the reyzer's edge


Apr 4, 2003
It's funny how time repeats itself and I'm standing here all alone.
I guess I'll cancel those plans for our future home.
I let you inside my heart and my mind,
I wanted to be the man at the alter with you,
by my side.
You said you would give me your heart and soul,
but all you provided was pain and sorrow.
Now I'm here all alone; In the rain.
Wishing it will wash away the pain.
Well now I gotta go,
And if you see me, don't say 'hi'.I'mused to standing all alone.

debbiexxx said:
I thought it was bloody sad. *sniffle*
Yet a compelling first post, eh? Welcome to our nightmares, kosmo. Don't take any wooden condoms.
It's funny how time repeats itself, and I'm standing here all alone.
I guess I'll cancel those plans for our future home.
I let you inside my heart and my mind,
I wanted to be the man at the altar with you,
by my side.
You said you would give me your heart and soul,
but all you provided was pain and sorrow.
Now I'm here all alone, in the rain -
wishing it will wash away the pain.
Well now I gotta go,
And if you see me, don't say 'hi'. I'm used to standing all alone.

I edited it for you.
Definitely compelling.
I had the whole flower
bedecked church imagery
in my head.

Welcome to lit kosmos425.
Enjoy. :)

(We have a poetry forum.
I know you will get a warm welcome
there too.)
Never Meant To Sprout

I feel as if I've been lied to,
and just when I began to trust you.
When is all this hurt gonna stop?
My heart wants to pop, my mind is spinnin' like a top,
and I'm goin' nowhere fast.
Maybe I should've stayed a thing of your past,
knowing our future wouldn't last.

My crazy crazy brown-eyed girl...
You sure did take me for a whirl,
making me believe I was gonna be a part of your world.
And as it turned out, I was planted like a seed-

...but never meant to sprout

Thank you Olivianna, I make mistakes all the time so i hope you're tolerant.

debbiexxx, I guess in the end time is my only true friend. Thanxxx for the info on the forum. I'll keep an eye out for it.
You got hurt on the brain, eh?

There are times when I can only say what I feel by quoting others, it seems. Times when pain, or other strong emotion, simply steals all the words from my head.
war what is it good for???
