The Scottish servant girl (closed)

Andrew watched Lara walk into the kitchen and barely heard what she said to William. He could see William grinning and then following Lara out. Andrew smiled to himself and continued to eat.

"Maisie! What is the meaning of this?" William asked as he entered her chambers, his arms crossed. "We have to leave and you need to eat before we go! Get up and get dressed. Now!" he said sternly.

"I told her to get up but she refused!" Lara said with a grin.

William grabbed the sheets and pulled them away, leaving Maisie naked and exposed on the empty bed.

"Get up!" he said again.
Maisie gasped as the covers were ripped away from her, leaving her body exposed and naked on the bed. She rolled to her side and saw William standing there, a stern expression on his face as he insisted that she get up.

Rubbing her eyes, she quickly slipped from the bed, standing in front of him and trembling slightly. “I’m sorry, William. I…well…I’m exhausted after the past few nights.”
William came face to face with Maisie, and took her jaw in his hand, tilting it softly upwards to face him.

"I understand. You've had an eventful couple of days. However, we are not going directly to Edinburgh. We will stop overnight at Kilchurn Castle, your uncle's home! He is away and made preparations for us!" he said smiling, and then lowered his hand on her breast, giving it a light squeeze. "Now will you get dressed, or do I have to punish you?"
“I’ll get dressed, William.” Maisie said softly, gasping as his hand settled upon her breast and squeezed it. “There’s no need for punishment.”

Lara moved from the little scene to gather clothing for Maisie. She had a beautiful green dress, one that laced tightly around her tiny waist and pushed her breasts upwards to be displayed perfectly.

“Would you like to stay and watch her dress, my lord?” Lara asked as she placed undergarments on the bed beside the gown.
"No! I have to finish my breakfast! You make sure she joins us in the kitchen as soon as possible, or it's your skin!" William said to Lara.

"Yes, milord!" Lara bowed.

"Hurry!" William said to Maisie and gave her breast a light slap, smiling as he watched it sway.

He then turned and left.
Maisie gasped as he slapped her breast, grinning at her as he turned and left. She heard Lara hurrying behind her, cloth soon wrapping around her body as her serving girl worked to get her dressed as soon as possible. The ties of her bodice were laced extra tight, making her gasp as her breasts were forced upwards for all to view.

A beautiful emerald necklace was placed about her throat and her hair styled perfectly…and in record time. Before she knew it, she was being escorted to the kitchen, her brothers fawning over her as they always did. She glanced at Andrew as she was placed beside him at the table, her hand reaching to grasp his and squeeze it tightly.

“Good morning, my lord.” She said softly, a little smile given just to him.
"Good morning!" Andrew smiled warmly at her, looking at her and giving her his full attention as she sat beside him. "We need to eat and hurry out, I'm afraid!" he said, pointing to the food in front of her.

"Did you sleep well?" David's question came from across the table, as he looked at Maisie.
Maisie looked at David and blushed slightly, giving him a nod. “I did, but I must confess that I am rather exhausted.”

That comment brought laughter to the lips of her brothers and good natured ribbing to Andrew for keeping his wife well used and sated. Maisie blushed deeper, trying to eat her breakfast as quickly as she possibly could.

After the meal was finished it was time for goodbyes. Maisie had never cried so much as she hugged the Lady Stewart tightly. She didn’t want to leave the dear woman and couldn’t fathom her life without her in it. It was the gentle reminder that they needed to get going that made her finally release the woman.
William lead the procession, followed by Andrew and Maisie, Lara and Edina, while David and Rory closed the ranks. They were all on horseback, traveling light. Arrangements had been made and most of their belongings had been sent the day before and were awaiting them at Kilchurn Castle.

William and Andrew never enjoyed goodbyes and parted with their families by smiling and nodding. Soon they were on their way, keeping a steady pace.

"Try to keep up!" William shouted behind him. "We need to reach the castle before night fall!"
Maisie was sullen much of the day, quiet and withdrawn. Every so often she would be taken by another round of tears as she thought about the life that they had just left behind. David did his best to cheer his sister up, but it seemed that she wasn’t having any of it.

“I think it would be best for you to spend some time alone with your bride tonight.” Edina commented to Andrew as she rode up even with him, leaving David and Maisie together as David continued his quest to make her smile. “It seems that the departure from your family has hit her harder than expected.”
"She will be fine!" Andrew said to Edina, as he looked back at David riding next to Maisie. "She is tired and has a lot on her mind... But you are right. I will spend time with her alone tonight!"

After a few good hours of riding, they stopped to eat their lunch at the edge of a forest.

"Are you alright?" Andrew asked Maisie when she was alone. "Are you still worried about Edinburgh?"
Maisie glanced at Andrew as he asked if she were alright. “Everything’s happening so quickly, Andrew. I thought we might have more time…alone.” She told him, feeling tears starting to prick her eyes again. “And I never expected that we would have to leave our family.”
Andrew smiled and then he embraced her, holding her tightly.

"That's what happens when you get married, Maisie! You get a new family!" he said to her while holding her close. "And don't worry, you will be alright, even if things ARE happening rather quickly. There's four men protecting you and two women tending to your every need. How many wives can claim such support?" he asked and kissed her lips softly.

"Arrangements have been made at Kilchurn Castle and we will have a bedroom all to ourselves. Just you and me!" he said as he looked into her eyes.
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“Just you and me?” She asked softly, her lips trembling as tears coursed down her cheeks. “But…what about the others?” Maisie sniffled as her arms wrapped tightly around Andrew’s chest and she pulled herself closer to his body, sighing at the comfortable warmth that enveloped her.
"Yes, just you and me for the night. After we have dinner, we shall retire to our bedroom and spend the night together. Just you and me. The others will do whatever they want; it will not concern us!" he said and kissed her forehead.

"We can stand by the door with swords drawn!" David smiled as he came to them.

"Not necessary!" Andrew grinned. "One sword will be enough for one night!"

David bowed. "Food is ready!"
Maisie nodded, her spirit lifting a little as she let Andrew guide her to where the others were already eating their meal. She was still struggling with the idea of leaving behind the life that she’d known, but in time it would get much better.

Lara and Edina were taking special care to tease Rory, laughing as the man teased them back without a care in the world. Already in Edina’s mind, she was setting forth a plan to have fun with the men that evening.
Food was consumed rather quickly, in between laughs, taunts and flirting. Rory seemed to integrate well in the group, laughing with Lara and Edina, stealing glances at Maisie from time to time. He usually came across as distant to those who did not know him, but Rory was a lot more relaxed than you would think at first glance.

They were again on their way to the castle, William playing with their speed a few times, galloping and teasing them for being too slow. Soon they could see Loch Awe opening before them and the castle standing the middle of the water like a small island.

The sight of the castle made William pick up pace, followed by all in a steady gallop. They soon reached the castle, and the drawbridge opened before them, as the Lady Catherine Campbell, Maisie's aunt, welcomed them.

"Welcome, welcome!" she cheered as they arrived. "You must be so tired! Come, come, dinner will be served soon!" she said and ran to Maisie, helping her off her horse.
Maisie could barely remember her aunt from her childhood. She had married her Uncle Robert shortly after Maisie had been born and with the turmoil of her mother’s death, she had never truly known the beautiful Lady Catherine.

“Thank you very much for allowing us to stay here, Aunt Catherine.” Maisie said, allowing the woman to help her from her horse. She glanced over at Andrew and smiled slightly, holding out her hand for him. “I would like you to meet my husband, Andrew Stewart.”
Andrew came to face Catherine and bowed, taking her hand and lightly pressed his lips on her fingers.

"Milady! It is a pleasure to meet you!" Andrew said smiling.

"It's such an honor to have the future king in my home!" lady Catherine said smiling from ear to ear. "Come and rest awhile in the lounge before dinner is served!" she continued, and lead them to the lounge where a roaring fire cast a homely glow to the entire room.

"What a lovely home you have, lady Catherine!" Andrew said.

"Thank you, my prince! Please have a seat!" she said to them and to the other companions. "Wine!" she shouted to her servants who appeared from nowhere with cups overflowing.
The wine and good conversation did a lot to make Maisie relax. She was slowly starting to feel better about leaving behind the Stewart family. Edinburgh was still a world away and she could slowly feel herself warming to the idea of living in the city. Any children they had though would be born in the Stewart home. She wouldn’t stand for a stranger helping her raise a child when Lady Stewart would provide her much needed wisdom.

Dinner was a large affair as well with many well prepared dishes. Maisie felt herself fading away as they ate, her eyes growing heavy as she waited for Andrew to say that it was time to go to their rooms.
The lady Catherine interrupted the cheery atmosphere around the dinner table:

"I think my niece is tired after the long journey! Come, I shall escort you both to your chambers!" she said and helped Maisie to stand, after which she gave her a hug.

She lead the way up the stairs, followed by Andrew and Maisie. They were introduced to a lovely, cosy room with a fire place and a beautifully carved bed in the middle of the room.

"I hope you will find this comfortable!" lady Catherine said smiling.

"Oh yes, it's beautiful!" Andrew said.
“It’s very lovely, Aunt Catherine. Thank you.” Maisie said as she looked around the cozy little room and then turned to her smiling aunt. “I can’t tell you how much your hospitality has meant. It has been a very tiring day.”

She hugged her aunt tightly and bid her goodnight, watching as Andrew escorted her out the door and bolted it close. She gave her husband a smile, turning her back to him and glancing over her shoulder at him.

“Would you untie my stays, Drew? I cannot wait to breathe without restriction!” She said.
Andrew looked at Maisie in the dim light of the fire and then came behind her and untied the laces, kissing her shoulder as the dress fell from her body. He then unlaced her undergarments and allowed her to take them off in her time, while still kissing her neck and shoulder from behind her.

"Are you ready for bed?" Andrew asked with a low, purring voice.
Maisie let out a gasp as her dress fell into a pool at her feet, her body standing naked before her husband as he kissed her neck and shoulders. She glanced over her shoulder at him, giving him a smile as he asked if she were ready for bed in a low voice.

“Are you ready to take me to bed, Drew?” She asked him in an equally husky voice. “I do not think I can sleep without a good night kiss from my beloved husband.”
Andrew looked down at her naked body and smiled softly.

"Then I shall provide the kiss!" he said and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her sweetly.

He then took a couple of steps back and took his clothes off slowly, looking in her eyes the whole time, until he was naked. He stood there, two steps away from her, running his eyes up and down her body, his cock slowly getting harder and harder.

"Ready for bed now?" he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.