The Scottish servant girl (closed)


Literotica Guru
Aug 19, 2007

William Stewart (24 years old)
6' 2", brown hair, hazel eyes, athletic
Son of Angus and Aileen Stewart


Andrew Stewart (22 years old)
6', dark blonde hair, green eyes, athletic
William's brother


The courtyard resounded again of the sword fight between William and Andrew - a daily occurrence in the laird's household. They usually reserved such practice for more private surroundings - in the forest and even in the great hall - but this time they were determined to impress their mother's young maid, a girl of exceptional beauty. Both of them were skilled with the sword, often using real swords for practice, to their mother's utter annoyance.

"She's watching, isn't she?" Andrew grinned at his brother while he launched another attack, deflected in the last second by William.

"Look alive, little brother, I'm nearly falling asleep!" he teased as he aimed the tip of his blade for Andrew's neck, thrusting forward.

Andrew blocked his daring move, and moved forward pushing his brother on the ground. William fell, annoyed to no end by his brother's superior stability. William groaned and rose to his feet, launching another attack, interrupted by his mother's stern voice:

"Boys! You are NOT using real swords again! You'll cut yourselves open one of these days!" she shouted at them. "End this foolishness immediately!"

"Yes, mother!" William said, grinning at Andrew as he sheathed his sword, making his way to the kitchens. "I'm starving!"

"Me too!" Andrew said sheathing his sword and smiling at his mother taking a small bow as he followed his brother. They both walked past their mother's servant girl, smiling gallantly.


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Maisie Campbell (21 years old)
5’4”, brown hair, blue eyes, delicate features and curves
Daughter of Malcolm Campbell, minor chieftain


Maisie’s life at the Stewart household had been one of splendor. Her mother had died in her birth and she had been raised by the great Malcolm Campbell. She was the only daughter he’d been blessed with after six strapping sons. When she turned twelve, he had sent her to live with one of his late wife’s dear friends, Aileen Stewart, in the hopes that she flourished under the great lady’s gentle kindness.

At 21, Maisie considered the Stewart household her home. She still wrote to her father and brothers regularly, but she had never seen the home of her birth since. Aileen treated her as the daughter that she never had and Maisie worked hard to make her proud. She had been made a lady’s maid shortly after her 18th birthday and it was perhaps her greatest accomplishment.

She had noticed the way the Stewart sons looked after her. When she had grown into a woman with her soft curves and beauty, they paid even more attention. She would blush and speak in her soft voice at their advances, but she paid them no heed really. William was betrothed and Andrew was a rake. It was best to keep them at arm’s length.

She stood silently by as the Lady Stewart scolded her sons. It seemed that even after they had reached adulthood they still acted like little boys. Still, their youthful spirit made her smile and she watched as they bowed to their mother, smiled at her, and continued on their way to the kitchens.

“They will be separated soon enough, milady. William will be married and Andrew will have to think of such things soon as well.” Maisie said, trying to soothe the older woman who was still scowling after her boys. “Perhaps it is good to let them continue to fight.”
Lady Stewart shook her head as she headed for her boudoir, followed closely by Maisie.

"They can fight all they want, as long as they don't cut themselves!" she said angrily. "I can't wait until William is finally wed; maybe he will calm down and behave like a man for a change! Please go to the kitchens and make sure they don't continue to kill each other!" she continued, as she proceeded up the stairs.

The two brothers reached the kitchens where dinner was being prepared by the servants. They were always nosy and mischievous, interfering with the servants' work, getting in their way and helping themselves from the food before it was ready to be served.

"We'll hear wedding bells soon!" Andrew teased grinning as he lifted the lid of the large cooking pot to check the state of the broth boiling away slowly. "Soon you'll have a beautiful bride... well... you can leave 'beautiful' out actually..."

"Be quiet!" William shouted and hurled a potato almost hitting Andrew in his ear.

"I heard she's got big breasts, at least!" Andrew continued to giggle as his eyes fell on Edina, the young kitchen helper who secretly enjoyed regular rolls in the hay with Andrew. Edina smiled shyly back at Andrew, uncovering one of her large breasts to his view when nobody was looking in her direction as she cleaned vegetables.

"If you don't shut it, I'll throw something bigger than a potato at you!" William said slowly calming down. "At least my bed will not be as cold as yours!" he replied grinning, breaking a piece of freshly baked bread from the oven, taking a big bite.

"Dinner is NOT ready, you rascals!" the old kitchen mistress scolded them. "Go and wait in the dinner hall! Go!" she continued, playfully pushing William away from the oven.

As William passed Andrew, he whispered in his ear: "I may get married soon, but I'll still be the first to fuck Maisie!"

"In your dreams, brother!" Andrew scoffed as he looked at Edina and winked, being rewarded with another flash of her full breast, making him smile from ear to ear.
“Yes, milady.” Maisie said as she was directed to go to the kitchen and keep an eye on the wayward Stewart sons. “I’ll have a servant tell you when dinner is ready.”

Maisie took her leave then, exiting down the back stairs that led into the kitchen. Her green skirt flowed around her as she entered the warmth of the kitchen, taking a moment to enjoy the sights and smells of the cook in action. Old Aggie was always looking for her and it put a smile on her face the way the woman doted on her.

As Maisie turned the corner, she gasped to see the one of the kitchen helpers exposing her breasts as the two Stewart brothers retreated into the great hall. She had no doubt that one or both had conned that poor girl into exposing herself in such a lewd manner.

“Cover yourself, madam!” She exclaimed, watching as Edina covered herself, her cheeks flushing bright red. “You only bring shame upon yourself doing that for the likes of them.”

Aggie cackled over by the fire, turning towards Maisie and placing a warm piece of bread in her hands. Maisie smiled and nodded, knowing she better not argue or else she would hear about how she had no meat on her bones. She exited the kitchen into the dinner hall, spying the two brothers laughing and carrying on.

“Shame on you both.” She said as she made her way towards them. “You worry your poor mother ill when you do such things. And making the girl expose herself in such a way, have you no honor?” She looked at William, noting the way that he was staring at her. “You are going to be married soon. Shouldn’t you focus on making your wife happy instead of rebel rousing?”
The two brothers looked at Maisie in surprise; Andrew couldn't believe he had been spotted ogling Edina's breasts, and William had no idea what she was talking about.

"What girl?" William asked looking at Maisie and then Andrew. "What's that about?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing!" Andrew tried to distract the conversation by turning to Maisie and giving her his full attention. "Oh, sweet Maisie, you should have learned by now that we HAVE no shame! And he doesn't have a wife YET! That joyous day is still to come; there's still life to be lived until then!" he chuckled.

William didn't know if he wanted to agree with Andrew or throw some cutlery his way. He just groaned instead and chose to ignore his comments relating to his wife.

"Wait a wee minute! What girl? What did she expose?" William asked slightly irritated that Andrew was ignoring his questions.

"Oh, nothing, it's just a kitchen helper... It's nothing, really..." Andrew mumbled, annoyed that he was found out. "And I didn't make her do anything she didn't want to do!" he grinned. "And why does that bother you, Maisie?" he asked with a big smile on his face, looking straight at her. "Embarrassed?"
She watched as William feigned ignorance and Andrew seemed proud of his accomplishment. Would the both of them never grow up? Maisie sighed and shook her head as she listened to them both talk, her cheeks flaming bright red when Andrew suddenly asked her why the situation bothered her.

“No, I’m not embarrassed, but you are the son of a laird. You must have more respect for your servants than to bed them. You don’t want to end up like Laird MacDonald’s son, do you?” Laird MacDonald’s son had almost caused an international scandal by bedding every woman that he possibly could, even a visiting noblewoman. When the woman had ended up pregnant, he had been forced to marry for honor and the ensuing relationship was anything but happy.

“And you, William. I cannot believe that you would speak so ill of your future wife. She is a very lovely woman and you should be proud that you will wed someone so respectable.” She glared at them both, feeling more like their mother than their friend.
"Isn't she lovely when she gets angry?" Andrew asked William with a cheeky grin.

"Oh yes... lovely and sweet!" William smiled at Maisie. "I was going to say 'Yes, mother', but that would just not be appropriate... And, by the way, when did I speak ill of my future wife? As I recall, he's the one speaking ill of her!" he replied pointing the finger at Andrew.

"Aye, you got that wrong, mother. I mean, Maisie!" he said and burst out laughing. "I can even hear her voice in yours. Brrrrr... Stop that, really! You're too sweet and lovely for that carry on!" he said and came face to face with Maisie, kissing her hand gallantly. "We should dance instead!" he sad as he straightened up, pulling Maisie close and sending her twirling on the stone pavement of the dining hall, catching her just before she almost lost her balance.

He started singing an old dance tune and bowed to Maisie, extending his hand inviting her to dance with him.

"Come one, sweet Maisie, show me what you can do with that beautiful body of yours!" Andrew smiled with his arm extended waiting for her response.
Maisie scowled even further, her gaze dark as they made fun of the way that she was scolding them. She did sound like Lady Stewart, but the two boys needed to know that their behavior was completely unacceptable.

“Do not make fun of me.” She said in her soft voice, watching as the two brothers bickered and fought. They had always been that way, picking at each other until someone got angry enough to pick a fight.

Maisie blushed deeply as Andrew stood before her and bowed, kissing the back of her hand before he pulled her close and sent her twirling across the dining hall. She gasped as she grew dizzy, her footing failing until someone grabbed her to stop her fall. She was looking at Andrew with that rakish grin on his face and her cheeks blushed deeply yet again.

She should have yelled at him again for embarrassing her, but she knew that if she didn’t give in to the youngest Stewart, the teasing would only grow more merciless. As she gave him her hand to dance, she glanced over at William to see if he would be talking sense into his younger brother.
"Aye, wee brother, show her how it's done!" William cheered on, clapping to the rhythm of the tune that Andrew sang with great talent, filling the room with his beautiful voice.

Andrew pulled Maisie close and began to show his famous dancing skill and unusual sense of balance and use of space. He smiled while looking in her eyes, drawn by her beauty and charm, his body vibrating as he held her close.

"We're not making fun of you, sweet Maisie," Andrew said as he interrupted his tune, "we're just playing with you. Don't you know you're our favorite toy?" he grinned as he resumed his tune in perfect sync with the dance moves.

"Would you look at those beauties!" Old Aggie exclaimed affectionately as she entered with a big tray of food in her hands, followed closely by Edina with another tray. "Don't they just look lovely!"

"Yes she does. His head is too big!" William scoffed playfully, as he continued to clap his hands and thump his foot on the floor.

Andrew brought the tune to completion and bowed to Maisie, concluding the dance.

"Graceful like a bird! Thank you for that lovely dance!" Andrew said and kissed her hand, turning to see Edina blushing as she looked at them after placing the tray on the table, and then quickly followed Aggie out the door to get more food.
Andrew spun Maisie in a lively dance, her cheeks flushed pink from the activity. Andrew was always the best dancer and the way that he smiled down at her made her feel strange. She had always idolized William and Andrew and lately they had been spending her special attention.

“Toy? I’m not a toy nor a prize to be earn!” She exclaimed as he spun her around, the sound of William clapping along making Andrew go faster.

She could hear Aggie walk in, complimenting them on their dancing. She briefly saw the serving girl and the way that she blushed at the brother that held her in his arms. Maisie was sure that Andrew had done more than just taunt the poor girl.

She was breathing hard as the dance ended, her cheeks heating as he kissed her hand once more. Maisie pulled away and took a step back, glancing over at William with a small smile. “You’re suppose to be a good influence on your younger brother. You’re almost as big of a rake as he is!”
"Hahahaha!" William laughed. "Me? A good influence? Hahaha, the very idea..." he went on laughing, joined all too eagerly by Andrew, as they laughed together. "Oh, Maisie, you're so funny sometimes..."

"She's a good dancer, too! Did you see that??" Andrew complimented her as he took a seat at the table, admiring Maisie from head to toe.

"I did, I did. I couldn't take my eyes off her!" William replied, his cheeks turning pink as he looked at Maisie and smiled, admiring her in his turn.

"Well, I'm glad you're finished with all that carry on", Aggie said chuckling as she entered the hall again with a large soup terrine. "I wouldn't want you to knock me over while carrying this hot soup!"

"We're done, Aggie, but as you can see Maisie wants a lot more!" Andrew teased as he smiled at Maisie.

"Leave the girl alone! You're so cheeky!" she admonished him, poking his shoulder.

"He's not cheeky! He's in love!" William grinned from the other side of the table, earning a stern look from Aggie.

"I so am...!" Andrew said, making dreamy eyes at Maisie, smiling sweetly.

"You boys are terrible!" Aggie said and left the room shaking her head just as Edina walked in with a basket of freshly baked bread.

"Shall I call the lady to dinner, Miss Maisie?" Edina asked while taking a small bow, stealing another glance towards Andrew.
“You are both merciless.” Maisie said as she moved to help Aggie set the table for dinner. She could feel their eyes roaming over her body and even that made her blush. When William mentioned Andrew in love it was Maisie’s time to laugh. “In love? Andrew? Now you surely jest!”

She was laughing loudly as the serving girl asked if she should fetch the Lady Stewart. “Yes, Edina, please.” She said as the woman stole a glance towards Andrew and the hurried from the hall.

“Andrew, leave the poor girl alone. It’s cruel to lead her on.” Maisie scolded once again as she stepped up behind William and twisted his ear. “And you…you will speak only kind words about your betrothed.”
William chuckled as he was scolded by Maisie, catching her by her hand and kissing it softly.

"Again, when did I say anything bad about her? I haven't even met the girl!" William smiled, holding on to Maisie's hand.

"That's right, he hasn't! He just knows she has big... you know..." Andrew mumbled.

"Well lucky me, then!" William interrupted kissing Maisie's hand again, finding it terribly hard to resist not pulling her onto his lap and kissing her mouth. The thought made him dizzy with excitement and he finally let go of her hand with a silent groan.

"Yes... Lucky!" Andrew scoffed, looking at Maisie and smiling. "And why may I ask is it so hard to believe I would be in love with you?" he grinned.

"Because you're in love with yourself!" William laughed.

"Shut it! I was asking her! And please stop mentioning Edina! She can take care of herself, and she does, trust me!" he rambled, groaning when he realized he said too much.

"Who's Edina?" William asked in confusion.

"She was just here, you stupid man!" Andrew said in frustration. "She's the kitchen helper that Maisie is sooo concerned about. The girl likes me and likes to have fun with me... I'm not forcing her or anything! You wouldn't think I would force myself on a girl, would you? Besides... she's nice to me... and I'm nice to her..." he said softer and softer.

"With a servant girl?" William sniggered.

"Why not? A servant girl is still a girl... she still has legs and breasts like any other girl..." Andrew continued softly.

"You mean like Maisie?" William smiled.

"Yes, like Maisie..." Andrew said and smiled at her. "I like Edina, it's true. But I'm in love with you, Maisie. Is that hard to believe?"
The first touch of William’s lips against the back of her hand made Maisie blush. The second touch of his lips made her feel warm all over. She pulled her hand from his as Andrew professed his love again and William countered with the fact that he only loved himself.

“Because I don’t believe you can love me in the way that I want to be loved.” Maisie said simply in a diplomatic voice. “If I may take a husband, then I would like to be assured that he will not be dallying with other women.”

She gave him a pointed look and moved to her spot at the table, taking her seat as he tried to explain his relationship with the serving girl. When the talked turned towards her physical charms, Maisie wished that she’d been the one to go and fetch Lady Stewart.

“Enough!” She scolded, the scowl back on her face. “It isn’t proper to talk about a woman in such a way.” She crossed her arms across her chest in a self conscious manner.
William smiled with satisfaction written all over his face because Andrew dropped his guard and Maisie let him have it. He had a 'serves you right' expression on his face as he crossed his hands as well looking at Andrew, just as the door opened and lady Stewart entered followed by Edina.

Andrew did not respond to Maisie's words. He stood as his mother entered, and pulled up her chair and pushed it back as she sat down, and then returned to his seat. Aileen looked around surprised by the lack of the usual chatter around the dinner table.

"What's the silence about? Usually I can't get you to keep quiet!" Aileen asked looking at the boys and then at Maisie. "William?"

William shook his head slowly, refusing to answer. Aileen then looked at Andrew, who looked at his plate and avoided eye contact with everyone.

"Really? That bad? Oh my, this is certainly new! Maisie?" she asked turning to her as a last resort. "Will YOU tell me what's going on?"

William smiled, waiting on the edge of his seat to see what Maisie will reply, just as Edina began to serve the soup around the table, surprised that Andrew avoided all eye contact, looking strangely and unfamiliarly upset.
Maisie stared at Andrew for a long moment, wondering if she had gone too far in her assessment of him. She saw the way that he didn’t smile and he looked upset. She frowned and listened to Aileen as she asked about what all the silence was about. William refused to answer and then the questioning turned towards her.

“Nothing, milady. Andrew simply got a taste of his own medicine.” She said in a soft voice as Edina began to serve the meal. “And I don’t know why William is so happy. He has been saying simply awful things about his betrothed.” She tattled to the Lady Stewart, a grin on her face as William was instantly scolded.

They ate in silence and she would steal a glimpse of Andrew every so often, a hard feeling in her belly making her feel slightly sick. She hadn’t meant to hurt him. When the meal ended, she would apologize as fast as she could.
"William??" the lady looked at him with piercing eyes.

"What? I didn't say anything that bad, really... I really don't know what Maisie's on about. Like I said, I never met the girl..." he mumbled.

"I'm sure you were nasty as usual!" she said, waiving her finger at him, as she began to eat. "I'm not even going to ask what Andrew said. I know him all too well!"

Andrew began to eat slowly, his eyes never leaving his plate, deep in his thoughts, almost completely shutting down as he never really had done before. Even Edina looked at him from across the table with a surprised and confused look on her face, wondering what had happened. This is was very unlike him. He'd much quicker draw his sword than be reduced to silence by anyone.

Aileen looked at both the boys and decided not to push any longer.

"Fine, we can have a quiet dinner for a change!" she concluded.

As the lady said, not a word was spoken the rest of the evening, each of them deep in thought. As the lady retired to go to bed, Andrew excused himself and left for the stables. Looking after his horse was always a safe and peaceful place for him. He smiled as soon as his horse greeted him cheerfully.
After dinner, Maisie helped to clear the table before she went off in search of Andrew. Using a lantern to light her way, she knew that he would be in the stables. When he was upset he would groom his horse. It was therapeutic for him and usually kept him calm. Sure enough, she found him in the stall with his horse.

“Andrew?” Maisie called, afraid that he wouldn’t even listen to her and what she was going to say. “Andrew, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did at dinner. I’m sure that one day you’ll make a woman very happy.” She placed the lantern on a hook next to the stall and stared at him in the gloomy darkness.
Andrew was taking his time grooming his horse when he heard Maisie approaching him. He stopped what he was doing and looked at her as she spoke to him: "Andrew, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did at dinner. I’m sure that one day you’ll make a woman very happy.”

He turned to her and smiled softly looking into her eyes, his heart pounding because of her presence, making him dizzy.

"You have nothing to be sorry about... I'm not upset with you. I could never be upset with you... And I do understand why you'd think I was joking about me loving you, especially when the words did not come first from my mouth, but from William's..." he said and resumed the grooming of his horse, averting his eyes from her.

"You see... William's upcoming wedding makes me nervous... and... I can't even believe I'm telling you this... I'm terrified that my father is planning to marry me to some stranger I've never met when the woman I want and desire is right under our roof; right under my nose..." he continued, not daring to look her in the eyes.

He suddenly stopped and turned to look at her, noticing she was not suitably dressed for the cold stable. He picked up a blanket he stored in the stable for the nights he liked to spend there and wrapped it around her, pulling her close to him as he looked into her eyes.

"You must be freezing..." he began, pulling her closer, then he just blurted out before his courage would vanish in the night: "I love you, Maisie. I loved you since the day you came into this house and I've been acting like a fool trying to impress you! And the only reason I'm not kissing you right now is because I'm too scared not to offend you!" he said as he slowly loosened the grip on the blanket.
Andrew’s words were powerful and made her belly clench in the strangest way. Did he desire Edina so much that he would marry her? It wasn’t unheard of for a son of a laird to marry a servant, but it didn’t happen often. If it were true, she would smile and be happy for them.

She shivered as he commented on her dress and accepted the warm blanket that he wrapped around her shoulders. She gasped as he pulled her close, his eyes looking down into hers. He was a handsome man, she thought. And a good man too, despite the fact that he had a wild streak that was a mile long.

Then came his confession and her cheeks blushed prettily. She gave him a shy smile and averted her gaze. “Truly, Andrew, I do not think I would deny your kiss, but I fear that it would lead to other things and I do not think I could let that happen.” She looked up at him with her clear blue eyes and smiled sadly. “I do believe that I would be simply another conquest in this never ending contest between you and your brother. I want a good man that only wants me. No one else. I’ve seen fine laird’s with beautiful wives that they put aside for an exotic mistress.”

She took a deep breath and lowered her gaze again. “What about Edina? Does she not make you happy?”
He smiled as he heard her say she wouldn't deny his kiss. This was news to him. Was she really interested in him? The thought made him smile from ear to ear.

"Edina?..." he asked looking at her softly, while still hold on to the blanket. "You think she makes me happy?... Hm... Perhaps you think I'm chasing her and she can't say no to me because I'm the laird's son. Hm... I can see how this can look that way. Actually, it's the other way around. She chases me!" he said and raised her head looking into her eyes again.

"I've never slept with her, and we both know that can never happen! I'm not in love with her and she's not in love with me! It's strange really... I'm young, she's young, we have a good time together... and yes, we pleasured each other a few times... but I would never leave her pregnant or put her at any disadvantage. She's still a virgin, and I won't change that! I know it's difficult to understand for a woman like you... You see... She will be married soon to a man she doesn't know, so she wanted to live a little before that, to learn about pleasing a man and being pleased by a man with a man she trusted, instead of risking to ask some brute who would rape her... She thought she could trust me so she asked if I would agree to do that with her... I don't know... I know it sounds strange and twisted, but there it is."

He then let go of her and returned to his horse.

"I dreamed of touching and kissing you and giving you pleasure... but I never thought you would be interested in me... and all this talk about marriage is frightening... I don't know if I can be a good husband. I know and I can give pleasure to a woman, but is that enough to make one a husband? Och, I'm rambling like a fool!" he sighed and sat on a stack of hay, looking down.
Maisie was stunned when he revealed that he and Edina hadn’t been together. They were just exploring with each other? Could she really believe that? Maisie didn’t know. Andrew and William were notorious with their sense of humor and could tease other people mercilessly. Could she take Andrew seriously in his confession?

“I think you’d make a good husband, Andrew.” She said in her soft voice, reaching out to place her hand on his shoulder as he sat on a stack of hay in the stable. “You’re kind and you’re strong. You must simply learn to be more serious.”

Maisie cupped his chin and raised it until she looked down in to his warm eyes. “I’ve often dreamed of having a husband like you. One that would take care of me and cherish me. I wonder if I’ll ever find that. I sometimes doubt that I would because most men are not so honorable.”
Andrew looked into her eyes and smiled; he took her hand and kissed her palm, pulling her body down to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around her.

"You can't live your life in fear, Maisie! That is no way to live! What's the use of always worrying about the future, as if you could do anything about it!" he began as he looked in her eyes and smiled.

"What we can all do is learn to live right now, and enjoy ourselves as much as we can, and celebrate life! That is why William and I are so playful all the time. YOU should learn to enjoy yourself more. It's such a shame that a woman of your beauty wastes time worrying about the future and what it might bring..." he continued and took her hand kissing it softly.

"And I'm flattered that you would want a husband like me. But with any man there could be potential trouble. If you were mine, perhaps I could teach you to live more and you could teach me to think about my future!" he smiled, the temptation to pull her body closer and kiss her mouth almost getting the better of him.
Maisie was a little shocked as Andrew pulled her down into his lap. She glanced down at his arms as they wrapped tightly around her. She looked at him and listened to the words that he was saying. She blushed deeply as he mentioned that she should learn to loosen up and learn to accept the future no matter how it came.

“If I were yours?” Maisie asked a little bit incredulous. “You wouldn’t want me as yours, Andrew. I’m sorry but I can only think that perhaps this is just a way that you’re trying to get me into bed.”

She looked away from him and sighed deeply. “It’s a shame too. I think I might like being courted by you.”
"You would??" Andrew asked and made big eyes as if some big revelation just hit him. "I... don't know what to say... I didn't realise..."

He held her even closer and turned her face towards him, looking at her with adoring eyes.

"I do want you to be mine! That would be such a dream come true for me! And yes, I do want you in my bed; I want to kiss you, hold you, give you pleasure and never let you go! If you were mine, I would be yours, and yours alone. I would not need anyone else!" he said and kissed her cheek sweetly, just as they heard a deep sigh.

They turned their heads and saw Edina standing a few feet away from them with her head covering her mouth. Edina looked at them and smiled warmly, made a bow and left into the darkness of the night. Andrew held Maisie even closer.

"See? Even she approves!" Andrew smiled mischievously, trying to lighten the mood after his deeply emotional confession.