The Ridiculous Rhetoric of the Right...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
The Fire Service is on strike in the UK. Military personnel are standing in as firemen.

A senior spokesman for the Conservative Party (our Right Wing opposition) said that in this time of war build up, the strike is unpatriotic.

It was pointed out to him that if there was a terrorist attack here (and most people think there will be soon) then the Emergency Services will be in the front line coping with the disaster.

Unpatriotic! Just a typical example of a typical Right Wing idiot making a typical Right Wing statement...

p_p_man said:
The Fire Service is on strike in the UK. Military personnel are standing in as firemen.

A senior spokesman for the Conservative Party (our Right Wing opposition) said that in this time of war build up, the strike is unpatriotic.

It was pointed out to him that if there was a terrorist attack here (and most people think there will be soon) then the Emergency Services will be in the front line coping with the disaster.

Unpatriotic! Just a typical example of a typical Right Wing idiot making a typical Right Wing statement...

and it would be any diff from your stance just how?
Topsy turvy world

What a bizarre, curious, topsy turvy world the "conservatives" live in-- a world in which bus drivers making forty grand a year in NYC are "greedy" for voting to strike, but CEO's who make millions per year are underpaid; in which women having abortions are guilty of "murder," but if Bush wants to commit mass murder, it's our patriotic duty to fall in line and not even question it; in which blacks are just supposed to "get over" over three hundred years of slavery, Jim Crow, injustice, and police brutality, but the slightest preference for blacks to try to level the playing field is "blatantly racist."

I wish I could get my hands on some of what they're smoking.
Hey Red...we're just practicing what the Liberals have been preaching to us since Roe v. Wade....

Pro Choice.....
Re: Topsy turvy world

What a bizarre, curious, topsy turvy world the "conservatives" live in-- a world in which bus drivers making forty grand a year in NYC are "greedy" for voting to strike, but CEO's who make millions per year are underpaid; in which women having abortions are guilty of "murder," but if Bush wants to commit mass murder, it's our patriotic duty to fall in line and not even question it; in which blacks are just supposed to "get over" over three hundred years of slavery, Jim Crow, injustice, and police brutality, but the slightest preference for blacks to try to level the playing field is "blatantly racist."

I wish I could get my hands on some of what they're smoking.
You seem to be doing alright with what you have, given that you're fond of comparing apples to Acuras.

p_p_man said:
The Fire Service is on strike in the UK. Military personnel are standing in as firemen.

A senior spokesman for the Conservative Party (our Right Wing opposition) said that in this time of war build up, the strike is unpatriotic.

It was pointed out to him that if there was a terrorist attack here (and most people think there will be soon) then the Emergency Services will be in the front line coping with the disaster.

Unpatriotic! Just a typical example of a typical Right Wing idiot making a typical Right Wing statement...


Assuming the "fire service" is the equivalent of local fire departments in the U.S., I wouldn't refer to them as "unpatriotic" if they went on strike. I'd refer to them as callous sons-of-bitches because they are putting people's lives at risk.