The Rebel Princess (closed)

Mago takes her hand and they walk away, neither looking back.

Now, we need to see if Torme is on our side or not. We need to send him out with trusted guards and hear their report.
She nodded and motioned over some of the guards.

Go with our little hunter and report back how he acts.
Torme, for his part is glad to finally have something to do.

I do not think I need so many helpers, my friends. But I will not argue. When we find the clues, maybe we can put this mystery away.

Mago nods and his long time friend.

Just let us know what you find.
She nods to them as they leave and turns to Mago.

We should go and relax and eat. It has been a long day.
Mago smiles.

Relax. Yes my love. I need to relax, with you.

Playfully he bows before her.

Please lead on.
Taking his hand she walks back to the palace and to their chambers.

Let us relax together my love.
He throws her lightly on the bed. Then jumps in himself.

If feels like forever since we had fun.
She smiled pulling him close.

It has been far too long my love.
All the cares of their world again met away in her embrace. if he could he would never leave this chamber. He sighs and looks into her eyes. then he brushes an errant strain of hair away before kissing her.
Pressing into the kiss her arms slithered around his waist all her fear and worry melting away in the safety of his arms.
Her embrace is like the sunrise, so full of promise. The nightmare of recent events disappearing in it. They look into each other's eyes with a passion, just as hot as their first time. No words are spoken or necessary. The world outside this chamber non existent while they enjoy themselves.
Her body moving with his as they took their time enjoying each other before they finally gave over to the hunger.
They moved as if they had not been together in years or months, such was their desire to be with each other. Love turned into pure lust. Both cracked smiles as they gave in.
Moving to sit straddle of his hips she stared down and smiled.
Her touch is always magic to him. When they are together, like this, the world disappears. And so do any cares. Their lovemaking is all there is and all that matters to him.
She leaned down against him and purred.

Make love to me my primary...
Mago knows better than to say anything, but her purr excites him to no end. He holds her hips with one hand and keep her head close to his with the other as he picks up his pace.
She kissed him soft kisses over and over as his pace picked up. Her hips wriggling as she let her hands continue to slither over him. It was the fear of losing her love that spurred all of this.
These were moments, that until he knew her, he had never known existed. Sex before was just that, sex. Never had he ever made love until she came into his life. With her his past disappeared and there is only the now.
She whimpered biting her lip staring into his eyes. Every moment of their union she was lost in the bliss and love of it all.
Once again, they became one. As if even their souls were making love. Their lovemaking taking them all over, not only their bed, but the room itself. Their passion for each other driving them on, with lust filled enthusiasm. Neither ever wanting it to stop.
Orgasm after orgasm hugging tight to her love. Her slender form twined around him feeling his strong arms holding her.

Yes... Lover.
Much later they lay next to each other, basking in each others arms. Mago chuckles and seeing her quizzical look he says.

Wasn't the sun rising?
Yes we should go see what your friend has found.

She cooed snuggling with a kiss on his chest
He holds her close.

Yes we really should do that very thing.

He kisses her and smiles.

Do we need to go right now?