead, she just continued to scream, "Unhand me!"

But in no time at all, there had bindings around her feet, and after standing her again, had her hands bound and a gag pulled tight between her teeth. As a third binding was being wrapped around her arms and torso, Lanna caught sight of two things that began to spell out just what was happening here.

The first was that beyond the drapery, the silent blackness was suddenly illuminated by the light of a now open doorway, through which several men were departing as they spoke about their disappointment of having lost.

But lost what? That answer came when a man with the look of a nobleman step out from behind the drapery and began counting out gold and silver coins into Gwendolyn's open palm. Before a hood blocked her vision, Lanna caught sight of at least four Gold Sovereigns and a small handful of Silvers exchanged.

She felt some kind of wrapping enclosed her otherwise nude body, and suddenly she was swept off the ground and was being carried away. Within seconds, she was in a wagon or cart or coach and was being taken away.
By the light coming through the window, it was early evening, but Robert was wide awake after his nap. He had just been getting dressed when he heard screams from the tavern below. Quickly fastening his clothes and grabbing his things, he hurried downstairs. The tavern was deserted. Terrance and Lanna were nowhere to be seen. Not even the innkeeper was at the bar. He was about to call out, when the door opened and in rushed a woman with long, reddish blonde hair.

She seemed to recognize him, and walked up to him, clearly distressed. “Please, sir, Terrace has been taken by the Gringe! They’re torturing him now!”

He wanted to ask who she was. He wanted to ask how she knew Terrance. He wanted to ask how she knew what had happened to him. He didn’t ask any of those things.

“Where is he? How many men do they have?”
“Please, sir," Karina begged as she rushed into the tavern. She knew everyone in town, of course, meaning that the strange face of a man in dirty yet still relatively expensive clothing must be Robert of Craymore. "Terrace has been taken by the Gringe! They’re torturing him now!”

“Where is he?" Robert asked as they rushed for the door. "How many men do they have?”

"Too many!" the redhead answered vaguely but honestly. As they burst out of the tavern, she told him, "My name is Karina. I'm a friend of your Sergeant's."

A female laugh sounded from nearby, catching Karina's attention. It was Larra, standing with her father, mother, and a couple of the patrons under a tree. There was fear in their faces, fear of what they'd seen or been told Larra had seen.

"What are you laughing at, Slit!" Karina challenged, one semi-whore to another.

"Your man's gone, in the hands of the Gringe," she said with glee, referring to Terrance. Then, speaking about Lanna, the tavern wench added with glee, "And your boy's pro'ly on her way to some Lord's castle, 'bout to be taught what being a woman is all about."

Karina wasn't entirely certain what that meant, and she approached Larra quickly and threateningly telling her to explain herself. Larra's joy began to fade as she realized she was about to get her face bashed in. She quickly told the aggressive redhead, "She needed clothes."

It was all Karina needed to understand. She turned back to Robert, telling him, "Your scribe's been sold into sexual slavery by Gwendolyn, the dressmaker. Come with me."

She'd come to Robert concerned about Terrance's life, but she knew the soldier was strong. The little Scribe, however, was about to have her virtue -- if she still possessed it, which Karina assumed -- violently taken from her. She led Robert down the street to the little seamstress's shop and burst inside, demanding to know who had bought Lanna, whose name she'd already heard through the very efficient East Riverbend grapevine.

"I'm sure I have no idea about whom you are--"

That was all the farther Gwendolyn got before Karina backslapped the old, petite woman so hard that she crashed into a stack of fabric bolts and then to the floor. Without hesitation once she'd recovered, the dressmaker warned, "I am protected, you Gringe Whore."

Karina picked up one of the lanterns, and reared back, looking to a delicate display of very expensive, very flammable fabrics. Before she could even threaten to light the place on fire, though, Gwendolyn hollered out desperately, "Count Praecher! Count Praecher bought your girl!"

Karina pretended she was about to throw the lantern again but instead set it down, leaned over the woman, and said, "If I found out you're lying to me ... or if I don't get to her in time to preserve her virtue, I'll come back and burn your shop ... then burn you."

The dressmaker was visibly shaking, holding her hand up before her as if fearing another strike at her face. Karina turned and told Robert with a serious tone, "We only have time to save one of them ... your man Terrance's life ... or your Scribe's virtue."