Freedom Of The Kindred Spirit (Closed)


Literotica Guru
May 9, 2017
Luna Wolff
Kings Servant & Close Friend

King Edward
House Darrendal

For as long as Luna could remember she knew the king, her mother was his private servant. Her mother was his servant up until she died and when she died she was only six years old. The king was good and fair even if he was young, he had to grow up quickly due to being the active king. King Edward's father had been murdered by a close personal friend and that close personal friend was killed by the new King Edward. He may have been very young but he doted on his father just like he doted on his mother.

As Luna grew up she was given an education because King Edward demanded it so, which was something she truly appreciated. Luna was able to learn everything the king knew and even taught how to read. But there was one thing no one had to teach her to do. Luna when she had free time had the love of singing she could write poetry, she could sing songs everything about her was special and Luna was one woman that was special. But there was one thing Luna had to hide it was something her mother taught her to hide.

Luna came from a very long line of witches and they were very powerful witches. Unfortunately her grandmother had been seduced by the power that she had within her veins and ended up dying. her grandmother was into necromancy and unfortunately the dark arts took her life. With great power came great responsibility and unfortunately some could become corrupt by such abilities. Luna had the ability to do necromancy but she spent most of her life healing those who came to her.

Those not afraid of her...

Because the kingdom was so afraid of witches she hoped one day she could tell the king because she never liked to keep secrets but she was afraid. Luna would be hung as a witch so she kept quiet, kept her head down and whenever he wasn't feeling good he always managed to heal quickly and that was because of her. Time went quickly and she really began to start feeling things for the king when they were in private quarters she never had to call him King but that was only when it was the two of them.

She knew he wanted an heir to the throne and for some reason he wasn't interested in getting married. Luna wasn't sure if he had a reason but she hoped one day he would tell her because over the years they have grown much closer she was cleaning his room when the door opened she turned and smiled seeing the king.

"My lord you okay?" Luna asked a soft concerened look on her face.
King Edward smiled back at his best friend, the one who always was there for him and whom he hoped always would be. "Oh, the usual insanity, Luna, but seeing you always brightens my day." He closed the door behind himself and wrapped her in a warm embrace, before letting her go. "You smell nice, have you been using the perfume I had my chambermaid buy for you?" Perhaps one day, he might be able to act on the feelings he's developed for her, but if that day was today, it gave him no sign. The king moved over to a wardrobe and opens it, taking off his 'court cloak', as he called it, and pulled out a more practical coat for going out into the city. This he laid on the bed while he buckled his swordbelt around his waist.

"Why don't you come with me? I was just about to visit my cousin in the Guild District. He swears that he and his smiths have figured out how to make a crossbow that fires three shots before you have to reload! Even if it's another one of his inventions that has no chance of working, it'll be fun to watch it backfire!" The King and his cousin Randolph always had a laugh when one of the latter's inventions didn't work, often failing spectacularly. As the head of the city's Smithing Guilds, he oversaw all the city's blacksmiths, weaponsmiths and armorers, both those affiliated with the Crown and other guilds that operated within the city. It wasn't a royal appointment per se, but Randolph was happy and Edward had, just in case, had his spy network make sure Randolph wasn't planning anything. But thankfully, the brother-like closeness they shared was genuine.

"You know...I've been thinking. If the kingdom lifts the ban on magic use and ends automatic death sentences for mages, we can establish a way to ensure that those whom magic corrupts don't have the opportunity to muck it up for the good ones. What do you think?" The monarch spun around to smile at Luna, eager for her opinion.
Luna listen to what Edward said and it brought a big smile to her face. She nodded she liked going places with him. Something they never got to do a lot together. Luna did not know if it was because she was his servant and nothing more or if it was because his kingly duties took him elsewhere. She cared for him and she kissed his cheek as a thank you for wanting her to go. Luna loved everything about him but had no idea how he felt about her. In a way she wished that she could read his mind.

Luna could use witchcraft to read his mind, but she did not believe in self gain, unless it was to save his life. When Edward started to talk about witches Luna was curious where he was going with this. His kindness was something she was still getting use to. Even though he was never cruel. Edwards father was the cruel one especially toward witches. Edward talking about them made her wonder if he knew what she was. There were times she wanted to tell him desperately but was afraid of others finding out more then afraid of him knowing.

"There is a saying I live by power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believe witches are not born bad, the stronger the power the more it corrupts the caster. I think ambition has a lot to do with it as well. I think that would be wonderful, keeping an open mind. I am sure the witches would apprecaite how you have an open mind." Luna was impressed that was for sure. Luna put her cloak on and helped him get ready. Luna placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Witches are afraid to show or tell what they are because they are afraid to die. But a truly good witch would expose oneself in order to save someone they love. I am very glad you don't share your father's views your father was a good man and some ways but when it came to witches he was cruel beyond cruel" Luna squeezed his arm. " but I am sorry you did lose him you lost on a very young age and that wasn't fair just like it wasn't fair for you not to know your mother at all."
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Edward smiled, and blushed slightly when she kissed his cheek. Not wanting to be outdone, he surprised himself by kissing her back on her cheek. Listening to her melodic voice was soothing in a way he could never explain. He loved everything about her, but did she feel the same way? That hesitation was crippling to him.

Hearing her say how sorry she was made his heart melt, and he wrapped an arm around her as she squeezed his arm. "I adore you for your kindness, Luna, but cruelty towards innocents makes anyone a bad man. Even my departed father. It dishonors the lessons to be learned from his mistakes to call him good despite his cruelty. Now, if you'll let go for a moment, I can put on my traveling coat." Playfully booping her on the tip of her nose with his forefinger, Edward extricated himself from his friend's grip and hung up his court cloak, buckling a belt around his waist with a sheathed shortsword before grabbing his 'walking-around coat.' It was actually a royal heirloom, crafted back when mages weren't forced to hide themselves. It magically protected the wearer from blows, arrows and bolts to any part of the body covered by the coat, thanks to a powerful enchantment that showed no signs of degrading even after all these generations.

"Now, unless there's something you'd like to change into, shall we go see my cousin's latest bungle?" Unbeknownst to anyone, his cousin's crossbow indeed worked perfectly--as did the crossbows of the two men he had hiding in his shop, waiting to strike down the unsuspecting king!
Luna felt a little worried because she felt something was going to happen. But she did not know what. She tried to use her ability as much as she could without showing it, She was a witch but she had a feeling deep down even if he knew what she was he would not care. There was a deep love that they each had for one another. That was easy to see and it was very clear as well. Luna had known him all her life just from the young age of six and now her age that she was now a young woman, there was really only one thing she could do now so..

Luna nodded her head...

Luna was always ready for anything, she had to be since she was his only servant. The way he made her feel however, was like she was anything but a servant. Going out with him was always fun, it was a chance to be on his level. Treating him like a person instead of the king was important, but only in secret and only alone. All she wanted was to be with him, to give him an heir. She could do it to, by using magic she could produce a child. But Luna didn't want to do that, she wanted things as natural as possible.

Luna loved the contact she had with him, she wanted more. But she only needed and wanted him. They came to a beautiful area full of trees and a nice creek. It was beautiful and she stopped a moment. Listing to the creek she motioned for him to sit, she loved the sound of the moving water. "This is beautiful, reminds me how precious life is. Reminds me what I want." Looking down a moment then taking his hand placing his hand over her heart, a nice perfect beat and it was all for him.

"You are so precious to me all I have ever wanted was you, not wanting your power or your riches but you. To give you an heir to be there for you."
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Edward was glad to be out of the castle, and even the two Kingsguard that he'd selected to accompany them seemed grateful for the fresh air. He talked and laughed and pointed out interesting or funny things with all of them, although he enjoyed seeing Luna's face light up when she laughed the most.

When she led him towards a creek, he was surprised but didn't stop her. But then she started to speak, to lay bare the feelings she had for him and how his own heart leapt at her words! His throat was dry as he looked at her with the biggest smile on his face. "Oh have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that. I love you too, so much it hurts." He reached with one of his hands and took her free hand. "I promise, if there is any single trace in your lineage to nobility, we will find it, and we will be wed. I promise on my honor as the Kin--"

Edward's heartfelt words were cut off by the soft thud of a crossbow bolt embedding itself in his back, when the wind had caused his cloak to fly up. At the same time, two sickening crunches sounded from where Edward's Kingsguard had been standing. The king's cousin Charles, the inventor that he'd trusted since childhood, stepped out from behind a tree with a crossbow leveled at Luna. His co-conspirators were busy making sure the Kingsguard they'd just clubbed were knocked out. "Sorry, Your Highness," the traitor sneered. "I got tired of waiting, and it turns out that you stopped at the perfect ambush spot." He licked his lips as he saw Luna. "Oh, don't cry little servant whore. You'll still carry a royal heir." The way he was speaking sounded like she'd be carrying said child whether she liked it or not...
Luna didn't know ahead of time she was still a very young witch she was still a very young woman and all she could do was scream "Edward!" She closed her eyes so she didn't see the horror show before her. She knew she didn't have any royalty in her family not even a single ounce but she would always love him and if it meant never being with him it was fine. When she heard what was said her eyes opened with her eyes on Edward and she held him "Edward I will not let you leave me" She pulled the bolt from his back and taking the bolt in her hand she cut her hand placing it on his wound and a warmth would be felt sealing close his wound and making it like nothing had happened. Luna had so much love for him and she was to risk it all in protecting him, there was a reason why witches could be scary because if you take away or try to take away the one thing that keeps them good it would back fire on the one who committed the crime.

Luna smiled seeing is eyes open up tears fell down her face and if this was how he was to learn what she was its time she went all out for it, music was her gift it always was even music could be a weapon a soft melody escaped her lips as she began to sing her song to him not forgetting the bastard that did this. Stroking his cheek softly as her tears fell down her face and when her tears hit his chest a white light surrounded them. Placing her free hand onto the ground she poured her love into the ground causing the near by trees to bend to her will and the trees roots shot up taking his cousin and grabbing onto his arms and legs and the same with his hence men. Making it where they would be taken in alive but she wanted them dead for what they tried to do but as long as Edward was alive that was good enough for her.

Silence finally took hold as she sat there silently for a moment "hell hath no fury like a witch scorned" Luna said with such bitterness but looking at the traitor "But with your cousin still alive you will be taken in for real justice not my justice" Looking down at Edward she didn't know what to say.
Edward pulled Luna into a hug when it was all over. "Thank you, my sweet Luna," he whispered in her ear. Then he rose to his feet, drawing his sword. "Cousin, I did not know you had it in you. But thanks to Luna here, you shall answer for your crimes." Turning towards Luna, he said, "If anyone present here speaks of what they saw you do, their tongue is forfeit. Luckily, the only ones at risk are these three. My dear, here is what happened. A good-hearted witch came to our aid and bound these men as you've done. Fearing persecution if she remained, she fled but not before healing me. Please do us all a favor and fetch the nearest guard. Using your magic to keep them under control puts you in unnecessary danger. Not to worry, after I declare mages to be free in Farren, the entire realm will know of your valor." He gave her a kiss on the cheek to send her on her way, before picking up the traitors' weapons and putting them in a pile behind him. The two Kingsguard that were knocked out were beginning to come to.
Luna did as he commanded "as you wish but please Be careful. You may gain a lot of enemies if you declare, witches as free. It has been a dream of mine to see my people free. But not everybody is like me." She did not need anybody to know what she did. But she remembered the story. She used her ability to get back quickly grabbing a guard. On the way back she told the guard what happened. Everything the king wanted her to say anyway.

When she came back she smiled at him, because of what she is it's why she knew there would be no royal blood within her. The guard took his cousin and when it was just them she looked at him tears in her eyes. " I never meant to keep this from you this long. I never knew how to tell you, but I could not let you die not when I can do something about it." She took a stumble and needed to sit a moment and she felt blood come down her nose.

"The magic I cast to protect you came with a price. It had to be paid and I gladly paid it. I didn't do this to be a hero I did it out of love." Looking down she didn't want him finding out like this but it happened and she owned it. "And I wrote that song not knowing how you would react with me as a witch. I don't want anything we did be the last thing." She sighed.

" But being a witch, it's how I know I have no royal blood within me" she said sadly " So technically I could make it so, but I don't like to use my gift for personal gain" Luna had no idea what he would say about that, but Luna knew one thing. If he asked her to do it, to make it where she did have royal ties she would for him.
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"No, no my dear. It's all right." Edward sat down next to Luna and pulled her into a hug. "I don't blame you for taking so long to tell me. And I will weigh the decision carefully, I promise. Your's beautiful." He took her chin in his thumb and forefinger, using a handkerchief to wipe away the blood as he turned her face towards his. "Perhaps it was not always this way, where witches could not be nobles. Most of our records prior to three hundred years ago were lost in the Great Fire, if you recall your lessons. If worst comes to worst, I shall just have to issue a proclamation and grant you a title. Oh, woe is me!" The way he said it was playfully sarcastic, and he couldn't fake it for long before his face split into a silly grin. "Do you want me to kiss you now?", he asked after he'd stopped laughing.
He was so tender to her it was a wonderful moment, Luna felt his hand on her face and placed her hand on his. Looking into his eyes there was a lot of love, and love was a powerful force by it's own right. As powerful and destructive depending on the person and situation. Her heart pounding so loudly it was deafining to her. Seeing and feeling his hankerchief against her skin meant everything to her. Luna heard what he said and smiled and gave a small sweet giggle.

Hearing him ask her about kissing her, she nodded her smile never fading. Watching him lean in and his warm lips capturing her own, her eyes closed as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. It was amazing the kind of man he was, wrapping her arms around him. She was taking his lead since she didn't want to do much thinking. Her body aching for his touch, her body wanting him in everyday shape or form. When the kiss broke for air stroking his cheek.

"Make love to me," she cooed. "I have dreamt about this for so long, wanting to give myself to you Edward to feel you inside my body. I want to give you a son, I want to give you everything." She whispered.
"This is a good spot, isn't it?," the King said. "I would love to make it special for us." Edward kissed her again, but this time he didn't pull away. At the same time he slid his hand down her legs and slipped off her shoes, before playfully walking his fingers back up to cup her butt. After giving it a hearty squeeze, he began to remove her clothes for her.

At the same time, he guided her hands to his own garb, but she'd have to remove his belt, coat, and other garments, as he was almost through ridding her of all but her underwear already. Clearly, this was something he'd been looking forward to as well.
Luna smiled and hearing he wanted to make this their special spot she loved him more after hearing that. "I would like that Edwrd" she managed to say before he kissed her, moaning into the kiss she wanted him badly. Feeling him lead the way she smiled and moaned loudly in his mouth. Feeling his hands over hers nd leading them to his clothing she took her hands and following him she began to undress him as well. First removing the outer layer which was his coat, then his shirt, going for his belt.

Luna could very easily make it where she could conceive a male hire, but would only do that if he wanted it, if he asked her. She never used her magic to get things for herself it's how he was raised. She smiled as she soon laid before him naked she bad a tattoo of two roses one red and one white which was a symbol of them.
Edward would be happy with whatever resulted from their first union, even if it was a girl. The important thing was that it was to be their child, if the gods saw fit to bless them with one, that is. Such things were not a pressing concern right now, however. What was was the love of his life, naked as the day she was born, before him.

Gently laying her down to the soft grass, he caressed her skin softly, with his fingertips. As much as they both wanted each other, he wanted to take his time, enjoy her and allow her to enjoy him.
It didn't take long for both to be naked feeling his kin against her own. Luna smiled looking up into his eyes. Her heart beating so loud she couldn't hear anything else in that moment. Feeling him touch her made her moan. She was a little rigged at first because she had never been seen naked and she had never been touched by a man, but it didn't take long for the rigged action to cease.
Eventually, Edward's touch began to grow more lewd, his fingertips brushing gently across the pointed tips of her breasts. "So beautiful," he whispered in Luna's ear as he gently pulled on one of her nipples, eyes locked onto hers to see how she reacted to it.
Luna looked at her she groaned feeling his fingers on her Nipple. Her heart was beating so fast she felt like everything has stopped around them. So much was going on in her head, her eyes looking up at the sky a moment afraid this moment would end.
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Edward smiled and leaned in for another kiss against Luna's lips, his hand cradling the back of her head, the other snaking down between her legs to run his fingers through the patch of curls between them. "I can't wait to finally join with you as the Gods intended, my love," he murmured in her ear before he went back to kissing her.
Luna felt as if everything was going to fall into place. She moaned because she felt his hand between her legs she knew the only way anyone would accept her. Was if sge bore him a male heir and she would do anything for him.

All he had to do was ask...

More and more flesh on each other was being exposed she loved him more then anything...
Edward wouldn't care if it took a while for Luna to bear him a male heir. He'd love a daughter just as much. "I love you so much, Luna. I cannot wait to tell the world." He was finally hard and ready, but still he insisted upon her pleasure, rubbing her core and watching what happened.
She couldnt stop moving he just seemed to get her and her heart was beating so quickly. She couldnt take it anymore. "Please Edward take me I have dreamt of this moment for so long. I dont want to wait anymore!" She said in a rather pleading voice.
Edward grinned at how she begged for him. He positioned himself properly above her, and guided his member towards her glistening entrance. With a deep breath, he slowly, carefully started to push himself inside, stopping for any discomfort or if her hymen was in the way.
She gasped feeling him fit himself inside her and she felt his hesitation. She smiled looking at him looking into his eyes and smiled "it's okay baby" she never wanted anyone inside her body accept for him which is why she was still a virgin.

She thrust her hips up into him she cried out a little and wrapped her legs around him and smiled. "Oh Edward!...." she grinned. She kissed him deeply showing him it was okay to continue.
"Oh, Luna," he replied, smiling as he started to fuck her properly. "Tell me how you want it, my love. Slow and gentle, or fast and hard? My body yearns for you, but I don't wish to make you uncomfortable. So please, tell me." Until she replied, he kept going at his slow, sensual pace.
She couldn't help but groan happily her body was getting use to him and when he asked she wasn't even sure what to say or do she was so happy. The tenderness she did love and the way he looked at her made her feel happy. Holding him looking into his eyes she smiled.

"Fast and hard is okay Edward I wont break" She smiled at him "I love you baby" she groaned loudly "and after this I will give you the one thing that will make us possible, possible." She said softly.