The Rules That Splatcat Preaches Obviously Don't Apply To Herself...


Lits. Only GENIOUS...
Feb 21, 2001
I found these comments posted by splatcat while she tried to defend herself against some critics and while her rules to posting make sense, Splatcat shows the board exactly how hypocritical she is when it comes to dishing out advice to others...

*bratcat* said:
See the above response...:rolleyes:

I believe the law states something along the lines of innocent until proven guilty, does it not? You have free will to think whatever you want...but when you start publicly acusing someone of had better be prepared to back up your statements.

### I've proven Splatcat guilty on multiple counts of being a cyber-whore and a cyberslut...Splatcat publicly accused me of saying things back in the year 2000 about Rhiannon and has yet to back up her claim...Once again, Splatcat can dish out the rules of posting but can't follow them herself... ###

If you cannot back up your statements with proof, then again you are just behaving in a mean, vindictive manner. You cannot hide behind not wanting to "bother"...

### But its OK when Splatcat does it...Splatcat hasn't backed up squat when it comes to having MSN transcripts saved but its OK for her to behave in a mean, vindictive manner because the rules she preaches don't apply to herself... ###

*bratcat* said:
Thanks, are a doll. But I am serious. I am a big girl...let's end the passing of notes in the hallways and all the behind the back gossip. I just want someone who knows the facts on my reputation to post them. As long as they are proven facts, there should be no problem, right? If all someone has is bullshit and innuendo...then they should just shut the fuck up.

### Splatcat is asking to end all the note passing and behind the back gossip...Thats a real HOOT...Splatcat is Lits version of The Globe...Everyone goes to her for the latest gossip...Behind the back gossiping is Splatcats hobby...The woman lives for MSN...I know the facts about Splatcats reputation...I proved that she would sneak around on her hubby and risk her marriage for some cheap phonesex...I proved Splatcat to be a cyber-whore...I have special webcam pix that Splatcat took just for me...Unlike MSN transcripts that after all these years could easily be tampered with, Splatcat took the webcam pix and included her face in the pix...

If all someone has is BS and innuendo then they should shut the fuck up...

Did Splatcat really type out that sentence in her defense...Was that really the advice Splatcat was giving to people...Splatcat is the epitome of innuendo and the drama queen of BS at Lit...Splatcats game is to plant seeds of doubt in peoples heads and then not go back to water the seeds...If you took away innuendo and BS from Splatcats arsenal of weapons then she would have nothing to fight back with...

I think Splatcat should take her own advice and SHUT THE FUCK UP...###

I would like to thank Splatcat for further validating my "nauseous" comments by posting such hypocritical remarks in her latest "drama queen" topic about fucking the man who abuses you...Splatcat may enjoy serving up crow for dinner but its about time she ate some crow herself...

I'll tell you the same thing I told Hanns, KR.

What better way to show that you HATE someone than to devote every waking minute of your existence drawing attention to that person?

You dont like her. We get it. Now go away.

Or login under your new name.

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wanting to challange her for the Drama Queen Crown now that PB has withdrawn after the talent part fiasco? Good luck with the bathing suit portion, careful of your bikini line though.
Pacific Blue=PB

Nice enough girl, just whiney as shit. I think she found a boyfriend and started getting laid on a regular basis. Since then, her outlook has changed. Hey, I wonder, could that be his problem?
I would guess that it's the hypocrisy and the humour of watching someone pile lie upon lie while trying to evoke sympathy that gets him.

It's a fucking comedy to watch the BratCat dig and dig and dig. How can you resist?
Kidrock, I've seen brat's face, tits, etc. I've seen her sticking her fingers in her cunt. Do you have one in which she fingers her asshole? If you do, send it to me in an e-mail. Posting it in here is against Lit rule.